Plenary Indulgence The Holy See has issued a plenary indulgence available to all pilgrims who venerate Saint Jude’s relics. The Apostolic Penitentiary published the decree, Protocol Number 00471/2023-190/23/I. A plenary indulgence can be obtained when the usual requirements are fulfilled (see the document below for details). If a member of the faithful is unable to fulfill all the requirements of a plenary indulgence, he or she would receive a partial indulgence.
How to Venerate St. Jude's Relics
Why do Catholics venerate relics? God often uses physical objects to convey His grace. The Sacraments are the most obvious example of this, but God also uses special prayers and objects known as sacramentals, which "signify effects, particularly of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the intercession of the Church." (CCC1667) This means that sacramental obects do not themselves confer grace, but the graces and blessings asked for are received through the intercession of the Church, which includes the saints.
Biblical examples of blessings imparted on others through relics of holy people include:
A dead man suddenly coming back to life when his body was thrown into Elisha's grave and touched his bones (2 Kings 13)
St. Peter's shadow healing people as he passed by (Acts 5:12-15)
Healings from handkerchiefs touched to St. Paul and carried back to sick people (Acts 19:11-12)
There are three levels of relics:
1st class relics: Objects of the saint's body (ex. bone, hair)
2nd class relics: Items that the saint used (ex. clothing) or that are touched to a 1st class relic (ex. a cloth, the reliquary holding the 1st class relic)
3rd class relics: Itemsouched to a 2nd class relic (ex. when you touch something to a reliquary holding a 1st class relic)
The visiting relic is a 1st class relic, thus you may touch items to the reliquary to make your items 3rd class relics.
Venerating St. Jude's Relics while at St. Jude Church
Please join the viewing line, observing silence as you patiently wait your turn to reach Saint Jude. If you are disabled or infirm and cannot stand in line, please walk down the center aisle to the reliquary and inform one of the ushers, who will take you to the reliquary.
Each person may take only a moment (less than ten seconds) in front of the relics. This keeps the line moving and ensures minimal wait times for the thousands coming today.
No photos are permitted during your time in front of the Saint. Your veneration time is exclusively for that: veneration. After doing so, you may step aside and take a photo while the next pilgrims are venerating.
Because your time in front of the relics is limited, please do your praying while you wait in line. You will have no time to do so at the reliquary.
You are encouraged to touch the reliquary display case. In every instance where Scripture mentions relics, two things occur:
There is always healing.
Touch is how the healing comes about.
You are also encouraged to touch your objects of devotion (rosaries, medals, crosses, wedding bands, etc.) to bless them and make them into 3rd class relics. You may also touch pictures of family members and friends to invoke Saint Jude’s intercession. If you have your objects in a bag, removing them is unnecessary. Touch the bag, and the blessing transfers to all the objects you desire to be blessed.
Since no photographs of the reliquary are permitted during your veneration time, various images and items of devotion are available at the Souvenirs and Resources Table. You may wish to obtain these before getting in line to touch them to the reliquary.
May the Apostle of the Impossible, Saint Jude Thaddeus, obtain for you every good gift. May you and all those you love experience his holy friendship and intercession.