Sunday, September 29, 2024
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Experience, education, and brainpower give parents wisdom and foresight. They can see the bigger picture and determine, for example, that eating an entire box of cookies will make their child sick – no matter how appetizing the cookies appear. God, likewise, has a perspective that is infinitely broader and deeper than our own. This divine perspective is the lens through which we must understand the strong language Jesus uses in today’s Gospel. God is a Father who loves us unconditionally and who, like the parent who refuses a child unlimited sweets, knows the harm that sin causes his children in this life and in eternity. “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” These words, meant to drive home a point for Jesus’ disciples, remind us that God desires our good infinitely more than we do, and that this good is ultimately to be united with him for eternity. God hates sin in our lives because he loves us. If we believe this, no sacrifice will be too great for us as we strive to root out sin, grow in virtue, and follow Jesus with undivided hearts. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Moses’ exclamation in the first reading, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!” remind us of the mission, given to us at baptism, to permeate the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by our words and example. This is what it means for us to be “prophets.” But how do we become prophets? And how do we accomplish our task effectively? We begin by engaging in the process described above: leaving sin behind at all costs and embracing lives of virtue. As this process brings us closer to God – especially through prayer, but also through works of mercy – we become increasingly capable of seeing as God sees, making judgments according to his wisdom, and ordering the world around us according to his desires. Our words likewise become more powerful in leading others to Christ because they flow from our ever-deepening friendship with him. REFLECT: What corner of your life have you hesitated to give to God? What attitudes or habits have you been reluctant to invite him to transform? Ask him for the courage and perseverance to give these things over to him and, if needed, to bring them to confession. If you allow him, he will draw you closer to himself and you will become a “prophet” for others in the true sense of the word |
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: How often does ambition get in the way of holiness? In today’s Gospel, Jesus foretells his death, and the Apostles respond by arguing over who among them is most important. But the Apostles’ aspirations and motivation stand in stark contrast to the humility necessary for discipleship; their lack of understanding signals a need for instruction. “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all,” Jesus explains. Those who follow him are to be humble peacemakers who serve others instead of seeking power and accolades. We are to model Jesus, who humbled himself to the point of death on a cross! (Cf., Phil 2:8) Having goals and ambitions is not a bad thing, but they must grow from the seeds of virtue (humility, charity, faith, and hope) rather than as spores of sin (pride, opportunism, and greed). As James wrote in our second reading, “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits.” Seeking to serve, rather than be served, then, is the hallmark of faith well-lived. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” The path of humility Jesus models for us is not just one of compassion and kindness, but one which allows us to grow in relationship with the Lord. As we serve and attend to each other, we embrace God who dwells within each of us and in whose image we are made. We become more like him in following his example. If we cultivate the virtues of humility, charity, faith, and hope in ourselves by practicing them with our families and friends, we will become souls steeped in God’s peace. Furthermore, our peace will be unshakeable because it will not be based on our emotions but on our faith in God’s love. “Behold, God is my helper,” our responsorial psalm declares. “The Lord sustains my life.” If I am convinced that God sustains my life, what do I have to fear? PRAY: We can’t live in peace if we don’t turn to God to guide us in peace. This week take 15 minutes every day to pray for peace – in your life, in your family, in our nation, and in the world. When you hear news of war and conflict, take a minute to recite a prayer for peace in the hearts of all those involved. |
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel don’t leave much room for “secondary interpretation.” Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. At first glance this may sound intimidating, but let’s think about it in the light of today’s readings. By denying ourselves, we are able to turn more fully toward God and toward others. Isn’t that what James is asking of us in his letter? He says this of faith: “if it does not have works, [it] is dead.” He even uses an example that might sound like something we would hear in a homily today: he asks, if you see someone who doesn’t have proper food or clothing and you simply wish them well without offering assistance, what good are you doing? GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Certainly, when we help and serve others, we are working concretely to build the kingdom of God on earth. We are, quite literally, being Christ’s hands and feet in the world and following in our Lord’s footsteps. By thinking and acting with this mindset, we are turning toward God; we are seeking to lighten the loads of others – helping them to carry their crosses. In today’s Gospel passage, although Peter’s words, “You are the Christ” were faith-filled and seemed to imply understanding, he was not able to embrace the fullness of Christ’s mission. He rebukes Jesus for “setting himself up” to suffer greatly and be killed. In response, Jesus rebukes Peter and says he is not thinking as God does. As human beings, we know we are not able to think as God does. But we are made in God’s image, and the more we love one another, the more we reflect him in what we do. WITNESS: Peter’s mistake was thinking he knew better than God how to do what needed to be done. Is there anything in your life that makes you think you might be like Peter? Choose a corporal or spiritual work of mercy, and spend some time listening to God in prayer as to how he might desire you to perform it. |
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My first thought upon reading today’s Scriptures is that by healing the deaf man, Jesus is fulfilling what God had said he was going to do since the time of the prophet Isaiah: “making the eyes of the blind see and opening the ears of the deaf,” as we heard in the first reading. And indeed this is what Jesus did. But when I re-read the Gospel I was intrigued by the line: “[Jesus] took him off by himself away from the crowd.” Jesus had a reputation as a healer and a teacher, so it stands to reason that he healed people in front of the crowds often. Why, then, does Jesus remove the man from the crowd? In a commentary on this passage, Bishop Robert Barron suggests that Jesus removed the man from the crowd as a way of demonstrating that the loud and boisterous voices of the crowd could make it hard to hear when God is speaking to us. Even though this man was deaf and was not able to hear Jesus’ words, the crowds were a distraction, and a barrier to intimacy and communion. Doesn’t this same thing happen to us from time to time? The voices in our world that compete for our attention can make it difficult to hear God’s word. But it can be done, and the rewards are great. God is present with us; let’s make an effort this week to focus in on the things in our lives that point us toward God and ready ourselves to receive his grace. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears and looked up to heaven before healing the deaf man. By this action, Jesus is doing the will of the Father, which is to bring healing. Let’s consider the question about competing voices in our lives and what we can do about it. For starters, we can carve out a time every day to quiet our hearts so we can hear the “still, small voice of God.” Away from the crowd, we can put our whole being into truly hearing God’s voice and asking for the help we need to be in right relationship with him. He longs to give us what we need but we must be open to receiving his gifts and his peace. If we are “tuned into” God, we can hear his Word clearly and speak that Word to others with conviction. PRAY: For me, there is no better way to spend quiet time with our Lord than Eucharistic adoration. Prayer and devotion in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament transforms and heals. Give it a try. |
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Traditions are so important to us! They help define and preserve our heritage and our communities while also offering comfort and stability. They shape our human world as we see and live it. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus scolds the Pharisees and scribes for allowing “the tradition of the elders” to drive them to hypocrisy: “In vain do they worship [the Lord], teaching as doctrines human precepts.” He accuses them, saying “You disregard God's commandment but cling to human tradition.” How could this be? Were the laws of ritual purity not important? They were, insofar as they were observed for the right reason: glorifying and honoring God, and being mindful of their covenantal relationship. We know, historically, that those who had questioned Jesus, leading to his response, were interested more in legalities, religious control, pride, and power. There was little “love for their neighbor” and a fair amount of “love for themselves.” Therefore, Jesus is instructive when he tells them, “Nothing that enters one from the outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” In other words: Ritual actions don’t make us pure; the purity or impurity of our heart is what matters. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: What does it mean to be pure or impure of heart? Intentions matter; motivations matter. Jesus, quoting Isaiah, tells the Pharisees and scribes that they are honoring him with their lips but not their hearts; in other words, they were paying him “lip-service.” “Oh those Pharisees!” we might say. They are easy to criticize and pontificate upon, aren’t they? But how about us? It is worth looking at ourselves and honestly asking whether there might be times when we, too, are simply offering lip service to God? Are we truly offering him our hearts when we engage in our traditions and our activities? Our goal, as Jesus’ disciples, is to be “doers of the word and not hearers only,” as James puts it so succinctly in his letter. We are to hear God’s word and commandments and then act on them in love. ACT: “From within people … come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice…,” Jesus says. Pray specifically this week for the grace to see where God may want to purify your heart. Meditate on Psalm 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. |
Sunday, Ausgust 25, 2024
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve.” Not much nuance or wiggle room in that phrase, is there? This is what Joshua said to the people in today’s first reading, when he gathered together all the tribes of Israel. Although these were God’s chosen people, they still had to make a conscious choice – a decision to live with God and be obedient to him, or not. Jesus’ followers and disciples faced the same test of resolve in today’s Gospel, as he had just revealed himself as the bread of life. Some left and some stayed. We, too, must decide, today and every day. Too busy or distracted to attend to God? Then what? Do we have a plan? In this busy world, there is always something calling out for our attention. But there is nothing more important for our happiness in this life and the next than to stay focused on a life of service to Christ and his Church. For, as Peter says, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” The Twelve have made the choice as to whom they will serve: they will serve the Lord. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We serve the Lord in building his kingdom, and we all have a role to play in that. First, we use the gifts and talents with which we have been blessed. Next, we ignore the world’s charge to put ourselves first and, instead, turn to family, friends and even strangers, and take care of them. Loving people the way Jesus loves is not easy. Paul compares the love of Christ for his Church and the love between husband and wife: It is sacrificial, all-encompassing love that submits the whole of oneself to its flourishing. It is the love of Christ in the Eucharist which he offers to give us the clarity and strength to do the work we are called to do. We are called to serve the Lord, and may we do so with praise and thanksgiving. SERVE: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” What a beautiful verse. How can you, as a family or individually, serve the Lord this week? Think of one or two specific aspects of your life and ask the Lord to show you how they may be used for his glory and in service to him. |
Sunday, Ausgust 18, 2024
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We tell our children, from a young age through their teen years: make wise choices. It’s a sort of catch-all to cover the endless possibilities of circumstances – good, bad, or neutral – they might find themselves in. But what does it mean to be wise? To have wisdom? In today’s first reading from Proverbs, we are shown a depiction of wisdom herself, spreading a table where the guests will dine when they arrive. “Come, eat of my food, and drink of the wine I have mixed!” she says. This invitation is echoed in the Gospel, by Wisdom personified: Jesus Christ. “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.” Simplicity of heart and the forsaking of foolishness are the only criteria for accepting the offering of wisdom. It seems we are to come and be fed. But how do we discern, in our fast-paced, consumer-based world, what exactly is a wise choice? It’s hard to advance in true wisdom; it is acquired by the humble and the simple, not the busy and the overcomplicated. Often, what the Christian deems important the world finds “foolish.” It can be hard to keep our priorities rightly ordered, but advancing on the path to wisdom begins first by recognizing the centrality of God in our lives and humbly allowing him in. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he instructs the people, saying, “Watch carefully how you live.” I’d like to think that’s where we got our “make wise choices” instruction, but I can’t be sure. Again, the dichotomy between foolishness and wisdom is addressed. Wisdom is described as being prudent, which is living with one eye in the present, but also one eye toward the future, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Elaborating even further, Paul provides a beautiful image of “singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks always and for everything.” In the life of one living with wisdom, there is a turning toward true joy. Living in a spirit of gladness is in direct opposition to living in a spirit of fear or comparison. Since wisdom and understanding are both gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit, we can invite him into our midst and ask him to increase our wisdom, understanding, and our capacity for joy. ENGAGE: Cultivating wisdom and understanding is a lofty, but worthy, goal! This week, spend some time familiarizing yourself with the Wisdom literature of the Bible (which consists of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, and Sirach) by reading the introductions to one or more of them. Explore some of the Scriptures themselves. |
Sunday, Ausgust 11, 2024
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In the first reading, we encounter the prophet Elijah as he is fleeing for his life from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. He accomplishes a day’s journey, then sits under a tree and prays for death. This is a tough scene! He is at the lowest point a human being can be. Yet in this darkest moment of despair, the light of faith flickers: Elijah cries out to God. He cries out for what he thinks he wants, and God provides him with what he needs, sending an angel (a messenger) to him with food and water for nourishment and strength. Thus fortified, Elijah continues his journey to Horeb. God took care of his tired, hungry, and despairing child. And over time, and through generations, his people continued to cry out to him, and in abounding love, God took care. Yet they remained separated from him. So he sent them, and the whole world, another messenger to bring food and drink for nourishment and strength: his Son. Jesus says in today’s Gospel, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” With even just a flicker of faith at our lowest point, or in the best of times, we call upon the Lord and can receive the perfect nourishment of the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. Through God’s merciful love, he is food for this life and the next. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Our earthly life is never going to be easy. We will have exhausting days where we feel tired, hungry, and possibly despairing. What’s important to remember at those times is that God loves us, travels with us, and he gave us the gift of Jesus to lead us to a heavenly banquet. To have a foretaste of that banquet here on earth requires us to let go of our fears, doubts, anger, and selfishness. Paul tells the Ephesians they need to leave their bad temperament behind and imitate God, living in love. When we open our hearts to the love and joy Jesus offers, we can turn to others and share the Good News that Jesus is “the bread of life” and the bread that he gives is his flesh for the life of the world. He gives us the strength to continue our journey, and to help others in theirs. We become his earthly messengers, bringing nourishment and sharing his love. SERVE: Think of someone you know who is struggling right now. This week bring this person some food or drink. Say a prayer for and with them. You’ll be a messenger of God’s redeeming love, offering nourishment for the spirit and soul as well as the body. |
Sunday, Ausgust 4, 2024
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: When have you grumbled against God instead of consenting, trusting, and believing he would see you through to a brighter future? In this first reading from Exodus, the whole Israelite community laments over their wanderings in the desert; their earthly focus on hunger and thirst leads them to believe slavery in Egypt would have been better than God’s freedom for them. When we are struggling for whatever reason, it’s easy to forget all that God has done for us in the past and all he desires to do for us in the future. We may not even recognize the very life-giving and life-sustaining “bread” that lays before us, much as the Israelites did not recognize the bread that lay before them in the desert. In spite of our hard-heartedness at times, however, God is truly patient; he loves us beyond measure. Just as he did not condemn the Israelites, he does not condemn us but rather, calls us back to him time and again with love and mercy. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As we heard, God sends the people quail and manna – bread from heaven – to satisfy their frustrated longings while preparing them for an even greater “bread from heaven” that is still to come. In the Gospel, Jesus references this Scripture passage and clarifies that it was not Moses, but his Father who provided the bread from heaven. Jesus tells his disciples to “work for food that endures for eternal life” because he wants them to see the bigger picture. He wants them (and us!) to understand that we should not toil only for physical bread, but for the truest food that is lifegiving to our souls – the food found in accomplishing the works of God by believing and following the one he sent: Jesus. We do this by following Paul’s advice from the second reading and seek to “be renewed in the spirit of [our] minds,” following God’s way of holiness. Only in and through this conformity to Christ will we be prepared to go forth and witness to the mystery of our faith. REFLECT: This week, in thinking about how you can “accomplish the works of God,” turn to Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. He tells them to put away their old self and “put on the new self, created in God’s way.” Examine where you might not be seeing your own manna from heaven, and refocus you efforts to give praise and thanksgiving to God for his never-ending mercy and care. |
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: If the multiplication of the loaves sounds oh so familiar … it’s because it is! It’s the only miracle story found in all four Gospels, and for good reason. Jesus multiplies the meager offering of a boy with five barley loaves and two fish and feeds a large crowd with baskets left over. The story is symbolic of the food that is readily available through Jesus in the Eucharist. The crowd in the Gospel that had been following Jesus was tired, worn out, and hungry. Don’t we all feel discouraged now and then? When we do, Jesus makes himself available to us in the Eucharist; he provides daily food that nourishes and sustains. When we eat this life-giving bread, we are strengthened and fortified, as was the crowd in the Gospel, as we heard: “They had more than they could eat.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Trusting in the bounty of God can be a challenging thing. Think about Philip in today’s Gospel – looking out over the massive crowd gathered, he thought, “there’s no way we’ll be able to feed all of these people.” And he was right! He couldn’t, and we cannot. But the Lord can. And if we are to “live in a manner worthy of the call [we] have received,” we must strive to live like the Apostles with complete trust in Jesus, and not rely on our own notions of what’s possible and what’s not. The miracle here was not that everybody was hiding fish and bread and they shared it. No, the Gospel is clear that Jesus takes what little we can offer and multiples it beyond our wildest imagination. That’s the beauty of Gospel readings like this. Ordinary people are following Jesus, maybe curious about his message, maybe they know someone healed by him and want to see if he’s for real. He teaches, they listen, and then something amazing happens. Let us always remember that no effort is too small for God – no kindness too ordinary. He magnifies the good we do. All we need to do is trust in his bounty, and freely give to him what we have. SERVE: Let’s make an effort this week to try and emulate the boy in today’s Gospel. Give what we have over to Jesus and say, “I trust you to make something out of this.” Small acts of kindness, showing gratitude, or sharing our blessings can lead to bigger things than we think possible. We will never know the echoes of the good that we do, as it ripples out and touches other lives, but we can trust that in his love for us, God will use our good deeds for tremendous ends. |
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: What words do we associate with being misled? Deceived, fooled, cheated? While these actions make great plot points in novels and movies, in real life they are offenses against justice, charity, and truth. In both the first reading and the Gospel today, we hear that God’s people are being misled (“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture”) and/or left to their own devices (“for they were like sheep without a shepherd”). In the time of Jeremiah the kings of Judah, who were shepherding in God’s name, were not tending their flock: They had “scattered [his] sheep and driven them away.” Jeremiah prophesies that the Lord will gather the remnant of his flock and bring them back to their meadow; in short, the Lord offers hope. He would raise up from the house of David a true shepherd to guide and guard his people. The incarnation of Jesus is the manifestation of that hope, and in him we have a guiding light to lead us along the correct path. He will never deceive, fool, or cheat. In this world filled with unrest and division, he offers something that no mortal man or woman can: He is the one who saves and redeems. He is the one true shepherd. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: When life is packed with activities and stress, today’s readings remind us what we need to do – let go of our worries and focus on Jesus. Just as, in the first reading, God’s people are scattered because of poor shepherding, all of us can lose sight from time to time of what should be first and foremost in our lives: our relationship with Jesus. The key to living a good life is to listen to Jesus’ words and disregard all the other noise out there. St. Paul writes that Christ is our peace, reconciling us to God and giving us access in one Spirit to the Father, through himself. In addition to Jesus bringing us the peace we need, he also guides us to the Truth. As Christians, we choose Truth over chaos and deception. It’s easy to be inadvertently misled in this busy world; losing one’s way is rarely intentional. But we can all struggle at times with keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and his loving, guiding hand. If we want true peace in our lives, choose Jesus; choose his compassion and love; and be open to his desire to “teach [us] many things.” PRAY: This week find your true rest and peace by meeting Jesus at daily Mass or Eucharistic adoration. Even better, why not share the peace of Christ with someone who you know might be struggling, and invite them to come to Mass or adoration with you? The crowds of people who came to see Jesus learned about him from others; let us do the same and share the joy we find in Jesus with others. |
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Have you ever considered the task before you and thought, No way am I equipped for this? There are certainly times when it seems God is calling us to more than we are prepared for. The prophet Amos never expected to be God’s mouthpiece. He was a simple shepherd and a “dresser of sycamores.” Yet, Amos listened when God chose him “from following the flock” and instructed him to speak to Israel, even if he may have thought the whole idea quite silly. “Do you really mean me?” we might imagine him saying. We see this theme of God calling those we might least expect to important missions on countless occasions throughout Scripture: Moses had a speech impediment; Rahab was a prostitute; David was a young boy; Ruth was a foreigner; Matthew was a despised tax collector; Paul persecuted the early Christians; and the list goes on. On every occasion, however, trusting in God and listening to his voice was enough for each of these individuals to fulfill the role they were called to, even if they considered themselves the most unlikely candidate for the cause. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In this week’s Gospel reading from Mark, Jesus calls for the Twelve and sends them out on mission with specific instructions. The key here is that he gives them his authority. They are able to accomplish seemingly impossible things – “preaching repentance, driving out demons, curing the sick” – not through their own power, but through the authority they had in Christ and by being obedient to the precepts he gave them. This is a lesson for all of us – to heed the commands of Christ and rely on his authority, not on our own power. We can live the impossible only through him. Pay close attention to the words from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians when in doubt: “In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ.” PRAY: Today’s Scripture makes it clear that it is through Christ in us that we can accomplish all things for his glory. We do not act on our own, but we give permission for God to act in us. I offer you a challenge this week in your prayer life: Instead of asking God to remove what appear to be impossible obstacles for you to face, try praying for the graces sufficient to fulfill your role in them. |
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The prophets of the Old Testament didn’t exactly have it easy, and Ezekiel is no exception. The Lord tells him that he’s being sent to the Israelites, calling them “rebels who have rebelled against me,” who were “hard of face and obstinate of heart.” In other words, God basically tells him that they will be a tough audience. Can you imagine how Ezekiel felt? Here, he is being dispatched to a people who will likely not welcome him in order to say things that probably no one will want to hear And yet his work is crucial. God is sending his people a messenger, telling them he stills loves them and wants them to be his people. It should come as no surprise that we are called to do the same! Although we may not describe the people in our lives as obstinate or “a rebellious house,” we know it’s not always easy to share God’s message. It matters that we do, though. We may not always know exactly what effects our words and actions have, but everything the Lord asks us to do has a purpose. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Rejection, apathy, complacency. Whatever name you want to give it, it’s undeniable that witnessing to Christ in the world can be met with something less than pure enthusiasm. Even Jesus himself faced rejection in his own hometown, as we see in today’s Gospel. But did he give up? Obviously, we know that he did not. In fact – in the very next verses of this chapter of Mark’s Gospel – Jesus sends the Twelve out on mission. They are to represent him, and witness to him. Likewise, as Jesus’ hands and feet in the world today, we are to be imitators of Christ (CCC 1694) and witnesses to his Good News. And, just as Jesus wasn’t always welcomed by people, it shouldn’t surprise us when something similar happens to us. Like Paul, however, we can be “content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ.” And then we can call on him for help, because where we are weak, the Lord is strong. As in all things, his grace is sufficient for us. ACTION: We cannot control others’ responses to God’s gift of himself, we can only be faithful to our commitment to share it. This week, take time to think about what “thorn in your side” makes your witness difficult. What weakness do you need the Lord to enter into so that his power might prevail? |
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” The assuredness with which the woman in today’s Gospel, afflicted with hemorrhages, speaks, is something I aspire to. She is at her wit’s end, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, and she simply determines what she will do, bolstered by her faith in Jesus Christ. Notice how she doesn’t approach Jesus directly, engage in conversation, or even ask anything of him. And Jesus, for his part, doesn’t actively seek her out or call her to him. But the woman knows. “She had heard about Jesus,” and she just knows that by simply touching his clothing, not even touching his human flesh, that the power he has within him will cure her. Her actions reflect the virtues of fortitude and hope, but it is her faith that has allowed her to see and understand the divine nature of Jesus – to see the God of healing standing before her. And she is not afraid. She trusts in his promises and compassion, and gives herself over to him with full vulnerability, achieving healing and being granted peace in response. If only we could do the same every time we are at our wit’s end … or maybe even long before we get there. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: If we are to follow Jesus we’re instructed to imitate him – giving people hope in situations that can seem hopeless. The promises of Christ are real, and through him God’s original order for Creation is restored. Death is defeated. The sick are healed. The kingdom of God, inaugurated by Christ and in which we participate here in this life, will be brought to fullness and fruition in the next. Being people of faith doesn’t mean we won’t suffer or die, but it does mean that suffering and death don’t have the last word with us. When we know and understand this, it affects our whole approach and way of relating to one another. When we know the words of Jesus are the truth, we take them into our hearts, live them in our actions, and share them by our witness. ACCOMPANIMENT: Who around you could use this hope? Think of someone to whom you might bring the healing power of Christ, through listening and presence. Pray for someone who needs the peace of Christ in his or her life. |
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk who died in the 8th century, wrote in a letter: “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” Oceans and seas, lakes and rivers, baptism. The role of water in daily life and its use as a metaphor are woven throughout our Scriptures. In today’s readings, we hear two references to the sea. First, we have God talking to Job out of a storm, reminding the prophet that he – the Lord – is the one who created the seas and keeps them firmly in their place. The Gospel passage provides us with a stark reminder of that truth. As the disciples and Jesus cross the sea, a storm crops up and threatens to sink their boat. But one command from Jesus and the water is still. St. Boniface had it right. We really all are on that ship with Jesus on its voyage across the ocean of this world, and trusting in him to keep us on course and safe from harm ensures we reach the destinations he intends for us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How to do our part to keep this great ship that is the Church on course? Trust in Christ, trust that he is present within us and guiding us each day. No one is immune from stormy seas, and like the disciples, we can turn to Jesus in times of peril. He asked the disciples: “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” Like the disciples, we must experience the change of heart that is necessary to place complete trust in Jesus to replace our fear and anxiety. God has things under control. Of course, that is what can be so scary sometimes. I know God will take care of everything, but what if I don’t like how he does it? What if I want him to answer my prayers one way and he answers them a different way? This is where Jesus might ask me: “Do you not yet have faith?” And I would have to reply, “I’m working on it.” PRAY: We are assured throughout Scripture that God loves us, cares for us, and sustains us. But how do we move from knowing that in our heads to feeling it in our hearts? Prayer. If we center our life on Jesus and his commands, trusting in him will become second nature. Take some time this week and pray with today’s Psalm (107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31), which praises God for his love for us and gives voice to trusting in his providence. |
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: If we walk through the woods on a beautiful spring day, we’ll see the signs of life bursting forward. Green shoots coming up from the ground, leaf buds poking out from the branches of a tree – even the birds and animals are busily scampering. Life, growth, and new beginnings are all around. Today’s readings have a common theme of nature as one of the ways we can experience God’s design. Like the crowds Jesus taught, we may not know the exact cause of what makes a plant grow from a tiny seed to a towering tree, but that’s OK – we don’t have to know. As St. Paul writes, “we walk by faith, not by sight.” We trust the Lord to lead and guide us. And, like the harvester in the parable, we can observe, tend, and act when the time is right to bring in the harvest, for, as Paul continues in his letter: “We aspire to please [God].” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: What does it look like to play an active role in bringing in the harvest? Faith is a lifelong journey, and everyone is in a different place. The delicate shoot needs different care than the full-grown tree. In prayer, God can speak to us to help us discern the best way to help the people he has put in our lives. Perhaps we offer encouragement, or a shoulder to lean on. Maybe someone needs a friend to converse with. No matter where or who we are, each one of us can be like the harvester that Jesus references, observing and acting as appropriate, helping support the seed of faith God plants in each person. And as we heard in the Gospel today, the smallest seed can become the largest of plants; therefore, our work is plentiful as laborers working to help build God’s kingdom here on earth. PRAY: Pray for the wisdom to recognize where you are in your journey, what you need to keep growing, and how you can offer to help others. Lord God, fill me with your gifts and put your words in my mouth, that through them, others may be filled with the power and warmth of your love. Amen. |
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I know people who read the ending of a book before they are finished with it. I could never do that! I have to follow the story in every detail until the final page. When it comes to the story of our salvation history, however, we get to do a little of both: we know the end of the story in terms of Revelation and God’s desire for us to live with him in eternity. We know of the heavenly kingdom to which we have been invited and in which we live. What we don’t know is all the details that get us to our own, individual, final page in the great drama of our response to the gift of salvation. In the first reading today, we hear the story of the fall of humankind – about how our earliest parents rejected God’s command and gave into temptation. However, the story doesn’t end there. Adam and Eve may have been sent out of the Garden of Eden, but God didn’t give up on them – or us. Instead, he sent a long line of prophets who paved the way for his Son, Jesus. With Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the gates of heaven were opened so all have the opportunity to accept the gift of salvation. As St. Paul writes in his Letter to the Corinthians, we can know “that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Paul’s words give us great hope and encouragement, for we all know that living as God commands can be difficult. We are assured, however, that grace and strength are ours if we only ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. As Christians, we are part of the body of Christ and a community of believers. In today’s Gospel, Jesus notes that a house divided against itself cannot stand. That’s a reminder that we are all in this together. We need one another – and the grace of God – to bring us to everlasting life in heaven. In the Gospel Jesus asked, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And we heard the answer: those who do the will of God. Let us open our hearts today to receive the promptings and grace of God, so we may follow him to the best of our ability each day. The story of salvation is our story, and we know what the ending is meant to be. PRAY: As members of the body of Christ, perhaps there are ways this week we could be praying alongside our brothers and sisters in our church or community. In addition to Mass, consider Eucharistic Adoration or a prayer group. Reflect on how God might be nudging your heart. |
Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Corpus Christi Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The Feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the great Christian mystery of the Eucharist – that Jesus Christ is really, truly, and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine. At the Last Supper, Jesus breaks the bread and passes the cup of wine, telling his disciples to take, and eat, this is his body and blood. In the Old Testament, as we saw in the first reading, blood was seen as both a sacrifice and a covenant, a promise between God and his chosen people. Jesus says he is the new covenant, and instructs his disciples to do as he has done, in memory of him. The layers to what Jesus is saying are many: He is the new promise between God and people; he will be the sacrifice; and yet he will remain with them when they partake in the Eucharist. The salvation of all people is wrapped up in this seemingly simple act of eating bread and drinking wine because Jesus transcends time, just as he transcended death, to be truly present to us in the sacrament. What a profound and beautiful act of love! One we can barely begin to understand with our human minds. The first disciples likely didn’t understand it either, at least not at first. But with time, and with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, they came to see just how transformative that Passover meal was. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Our faith contains many great mysteries that challenge our modern sensibilities. After all, we live in a time where many think there ought to be no mysteries. Need an answer? Look it up online! But no matter how much knowledge we have, God’s ways are still a mystery to us. Why did Jesus have to die? Why can’t he return now? How do we know he’s really present in the Eucharist? Rather than shying away from the mysteries of faith, perhaps we should try to become more comfortable with the unknowable and be willing to talk about it. After all, we may not understand exactly how the sun works, but we can feel its warmth. We can’t prove the love of a parent or a friend, but we know it’s there. God’s love, and the mysteries of the Eucharist, can be felt and experienced, and can change our lives. PRAY: Today the Church sings what is called a “sequence,” a hymn sung after the second reading but before the Gospel acclamation. There are only four days in the liturgical year that include a sequence, and today’s hymn was composed in 1274 by St. Thomas Aquinas: Lauda Sion, or, Praise the Savior oh Zion. Spend some time this week with the words of this hymn, either in prayerful reading or perhaps listening to a sung version. |
SUNDAY, May 26, 2024
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity: One God, two natures (Jesus is fully human and fully divine), and three divine persons. Whenever I think about this feast, I am reminded of some wise words I heard once from a professor, although I am paraphrasing: It’s not necessary to try to describe in theological terms what God is, for no matter what we say it will be inadequate to the reality of the ultimate grandeur of God. What is important, and what affects people day to day, is talking about who God is, and how God is. And so this Trinity Sunday is a day to reiterate that which is most fundamental to our understanding and belief: God is love. Not just God is loving, or God loves, but God is love itself. He is a continual outpouring of selfless love – agape is the Greek word – which brought forth creation, and all creatures to share in it. It is a communion of love by which and for which we were created; we are meant to emulate and live that same relational communion of love with one another. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As human beings, we simply do not have the ability to live our baptismal call perfectly – to love one another as God loves us. What we do have is our Triune God who gives us the grace to strive for perfection as in Christ, but who, in the end, is the one who perfects us in him. “[We] must keep his statutes and commandments,” Moses has said. And Paul gives us hope in doing so as he tells us that “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” The Lord is here with us, helping us and advocating for us. And in our mission of discipleship, we have the promise from Jesus, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” We give thanks and praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for all these gifts and so much more. PRAY: All Christian prayer is Trinitarian in nature: we pray to the Father, through the Son, in/by the power of the Spirit. Some prayers are very specifically written to include the Trinity/Godhead by name. The most recognizable one is this doxology, or the Glory Be: Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Add it to your daily prayers. |
SUNDAY, May 19, 2024
Acts 2:1-11 | 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25 | Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
GROW: Pentecost Sunday is here! If ever there was a day in the Church calendar to celebrate the transformational power of Christianity, this is it. We know from the first reading how the disciples go from being huddled and afraid in a locked room to stepping out boldly in the streets, loudly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. What changed them so suddenly? It was the coming of the Holy Spirit, the third divine person of the Trinity, into their hearts and lives. Jesus calls the Spirit an Advocate, “the Spirit of truth,” who will remain with the apostles after he has left. That same Spirit is promised to us, continuing the Easter joy. It is only through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit that we have the knowledge, ability, and courage to proclaim Jesus as our Lord. Only in this way can we belong to Jesus and be in relationship with the Father. The very same God who created all things is here to help us become the sons and daughters he always envisioned us to be. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: “Peace be with you,” Jesus says, twice, to his disciples today. He approaches them with gentleness and a calming demeanor. He is aware of their fear and their anxiety, and that they would be confused and unsure upon seeing him in his resurrected body. Jesus offers us the same words: “peace be with you.” For he knows we, too, can be afraid and unsure about what living out his words will mean to our lives. But we need not be worried! The Holy Spirit, that helper and advocate who came to the first disciples, is here to help us fill our hearts with love and joy and speak our beliefs without fear. When we open our hearts to God’s love, Jesus tells us, the Holy Spirit “will guide [us] to all truth.” In other words, he will be there to help us. As Paul states in the reading from Corinthians, we all have different gifts of the Spirit, and the important thing is that we use those gifts and talents to model ourselves after Jesus. PRAY: The Holy Spirit is with us to be our guide and advocate. Today, we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit,” and witness the power of that first Pentecost which set the world on fire with God’s love and truth. This week, spend some time reflecting on the joy you have as a Christian – and show that joy to the world! |
SUNDAY, May 12, 2024
GROW: It’s easy for me to get impatient with the Lord – to wonder why he makes me wait for an answer to a prayer or, worse, why his answer may be no. However, when I look back at the lessons of the Bible, it becomes clear that God works on his timetable, not mine. That same message comes through in today’s first reading. The apostles ask Jesus whether he will be restoring the kingdom to Israel, and he is clear in his answer: “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own authority.” And then, after saying this, he ascends to the Father. Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus has left his disciples again. But instead of leaving them to weep and mourn – as happened after his death – this time, our Lord left them with a mission. They were to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” They did, faithfully, and they traveled far and wide. Armed with the gift of the Holy Spirit which they received at Pentecost, they baptized countless people as they shared the Good News about Jesus and his gift of salvation. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: After Jesus gives the disciples the command to go out and preach the Gospel, he says that “whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” He offers salvation for those who believe in him. And he says that the disciples, and us, will be his witnesses in the world. Sacred tradition tells us that Andrew and Philip preached in Asia Minor while Bartholomew and Thomas spent time in India. Others are said to have gone to Palestine, Persia, and Ethiopia. All died a martyr’s death – except John who had been entrusted with the care of our Blessed Mother. We are his witnesses today, and we are also commissioned to go into the world and proclaim the Gospel. Today, as we celebrate his ascension into heaven, let us allow ourselves a moment to gaze upward and behold Jesus’ power and glory. Let the Ascension renew our commitment to do the work he has asked us to do and remind us of his presence here with us in all that we do. PRAY: We know the mission Jesus has given us and we know we have the Holy Spirit to help us carry it out. For prayer this week, meditate on Paul’s words to the Ephesians and ask the Lord for “a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him. May the eyes of [our] hearts be enlightened, that [we] may know what is the hope that belongs to his call.” |
SUNDAY, May 5, 2024
Sixth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you … If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.” We don’t earn God’s love – it is freely given to us. But only by loving God and others, and by keeping his commandments, do we remain in that love as our source of life and joy. It becomes the air we breathe, and the breath we exhale. Today’s second reading and Gospel reassure us of the love of God, but also give us a few specifics for how to live in and remain in that love – self-sacrifice and prayer. We are to love one another as Jesus loves us, and we know what that looks like from his life: feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, forgiving one another, and more. Living in the way Jesus instructs is not simply completing a checklist of things to do, however. It’s a way of life – to live in God’s love and to demonstrate his love with our outward actions. When we do so, we are helping bring about the kingdom in a very real way. It’s not complicated. We begin by acting in accordance with the truth that the person in front of us is loved by God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The message of the Gospel is countercultural and upends many convictions about what is true, good, and beautiful. What Jesus says can seem upside down to us, as it certainly did to the people of his time! Even the disciples, who walked with Jesus, didn’t fully grasp all of what Jesus had told them until after he had been raised from the dead and appeared in their midst and shared food with them. And even after they understood, they didn’t live it perfectly, nor do we. The things of this world we can mistakenly think are important get in the way of loving as we ought, and they shape our behavior and vision of the world. To counter that, we must focus in on what the Lord is saying and what that demands of us. What exactly that will look like in our lives is the provenance of prayer. Ask for God’s help in loving all those we come across, even (and especially) those we may not particularly care for. He will answer our prayers and show us the way. WITNESS: Think of someone you know personally or whom you know of, who is particularly difficult to like. Create a plan to love them this week – either through praying for them, or interacting with them in a charitable, selfless way. |
SUNDAY, April 28, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Where do they get their energy!” Maybe you’ve said that about your children as they run around the yard while you’re trying to wrangle them inside for bedtime. Jokes abound about how sugar and caffeine are what keep most adults going, but we know it’s proper nutrition, exercise, and rest that enable us to do well whatever it is we do. That is all relevant to us physically. What about spiritually? Bishop Barron, writing on the Gospel, says, “Jesus declares that he is the vine and we are the branches. He is the power and energy source in which we live.” (Word on Fire Bible, 548) Just as we see the effects of sugar and caffeine on people, we see the supernatural effects of Jesus’ love on, and in, people. As he nurtures us with his perfect love, and that flows into us who are grafted onto him, it changes us. It transforms us and converts us away from sin and toward God. We fill up on that spiritual fuel in the sacramental life of the Church and become a witness to it in how we go about our days – loving one another. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” These words from John in our second reading provide the perfect bridge between the ministry of Paul, about whom we heard in the first reading, and Christ’s message in the Gospel. With Jesus as “the power and energy source in which we live,” we not only can profess the truth, but live it. We not only give our own account of Christ working in us, as Paul did, who came to them speaking out “boldly in the name of the Lord,” but we stand beside one another, as Barnabas did, vouching for Paul to the Apostles. We are united in baptism, in love, in profession of faith, and in communion with one another. When we consistently act in a Christian manner toward others and keep God’s commandments, John says, we “remain in him, and he in [us], and the way we know that he remains in us is from the Spirit he gave us.” In other words, those who remain in Christ “will bear much fruit” – a tangible sign that easily answers the question, “where does he/she get her energy?” PRAY: Is there anything in your life that is an obstacle to Jesus being the power and energy source in which you live? Are your days fueled more by anger, frustration, or ambition than his love? Pray this week in thanksgiving to God for where he has given you conversion of heart, and ask him for the grace to see where improvement is needed and the will to make it happen. |
SUNDAY, April 21, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Several years ago I went to a shopping mall with my six-year-old son, and I could tell he was overwhelmed by the fast-moving crowds; he stuck close to my side. Not long into our trip, he turned a corner and, suddenly, his face lit up. He pointed at a young boy ahead. “That’s James! I know him! He’s in my class!” he exclaimed, and ran up to talk to him. Out of the sea of strangers was someone he knew, and who knew him. That changed the whole experience for him. Today’s readings are all about that kind of knowing. In the Gospel Jesus tells us that, like a good shepherd, he knows his flock and they know him. How comforting it is to know that Jesus not only knows each one of us, but he willingly chose to lay down his life for each one of us as the ultimate sacrifice of love. But how do we get to know our Good Shepherd better? By immersing ourselves in Scripture and prayer and seeking a personal relationship with him. If we stay close to the Lord, we’ll know his voice when we hear it – in the quiet of our prayer, in the everyday promptings of the Spirit in our decision-making, and even, in the midst of all the noise, as the calming and guiding voice leading us along the right path. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Being known is one of the most fundamental human and spiritual needs. When my son recognized his friend, he also instinctively recognized – without being able to articulate it – this need, in the midst of the anonymity of the mall. And his reaction was so pure: “I know him, and he knows me!” But he didn’t leave it at that; he went to engage with his friend. He encountered his friend. This is what Christ desires for, and with us – not just to know us, to simply recognize us from afar, but for us to want to encounter him! We are meant to be in community; Jesus is always here for us: in the Church, in the sacraments, in Scriptures and in our hearts. PRAY: Spending time in prayer and reading the Scriptures are essential in order to get to know the voice of Jesus. Read the Gospels this week, even a chapter a day, and contemplate what passages stand out for you. Pray about it at Mass. The Scriptures and the sacraments are how Jesus speaks to us, like a good shepherd speaks to his flock so the sheep will know his voice and follow it. |
SUNDAY, April 14, 2024
Third Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It’s only been two weeks since Easter, but already the holiday can seem like another item checked off our to-do lists. It’s easy to get complacent as we go about our busy lives – marking celebrations, important dates and gatherings on the calendar. Today’s readings remind us that the Resurrection is not just a story or a metaphor about something ordinary that happened more than 2,000 years ago. It was so different and so shocking that it trembled the very earth, and nothing has been the same since! Luke describes the confusion the disciples felt when they first saw Jesus in his resurrected body. Here was their Lord and teacher, back from the dead, but not as a ghost or spirit as they might have expected: He was just as real as before. He was eating, speaking, touching, and interacting. And yet he was different. He could arrive in a locked room without using the door, pass among people unnoticed (as on the way to Emmaus), and give gifts of wisdom and insight directly to the disciples. Today’s Gospel offers Jesus’ explanation that these things were done to fulfill the promises God made to the prophets. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus, and his death and resurrection, was not meant to benefit only a few people. We, as his disciples, must spread the Good News that sin and death don’t have the last word. St. Peter gives us an inspiring example today when he speaks to the people. Look at how different he is from the man who denied Jesus three times! He boldly goes into the crowd – the same crowd that condemned Jesus to death – and preaches on what a gift we all have been given by Jesus’ sacrifice. Peter knows, and we know, that Jesus’ defeat of death means everything. We are freely offered salvation through Christ’s saving action. Like the members of that crowd, we’re invited to be witnesses to this great act of love, and to re-align our lives with God’s will. Like Peter, we can speak the Good News without fear. ACCOMPANY: How can we imitate Christ in the way he reached out to his disciples who were wracked with fear and doubt? Perhaps we know somebody who feels trapped by sin, or unworthy of good things, or a constant failure. Let’s be honest, sometimes that person is us! We all need encouragement and accompaniment from time to time. Find a way to be that encouragement for someone this week who’s having a tough time. You don’t have to fix their problems; just listen, let them know you care, and offer a sincere and hopeful encouragement that brighter days lie ahead. |
SUNDAY, April 7, 2024
Second Sunday of Easter - Sunday of Divine Mercy Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We tend to beat up St. Thomas for his doubt, when what is really most amazing in the scene from today’s Gospel is his understanding, and the first public pronouncement of, Jesus Christ’s divinity. He gets it. And he proclaims it without hesitation: “My Lord and my God.” I think about what Thomas’ face might have looked like at that moment, and I imagine a countenance of conviction alongside humility – joyful tears in the eyes that reflect awe and wonder. The truth behind his realization and understanding is that God is faithful, God is loving, God is merciful. Of course, knowing that with our heart and mind needs to be translated into doing with our every action. The early Christian communities seemed to have lived this well, happily sharing their possessions and selling what they didn’t need. Not because they had been forced to, but because the “commandments [were] not burdensome” for those who loved God. God loved us first, and by his grace, and his mercy, we are commanded and empowered to love one another. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: God is merciful – Divine Mercy. And that is what we celebrate today, in addition to the second Sunday of Easter. The first Divine Mercy Sunday observance occurred in the year 2000, when St. John Paul II canonized Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska. The Polish sister received private revelations from the Lord about his great mercy in the 1930s, and she outlined these in a diary she kept at the instruction of her confessors. A passage from her diary says: “The graces of my mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is — trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive.” (1578) The apostles in today’s passage told Thomas that they had seen the Lord – the resurrected Lord. They trusted that Jesus’ messages to them were true and that they indeed need not fear. The message of Divine Mercy should likewise comfort us and also provide a model for our actions. In the same way the apostles helped Thomas to trust and come to deep knowledge and understanding, let us strive to be “of one heart and mind” with our fellow disciples and love them as we have been loved by God. PRAY: The words of St. Faustina’s diary have been used to create the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. This prayer is said using a rosary, but with some differences in the prayers. Once you know the words, the chaplet is a simple prayer to recite, and it is traditionally said at 3 p.m. in remembrance of Jesus’ merciful act of dying on the cross for us. If you have never recited the chaplet, try praying it this week. |
SUNDAY, March 31, 2024
GROW: Wishing you a blessed Easter! One of our commitments in growing as disciples of Jesus, especially at the beginning of this most important season of Easter, is to study Scripture. John’s Gospel today depicts the story of the empty tomb – the reactions of Mary of Magdala and the two disciples trying to make sense of what they had seen. What we may have missed, however, are the words of St. Peter in the first reading from Acts speaking of Jesus: “This man God raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.” Jesus appeared post-resurrection to those to whom he was closest – the witnesses chosen by God whom he had commissioned to preach the Gospel to all people, so all might believe in him. In this way the chosen few, Christ’s heralds, would bring the Good News of his resurrection to the many. So we too, now, are witnesses, chosen by God in our baptism and come to this table of thanksgiving and sacrifice. By faith we grow as his disciples, ready to go forth to lead others to him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As we know, these first disciples of Christ went on mission throughout the known world to preach to the Jews as well as the Gentiles. Their task was not easy; all endured opposition and hardship; many were martyred. But gone was the fear they may have felt at the crucifixion; by the power of the Holy Spirit these early missionaries were full of courage and commitment, and were driven to proclaim the risen Jesus to all. What does this have to do with us today? By virtue of our baptism, we also are chosen by God to be his witnesses in the world. We are called to “preach the Gospel” with how we live our lives. When we trust in the promises of Christ and know the peace that only he can bring, it gives us the strength to testify to friends, family and others that God loves us and has redeemed us. Good News indeed. GROW & GO: Christ is risen, Alleluia! The Resurrection means that nothing can separate us from God’s love and presence with us. Spend time this week in prayer contemplating these two truths: The purpose of our lives is to continually GROW in intimate relationship with God; and Jesus’ final command to his disciples and us is to “GO and make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28:19) |
Friday, March 29, 2024
Friday of The Passion of The Lord Good Friday Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Pope to Catholics in Holy Land: May hope arise from seeds sown in pain
In an Easter Letter addressed to Catholics in the Holy Land, Pope Francis expresses his spiritual closeness and paternal affection, and encourages Christians around the world to offer concrete support and prayers for peace.By Christopher Wells Pope Francis has written to Catholics in the Holy Land, assuring them that they are daily in his thoughts and prayers. “I embrace all of you, in the variety of your rites, dear Catholic faithful living throughout the Holy Land,” he writes, adding, “In a particular way, I embrace those most affected by the senseless tragedy of war: the children robbed of their future, those who grieve and are in pain, and all who find themselves prey to anguish and dismay.” In his letter, released on Wednesday, the Holy Father recognizes the special significance of Easter for those who live in the places sanctified by Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Acknowledging the desire of Christians to remain in the lands they have dwelt in for centuries, Pope Francis says it is good that they should remain, and thanks them for their faith, charity, and hope. The Pope goes on to recall his own pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2014, and repeats the words of Saint Paul VI, who warned of the “constant and dire threat” to peace and security, and to human values, of continuing tensions in the Middle East. Pope Francis highlights the role of Christians in the Middle East in guarding the “places of our salvation,” as well as their “enduring witness, through [their] sufferings, to the mystery of the Lord’s Passion.” “By your ability to rise anew and press forward,” he writes, “you have proclaimed, and continue to proclaim, that the crucified Lord rose from the dead.” The Pope goes on to share the prayer he offers for and with the Christians of the Holy Land: Lord, you are our peace (cf. Eph 2:14-22). You who proclaimed blessed the peacemakers (cf. Mt 5:9): set human hearts free from hatred, violence, and the spirit of revenge. We look to Your example and we follow You, Who are merciful, meek, and humble of heart (cf. Mt 11:29). May no one rob our hearts of the hope of rising anew with You. May we never tire of defending the dignity of every man, woman, and child, without distinction of religion, ethnicity, or nationality, beginning with the most vulnerable among us: women, the elderly, children, and the poor. More>>> |
Holy hursday, March 28, 2024
Thursday of The Lord's Supper Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Pope on Holy Thursday: 'The Lord never tires of forgiving'
By Lisa Zengarini At the Mass of the Lord's Supper at the women's section of Rebibbia prison in Rome, Pope Francis reminds us to never tire of asking the Lord for forgiveness and learning to serve as He did. Continuing his custom of celebrating the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in a prison, Pope Francis visited the female section of the Rebibbia correctional facility in Rome on Holy Thursday afternoon. He presided over Mass and the ritual of the washing of the feet for dozens of inmates, guards, chaplains and officials gathered in an outdoor area of the prison. In his brief off-the-cuff homily, the Pope focused on two episodes of Jesus’ Last Supper on the eve of His Passion. During the meal, Jesus humbled Himself to wash the feet of the disciples.By doing so, Pope Francis explained, “He makes us understand what He meant when He said: ‘I did not come to be served, but to serve’.” That humble gesture, said the Pope, “teaches us the path of service.” Jesus always forgivesPope Francis then spoke about the betrayal of Judas, motivated by greed and selfishness. Judas’ story, the Pope said, shows us that the Lord always forgives our sins, and “He only asks that we ask for forgiveness.” More>>> |
SUNDAY, March 24, 2024
Palm Sunday of The Lord's Passion Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” This sentence from our first reading is taken from one of the four “Songs of the Suffering Servant” in Isaiah. The New Testament identifies this Servant as Jesus, and we know that Jesus accepted the suffering that was foretold in the verses that follow this one: “I gave my back to those who beat me … my face I did not hide from insults and spitting.” As aspiring servants of God on this Palm Sunday, the most holy of days when we hear Mark’s account of Jesus’ passion, how does this sentence speak to us? What does it mean to have a well-trained tongue? To me it is a call to speak to the Lord in prayer as well as to speak the Good News of the Gospel whenever and wherever we can. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How can we gain the confidence to believe that our tongue is “well-trained”? We know we are all given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and we must trust in that promise and invoke his presence often. Who knows? A kind word or gesture from us may just “speak” to a weary person who is struggling. Paul writes that in his passion, Jesus “emptied himself” in the hours before his death and “[became] obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Paul’s next words give us the answer to our question above: “Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend ... and every tongue confess [emphasis added] that Jesus Christ is Lord.” The fullness of the kingdom will be realized only when Jesus comes again. But in the meantime, we have the Eucharist that Jesus instituted at the Last Supper to sustain us and give us strength for our task to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and spread the kingdom of God one day at a time. PRAY: “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will.” These words from today’s passion narrative demonstrate Jesus’ complete, obedient surrender of his will to his Father’s divine will. As flawed human beings, we will never be able to perfectly emulate our Savior’s actions, but what better way to begin Holy Week than to try? Through prayer, strive to surrender yourself to God this week by trusting him completely, and striving to do his will with humility and Christ-like obedience. |
SUNDAY, March 17, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: As we quickly approach Easter, we’re reminded of the reason why we are celebrating. God’s chosen people stumbled quite a bit throughout the Old Testament, so God intervened time, and time, and time again to set them back on the straight and narrow. Whereas we would likely give up on someone over time, God has remained steadfast in his grace, and always will. He created a new covenant with Israel that wrote his law upon the hearts of Jews and Gentiles alike. This new covenant was realized through Jesus Christ, who was born into our flesh and crucified on the cross. He suffered death in perfect obedience to God the Father. By being born into flesh, Jesus united humanity and divinity; through his crucifixion and resurrection, Christ “became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” He is the law of love that lives within us, and through him “all, from least to greatest, shall know [the Father.]” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Jesus didn’t suffer the cross for his sake or for his own glory. No, our Savior came to preach the kingdom of heaven to us before sacrificing himself for our sins. Notice how in today’s Gospel he even admitted he was troubled! It can be terrifying to do God’s will for our lives, and Christ himself was troubled by what he was called to do. Yet, in love and trust in the Father, Jesus was obedient, saying “but it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” All Christians are called to a life of self-sacrifice, each to the degree it serves God’s purpose. We are all called to give up our lives for the sake of love to glorify God. Without Christ’s sacrifice, we would not have been saved; without our willingness to pursue God’s call upon our life, the kingdom of God cannot be realized on this earth. REFLECT: The Lord placed his law upon your heart the moment you were conceived, but how do you allow him to shine through your life? How do you serve and glorify the Lord? Take a moment today to reflect on your words and actions and consider how you show the world that God is Lord over your life for all time, not only during Lent. |
SUNDAY, March 10, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “The floor is lava!” We used to play this game as children, and it still seems popular today: you arrange furniture and other objects in such a way as to make it from point to point, and even room to room, without touching the floor. There may be more than one way to go, but the crux of the matter is that you have to use these waypoints to stay alive in the game. Following Jesus is somewhat similar, although obviously infinitely more serious and important! He himself, through his sacrifice on the cross, opened the doors of salvation to us – he has provided the ways and means to live free from death. His sacrifice is the only thing that makes it possible for us to enter heaven. In other words, he has arranged the spiritual furniture, made clear those waypoints, and, differing from children who play the lava game, is ready and willing to help us at any time to move safely and confidently along the journey. St Paul writes, “we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: St Paul also writes, “by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God.” And in today’s Gospel, St. John writes these words we know so well. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” Both testaments include words of comfort, but John here also includes a call to action. Notice the word “might.” Like “may,” which is found in other translations, it indicates possibility, probability, and contingency. In other words, it is offered – freely given! – but we must accept. And acceptance means, just as the prophets shared with the Israelites, we need to follow God’s commands. It means that in our words and deeds we act from and in love of God and love of one another. For “whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.” ENGAGE: Today we are about halfway through Lent. If you haven’t yet taken advantage of the rich opportunity to pray the Stations of the Cross with your family, do so this week. Most parishes pray the stations on Fridays during Lent, and perhaps other days as well. This ancient tradition of our Church is a beautiful and meaningful way to walk the Way of the Cross with our Lord. We adore you, O Christ, and bless you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the whole world. |
SUNDAY, March 3, 2024
Third Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: When I was a kid, my older siblings used to tell me what to do (no surprise there!) and often backed up their, ahem, “commands,” by saying, “Mom and Dad said so.” Interestingly, sometimes that statement was not true (!), and I would get the right information – what to do and the correct way to do it – directly from my parents. My experience is not unlike that of the Israelites in today’s first reading. As they escaped from bondage in Egypt and followed the Lord through the guidance of Moses, they developed their own ways of doing things, listened to the wrong people and acted as if they were indeed conveying truth. But the Lord steps in to correct them, and in “a direct, unmediated communication” of truth to them, gives them commandments to follow. (USCCB commentary) These instructions for how to live a moral life in relationship with God and with one another are the basis of the covenant they made there with the Lord. They are the foundation of the new covenant in which we partake through Jesus Christ, who came into our history as the perfect, unmediated communication of God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How do you envision Jesus? It’s easy to think of him as kind and easy-going – the type of person who never lets his feathers get ruffled, no matter how many times the Pharisees question and challenge him. However, we see a different side of Jesus today – one in which he is flipping over tables and brandishing a whip. He is driving out those who are using his Father’s house as a place to make money rather than as a place to worship. In the drama of that scene, let’s not overlook what comes next in the reading. The people there at the temple, obviously taken aback by what they have seen, ask for a sign to justify what authority Jesus has to drive people out of the temple. Jesus says, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” That confused people then, but we know today that the true temple is Jesus and that his rising from the dead would be the sign they sought. Just as the commandments of God have authority, so does Jesus who came as perfect obedience to those commandments to help us follow them ourselves. PRAY: It’s easy for us to think we’re doing a good job keeping the Lord’s commandments, but at the same time the line between right and wrong can seem blurred at times and we may relax a bit on some of their finer points. Try this week to dig deep within ourselves and turn to prayer for the strength to do what is right, seeking the wisdom of God rather than relying on human wisdom. |
SUNDAY, February 25, 2024
Second Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Just two weeks ago, when Christians walked around all day with a cross of ashes on our foreheads, we may have received puzzled looks. Who bothers with fasting and almsgiving for 40 whole days? Many of us live with great abundance in this country; the only time we actually need to fast might be for lab work. With this in mind, it’s helpful to remember the why: because Christ sacrificed himself for us, and he calls his followers to participate in his redemptive mission through our own sacrifices. Without sacrifice, we simply cannot be like Christ, nor will we see our own transfiguration in the resurrection to come. So Lent is a blessed season of reorienting our lives to Christian sacrifice: that of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Perhaps this season can also dispel some of the complacency that has a tendency to creep into our lives. The poor and hungry and disenfranchised still exist, and Christ depends on us to be his hands and feet to serve them. But how can we serve them if we do not embrace Christ’s example as a living sacrifice? Ask the Lord for the grace to see and hear what he is asking us to do for him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Today’s readings show an incredible arc from Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son for God to Christ’s Transfiguration after his Passion. Without Abraham’s willingness to give up that which he wanted most and finally obtained, he would not have earned his greatest blessing from God in having countless descendants; and without Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, all of mankind would not have been saved. Maybe we aren’t called to great sacrifices such as these in our own lives, but we as Christians are called to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to our family, our neighbor, those in need, and God himself. Lent is a reminder not only to help us reorient our lives to God and his call for our lives, but to live it, too. By our own witness and prayer we have the ability to help bring others to the Lord and his promise of eternal life. ACCOMPANY: What is something you have always appreciated being done for you? What is a specific sacrifice, large or small, that you know has been made on your behalf? Make an effort this week to identify a specific need you know someone has, pray for that person/need, and offer to God a sacrifice of treasure, time or even your suffering for the fulfillment of that need. |
First Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today is the first day of Lent! It is the beginning of a new liturgical season in the Church, a season of prayer, service and self-sacrifice. It is a time of preparation, culminating in the holiest day of the year: Easter. As we embark on our Lenten journey, we hear a reading from Genesis in which God makes a covenant with Noah where he promises, “the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings.” The Lord has said that no matter our disobedience, sin and rebellion, he will never destroy us! Saint Peter explains how the story of Noah, “in which a few persons … were saved through water,” prefigures baptism, and baptism, as we know, marks us as the Lord’s own forever. We are sealed with a sign that can never be relinquished. So, just as the great flood signaled a rebirth for the world, our baptism is a rebirth of our soul in Christ. We are washed clean of our original sin, and the door to salvation is opened for us. It is fitting that at the beginning of our Lenten journey we hear the story of the beginning of our eternal covenant with the Lord. Both the covenant, and Lent, will be fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As a child, Lent meant lentils for dinner, Stations of the Cross on Fridays, and no TV ever. For a 10-year-old, it was a time to be endured. Now, as an adult, Lent can still be hard, but I recognize it as a time of opportunity as well. It is a chance to strip away all the excess in my life and focus on what matters most. While I am not exactly jumping for joy at the thought of fasting, I can’t deny that it is easier for me to spend time in prayer when I’m not mindlessly grazing on chips and chocolate all day long. I may grumble at times, but with God’s grace I have grown in understanding of the Church’s wisdom in encouraging us to fast, pray and give alms during Lent. All three practices invite us to reflect on the great sacrifice of the Lord and prepare our hearts to receive him each Sunday in the Eucharist, as well as on our final judgment day. PRAY: Lent is the perfect time to take stock of your current spiritual practices and add new ones to your daily routine. Remember the words we heard from Jesus today: "The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." Start off your Lenten season right by taking time to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and designating a time each day to pray. If you aren’t sure what to say to God during this time, choose a verse or two of Psalm 6 and let your heart take it from there. |
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The leper in today’s Gospel was not only severely ill, but he was also barred from practicing his faith. Because he was considered unclean, he could not enter the temple to worship. It is no wonder he did everything in his power to find Jesus and beg him for healing. And heal him Jesus did, both body and soul. According to commentary on this passage from the USCCB, “In curing the leper, Jesus assumes that the priests will reinstate the cured man into the religious community.” It seems to me that this Gospel is about faith, and about love. The leper had great faith that Jesus could heal him, and the great love of Jesus for this man moved Jesus to go against mosaic law by touching and healing him. When we read the Scriptures we are reminded over and over again how much God loves us. Let us allow this knowledge to sink into our hearts and change us. When we begin to reflect God’s love to those around us, we will find that our lives are filled with his peace. Give it a try: Love as Jesus loves. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Gospel is about Jesus’ love, and it’s also about great faith. Faith is a theological virtue that involves believing in God and everything he has said and revealed. It is a free gift from God, and with the help of his grace, faith is the foundation of our personal and communal relationship with our Triune God. As God’s children baptized into the Body of Christ, we can root everything we do in faith so that all of our actions point to God and to building his kingdom. How do we do this? It’s hard to say it much better than Paul does in his letter to the Corinthians today: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” ACCOMPANY: How do we love as Jesus loves? Accompany another. Perhaps there is someone in our lives with whom we can walk alongside on their journey of faith. It need not be intimidating; as Christian disciples we already possess the tools we need to accompany: listen, love, share and pray. |
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Why me? It could be a flat tire, a lost job or a serious illness. When inconvenient, unpleasant or even downright horrible things happen, it is understandable to wonder why God allows it. I know that is what goes through my head in extreme adversity. God can do all things, so why wouldn’t he change “this thing” for me? In the Gospel, we see Jesus curing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law of her illness, but many of us don’t have our prayers answered like that. Instead, we may relate more to Job in today’s first reading when he says life is a “drudgery” and he “shall not see happiness again.” The reality is that God’s ways are not our ways, so we can’t know why some people endure hardship while others receive miracles. But we can change how we respond to those hardships when they arrive. Just as this passage from Job is understood better within the context of the whole book, discrete events in our lives are part of something larger than ourselves. Praying with Scripture, including reading more of Job, can help us understand how God is molding, refining, and yes – always loving us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: When we are tempted to feel like Job is a good time to embrace the age-old practice of “offering it [suffering] up.” As a child, my parents explained that offering it up meant I was telling God I would happily suffer in exchange for it helping someone else. What does this really mean? Everything stems from our being united to Christ in our baptism and being participants in his priestly, prophetic and royal office. We offer ourselves, our whole being, including our worship, praise, joy, gratitude, bodies and even sufferings to God as sacrifice. So, to “offer it [suffering] up” is a powerful way of taking a bad situation and allowing it to be used for something good; to give our inconvenience, pain and grief to the Lord and ask him to unite it to Christ’s suffering for the good of others. It is a redemptive act, a form of love-in-action. St. Paul is a great example of someone who suffered gladly, and in today’s second reading he shares that “to the weak [he] became weak, to win over the weak.” PRAY: Offering up our sufferings and difficulties is a way to participate in the redemptive work of Christ. It is a simple way to pray and can keep our focus on God throughout the day. There isn’t any one specific prayer for doing this. Instead, when something unpleasant or painful happens, take a moment to acknowledge it and give it to the Lord. It can be as simple as saying, “Lord, I am happy to endure this for the benefit of others.” You may want to insert a specific intention or offer it for the souls in purgatory. It’s not always easy – especially when your suffering is great – but give it a try this week. |
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Oh, to not be anxious! What would that be like – to not have to worry about how we’ll pay the bills or whether our kids are safe or if our health will fail? While anxiety is a very human emotion, we can take comfort in knowing that our God is more powerful than anything that may worry us. It is also important to note that in today’s reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, what he means by “anxious” is not a modern psychological concept with only a negative connotation. The connotation is more “to be concerned with,” or “caring about” something, and can refer to things that are very good – including spouses and families! But when we care for many things, including our relationship with God, it is only natural for us to be anxious at times. But Jesus Christ gives us the assurance that the troubles of this world are temporary, and the peace of God eternal. Paul is encouraging the Corinthians, and us, to understand the importance of an undivided devotion to God, to care for him above all things – no matter if we are married or single – so that our whole life is devoted to holiness. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I am always thankful when something good that has been anticipated, or predicted, comes to pass: The sunshine and mild weather holds true for that outdoor event I hosted; or the generous gift that a longtime friend mailed arrives unscathed. There is some anxiety in the waiting for, but relief in the fulfillment of, these beneficent promises. And while these are somewhat superficial examples, they do point us in the same direction of hope and gratitude that the divine gifts of God elicit in us. In today’s first reading, Moses promises the people that the Lord will raise up for them, from among their own kin, a prophet who will speak God’s own words and to whom the people will listen. And the Lord did provide numerous prophets, and kings, and judges, and eventually his only begotten Son, to call his people back to himself, and to save them from the wages of sin and death. The hope and anticipation God’s chosen people had was fulfilled in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. We share in that gift of hope and of gratitude for our salvation. PRAY: Today’s psalm (Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9) is a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving and encouragement. It helps us steer our minds from those things which may make us anxious. Spend time in the morning or evening each day of the coming week, praying and reflecting on the words. |
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Sometimes I feel like I need a Jonah in my life: someone who will come along and shake things up; someone who will nudge me and say, hey, you’re doing it wrong! No one wants to be criticized, but I know I need loving guidance to help me when I am not at my best. It’s easy to get caught up in the swirl of life and neglect (even if unintentionally) what’s important. Jonah was given the unpleasant task of pointing out to the people of Nineveh their failings. Unlike many communities who resisted God’s words, by the end of the first day of Jonah’s anticipated three-day trek across the city, “the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth.” For all the evil they had done, and the rebellion they had demonstrated, the people there weren’t irredeemable. They simply needed Jonah to point out how they had gone astray, and the grace of open ears and hearts to receive the message. Who has the Lord placed in our lives in the role of Jonah? How has he blessed us with the ability to receive, and repent where necessary? GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We don’t seem to have obvious prophets like Jonah nowadays, but that doesn’t mean God has left us without guides. We have the Church, Christ’s body on earth, and the ever-present help of the Holy Spirit. In today’s Gospel, we hear how Jesus selected his first followers: men who would become the Twelve Apostles, anointed to spread his word and speak in his stead even after Jesus left the earth. We know that there were other followers: men, women and children who became his disciples; Jews and Gentiles who were baptized. We are part of that apostolic tradition, each one of us baptized into the common priesthood “exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace – a life of faith, hope, and charity, a life according to the Spirit.” (CCC 1547) The call to holiness can be hard to hear in the din of today’s busy and secular world, but it is not impossible. We can pray for the grace to hear how God is asking each of us to live out his commands, and proclaim the Good News to the world. PRAY: Today’s psalm (Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9) is a wonderful way to ask God for this favor. Make it part of your morning or evening prayer for the next week. “Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths.” |
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: When Samuel hears the Lord speak in today’s first reading, he mistakes it as Eli calling out to him in the temple. The third time Samuel asks if he called, Eli is wise enough to realize what is going on and guides Samuel: “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel required guidance because he “was not familiar with the Lord, because the Lord had not revealed anything to him as yet.” In a similar way does the Apostle Andrew come to the Lord. In today’s Gospel, Andrew didn’t know who Jesus was until John the Baptist told him: “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew then began to follow Jesus, and to bring others to him. There may be times when we, like both of these men, need someone else to help us hear the call of the Lord clearly, or see his presence among us. Those who serve the Lord in this way are a great gift to us, and enable us to be that gift for others. Pray for the grace to hear what we need to hear, to see what we need to see, and to say to others, “come, we have found the Messiah.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Despite our best efforts, the time and attention we give to our lives of faith can ebb and flow. Sometimes we can feel so connected with God that we sense his presence everywhere. But there may also be times when God feels distant and we struggle to hear his voice. Notice in today’s readings how Samuel “was not familiar with the Lord” but was sleeping in the temple, close to the ark; notice how Andrew was hanging around John the Baptist and immediately followed Christ when told who he was. We can see that, already before “knowing,” is a “desire to know.” The Lord created us, formed us into being, and calls us to a relationship with him. We are drawn to him even before we can see or know what he has revealed to us. He is our source, and our ultimate end. We seek eternal life with Christ and a path of holiness to help us on our way. The stories of Samuel and the disciple Andrew impress upon us that God is always near and calling to us – we simply must give him the opportunity to speak, sometimes when we least expect it. INVITATION: We are all called to a life of holiness. But it’s not always easy to grow in holiness and strengthen one’s relationship with God on our own. Consider reaching out to your parish and asking about spiritual direction – a spiritual director will help you fine tune your ears to be more attentive to the Lord’s voice. |
The Baptism of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Those of us who are parents or godparents remember fondly the day of our child or godchild’s baptism. I remember feeling the warmth from the congregation and from extended family and friends as they joined us in welcoming our beloved infant into Christ’s Church. The smell of the chrism from the anointing of his head with oil, and the sound of the flowing waters served as visceral reminders of our precious child’s birth into new, divine life with Jesus. Today, as we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we give thanks to Jesus, who at his baptism immersed himself into the enormous weight of humanity’s sinfulness [while of course remaining sinless himself]. Marking the beginning of his public ministry, Jesus’ baptism is the foundation for our own, inviting us to become God’s own sons and daughters “in whom he is well pleased.” Just as the Spirit descended upon Jesus and anointed him, the Spirit descends on us at our baptism, empowering us to follow Jesus’ example and build up the kingdom of God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Water and oil are two of the symbols of baptism, a third is the white garment [sometimes a bib placed over a small child] worn by the one being baptized. I know of a pastoral associate who embroiders the name and date of baptism on the white garments of every child or infant baptized at her large parish. As we read in the catechism, “The white garment symbolizes that the person baptized has ‘put on Christ,’ has risen with Christ.” (1243) Gratitude is the proper disposition to thinking about our baptism, and the ones who brought us to it. How might our lives be different, and richer, if each morning, as we dress for the day, we pray in gratitude for the ability, and what it means, to, “put on Christ” in our daily lives? ACT: Express gratitude. Are your parents and godparents still alive? If so, call them or send a card thanking them for their presence at your baptism, and assure them of your prayers. If they are not alive, perhaps think of one or two people who have been there for you in your life as instruments of God’s grace. And then extend your gratitude to them. |
Sunday, January 7, 2024
The Epiphany of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It’s interesting how an event can be interpreted by different people. God’s revelation of himself in the birth of the child Jesus is clearly one such event. The Magi, Gentiles from the east, had heard of this “newborn king of the Jews” and undertook a long and arduous journey to see him and offer him homage. They were edified and eager in their search. Herod, himself a king – of the Jews – did not have the same reaction. The very thought of this “newborn king” threatened him, and filled him with rage and suspicion. In this moment in human history, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles (i.e., the Epiphany) unveils the truth of God’s redemptive work for all of creation to be reconciled to himself. This truth has been accepted and rejected throughout time, and our celebration of this feast gives us an opportunity to give thanks in a focused and particular way for our acceptance of it – to give thanks for the gift of our faith. Perhaps it is even a moment for us to have our own, colloquial epiphany: an “aha moment,” where we once again truly understand the depth of God’s love for us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Magi, the Gentiles from the east, were changed after their encounter with the Christ Child; they were warned not to return to Herod and they obeyed and took a different route home. In today’s second reading, St. Paul says it has been revealed that Gentiles are “coheirs, members of the same body” – the body of Christ. Just as the magi were forever changed by their journey, so must we be. Their journey is a model for us, but we do not have to seek Christ in the world as they did; he is here with us, in Word and in the Eucharist. The Incarnation of Jesus is pure gift to our weary, troubled world. As we heard in Isaiah, “rise up! … [our] light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon [us].” As the Magi followed the light of the star, let us rise to the occasion and respond to God’s light in our world by recognizing the good gifts God gives us each day. And then thank him for his enduring presence in our lives. PRAY Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten Son to every nation by the guidance of a star … Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen (from USCCB Epiphany prayer for blessing of home) |
Monday, December 25, 2023
The Nativity of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The day we have been awaiting has arrived: Christ is born! All of our Christmas preparations – wrapping gifts and preparing holiday meals to be shared among family and friends – are meant to glorify and reflect God’s own work for and in us. That is, God’s greatest gift of himself, clothed in mortal flesh, who would one day offer himself as the bread of life: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Jesus came to the world in the form of the most helpless of us all, a newborn infant, so that through him we would be reconciled to the Father, for “to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God.” We celebrate the Incarnation of the Lord, for Christ is our salvation! It is through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit that we are adopted into God’s family and receive the fullness of his grace. The fullness of God’s truth is revealed in Jesus Christ. “The Lord has made his salvation known”; “he has spoken to us through the Son.” Let us give thanks and rejoice this day! GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Good News of Jesus Christ is not meant to be kept to ourselves. Today’s Gospel reading reminds us that John the Baptist testified to the light of Christ before Christ had yet publicly appeared. Sharing the Good News is not optional! Even the earth proclaims the Good News in Isaiah, “announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, ‘Your God is King!’” Indeed, Christ the King – God in human flesh – has arrived. Just as John was sent before the Lord to proclaim his coming, so are we charged: Sent out to the world to go and announce the Gospel of the Lord, “so that all might believe.” WITNESS: How might you go out and proclaim the coming of the Lord? Don’t forget: sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ isn’t limited just to speaking to others. It includes living as Christ did – feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and the poor, defending the helpless – because we are Christ’s body in the world. |
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” The angel Gabriel announces this in the Gospel today, and it is a phrase with which we are all familiar thanks to our recitation of the Hail Mary prayer. Although some may be comforted by such a message and its angelic messenger, it is troubling to Mary because the angel goes on to tell her she will conceive and bear the Son of God. Thinking practically, Mary is being told the impossible will happen – who wouldn’t be troubled? And yet Mary offers herself: “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Despite her fear and trepidation, Mary went on to answer God’s call and do his will. Our Blessed Mother became a great example of fortitude at that moment, as she exemplified what it means to step outside of our own uncertainty and trust God completely. Although doing God’s will can be difficult at times, St. Paul reminds us in his Letter to the Romans that we can ask God for the strength to say “yes” in spite of our fears. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Up until today, December has probably been a whirlwind. Trees and lights, ornaments, parties and presents – all these things help to kick off “the most wonderful time of year” beginning soon after Thanksgiving. Come Dec. 26, however, for many, the decorations become a nuisance and Christmas trees are out on the curb for pickup. Thank goodness for our Catholic faith because for us, Christmas is just beginning! Mary didn’t say “may it be done to me” only to forget about it the next day. No, in the coming months, the Blessed Mother nurtured the baby Jesus in her womb, anticipating the arrival of her firstborn and the Son of God. And on that blessed Christmas night, her work as the Mother of God was only just beginning. So, as we anticipate the arrival of the Christ Child, we are joyful that our Christmas season continues until we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord on Jan. 8th. Let us use this time to draw closer to God and make every effort in the new year to do his will. SING: Angels, announce with shouts of mirth Christ who brings new life to earth. Set every peak and valley humming With the word, the Lord is coming. People, look east and sing today: Love, the Lord, is on the way. |
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Third Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.” Such simple words from today’s second reading. And yet it is not always easy to put them into practice. It is difficult to rejoice if we or people we love are hurting. It can be hard to pray when life is pulling us in a thousand different directions. But on this Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of rejoicing, we are asked to focus on a truth that can make both rejoicing and praying easier: Jesus entered humanity in flesh and blood to save us from our sins. This truth means that even if we don’t feel like there is much gladness or joy in our lives today, we can rejoice in the knowledge that we all have the chance to spend eternity in a place where pain, disappointment and suffering will be no more. With our eyes focused on that prize, praying can become a natural part of our days. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Sometimes, I can make everything so complicated. I want to create charts and checklists to ensure that I am doing everything just right. But St. Paul’s words today make me realize that living well is really not that complicated. He writes: “Retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil.” That’s it! Of course, while this is not complicated, it does require us to make prayerful, faithful efforts toward this end – and it is an end for which God has given us his grace, the help of the Church, and the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ. This includes St. Paul, who prays for us, “May the God of peace make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is what is good in these dark days of Advent: the light of Christ is coming into our world. The Gospel says that John the Baptist testified to this truth – to the light. We can too! Let us continue to pray, to rejoice and to give thanks for God’s gifts, especially the gift of his Son. SING Stars, keep the watch. When night is dim One more light the bowl shall brim, Shining beyond the frosty weather, Bright as sun and moon together. People, look east and sing today: Love, the star, is on the way. |
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Second Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Can you hear it? The voice crying out in the desert? While John the Baptist was the one literally proclaiming, from the desert, the coming of the Lord, we should listen for echoes of his message today. John foretold that Jesus – the Father’s Incarnate Son – was on his way to redeem the world. Through Jesus’ passion and death, the gates of heaven were flung open so all who believe in him would have eternal life. This is the Good News he proclaimed then, and the Church proclaims today: Christ has come! Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again. This is what we prepare for in Advent – to celebrate, on Christmas day, Christ’s coming into the world, and that he will one day return in glory. The Lord gives comfort to his people in his words, and in his presence to us in the Eucharist: “According to his promise we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” So, trust in the Lord, remain vigilant, and take heed of the voices that remind us to “prepare the way of the Lord.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Each year, we are given the gift of Advent. It is a season that invites us to slow down, reflect on the gift of Jesus and prepare to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord. Ironically, though, it happens at one of the most frenzied times of the year as we rush to keep up with cookie baking, tree decorating and merry-making. Advent is short – it includes four Sundays but can be three to four weeks long depending on the weekday upon which Christmas falls – and it sometimes doesn’t seem long enough to truly prepare our hearts. This year Advent is three weeks and a day – so we are close to reaching the midway point, which is a good time to ask ourselves: How tuned in are we to John the Baptist’s message? If we feel like we’re being carried along in a wave of consumerism, it’s not too late to make a course correction. We can step away from the fray and carve out time to enjoy the stillness of Advent and truly listen to the voice crying out in the desert. SING Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare, One more seed is planted there: Give up your strength the seed to nourish, That in course the flower may flourish. People, look east and sing today: Love, the rose, is on the way. |
Sunday, December 3, 2023
First Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In a nineteenth-century sermon, St. John Henry Newman wrote of today’s Gospel: “[Jesus] mercifully whispers into our ears … not to share in the general unbelief [around us], not to be carried away by the world but to ‘beware, keep alert’ and look out for his coming.” I love the thought that Jesus is “mercifully whispering” to us. Welcome to Advent! We know that Advent is a time of anticipation and preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ, but today’s readings also speak to me of training ourselves to be alert for God’s presence in the small, everyday moments of our lives. In his Letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes that “[we] are not lacking in any spiritual gift” as we await the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are gifted with his grace. Our loving God bestows countless graces on us each day, and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can seek ways to be more aware of these graces. Yes, we can be more “alert” to them, but can also be thankful for these small moments of God’s presence with us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Advent is a season of joyful hope. “I hope I can get my Christmas shopping done in time … I hope I have time to get my house decorated this weekend.” We all have “hopes and dreams” for this time of year, and, God-willing we will be blessed with a truly festive and joyous holiday season with our families. For Catholics, though, this season of “joyful hope” is one that has a much deeper meaning. We long for the return of Christ and our eternal union with him with a hope that is built on the promises of Jesus in the Scriptures. Our hope is not passive, but active. We know that God is always there for us, comforting us in bad times and rejoicing with us in times of happiness. Let us give thanks for our Triune God who desires to be in relationship with us enough that he sent his Son to take on our humanity. And let us silence any noise in our hearts so as to hear Jesus’ merciful whisper of encouragement to be on the watch for his coming. SING People, look east. The time is near Of the crowning of the year. Make your house fair as you are able, Trim the hearth and set the table. People, look east and sing today: Love, the guest, is on the way. |
Sunday, November 26, 2023
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The paradoxical ways we have come to understand Jesus can give us spiritual whiplash. He is both a tender and caring shepherd of sheep and one who sends strong rams and goats to the eternal fire; the executed human and divine man who came into full resurrected glory. He is God incarnate into human history and born in a manger; the servant-leader; the one who is both God and man. This is the beauty of what we call the Paschal Mystery – that the Son of God came into the world and by his life, death, and resurrection he has reconciled us to the Father, and has redeemed us. He saves us from the death of sin. As Catholics we are comfortable with paradox: We are inhabitants of a kingdom of God that is already (here) but not yet (fully realized); we are both an Easter people and we live in a world of Good Fridays. So when Jesus says in today’s Gospel reading that whatever we do to the least of people, we do to Christ himself and we will reap our actions in the fullness of that kingdom, we understand that he is a king unlike any other king. He cares not for pomp and circumstance, but wants to ensure that all – even the least among us – are given his gifts to share. The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe celebrates that we have a king who cares more for us than anyone on earth could ever care for us, and we are blessed to be able to love and serve him in return. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In the midst of our busy lives, it is no secret that our thoughts can easily be preoccupied with things other than prayer or our relationship with God. Perhaps we struggle with maintaining a daily prayer practice. So when we pause to take stock of our lives – where our attention is focused during the day-to-day – it’s easy to see that God is sometimes “off to the side.” Perhaps we take everything we have been given for granted, or maybe we are just not sure how to make him the most important aspect of our lives. Just like cultivating a friendship takes active effort, so does our relationship with God. Just as watering a plant near its center allows the water to spread throughout the surrounding area, to its roots and the soil – thus making it fruitful and full – putting Jesus Christ, our king, at the center of our lives means that his goodness flows into everything else we say and do. Our lives and our hearts will grow in goodness and bear rich fruit. INVITATION: Challenge yourself this week to subvert expectations and keep God first. Show Christ is Lord over your life by prioritizing your faith and building up your priorities around him. Make a daily appointment in your calendar for prayer and look for opportunities to put Christ at the center, or heart, of your daily life. |
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 | 1 Thes 5:1-6 | Mt 25:14-30
GROW: When we think of gifts, we may picture a child eagerly ripping into wrapping paper on a birthday or at Christmas. Oh, the anticipation and the joy seen through a child’s eyes! In contemplating today’s Scriptures, it occurs to me that the gifts God has given to us should fill us with the same joy and sense of gratitude as that child. Although there are many facets to the parable of the talents which Jesus tells his disciples in today’s Gospel, what stands out to me comes at the very beginning: “A man going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them.” No small thing to be entrusted with the master’s possessions! In the same way, God entrusts us with his gifts – they are all we have and all we are. And, like the master in the parable, God expects us to use our gifts and talents to build his kingdom here on earth – to multiply his goodness in the world. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Does the parable seem a bit harsh at the end? After all, the last servant didn’t squander the money he was given, he simply gave it back in the same form in which it was given to him. But let’s think about our generous God and the gifts and talents he has given us. God expects us to use these gifts, not hide them under a bushel. If we are lazy with and inattentive to our God-given gifts, they will shrink and fade away. We will be squandering our invitation to full participation in the kingdom of God. Obviously, each of God’s children has unique gifts, just as the servants in the parable received different numbers of talents according to their ability. With this in mind, let us consider how we can share our singular gifts and help others do the same. No gift or talent is too small, and God has given us everything we need to use each gift wisely. Empowered by God’s love and grace, let us use our blessings for his glory. WITNESS: The imagery of the “wicked, lazy” servant being punished, coupled with St. Paul’s words that the Lord will come “like a thief at night,” impart urgency to the task before us. In order to be prepared to give God an accounting of how we are using his gifts, let us start growing them today. Offer forgiveness, love someone whom it is hard to love, show mercy; in other words, be a blessing to others and see how that godness multiplies. |
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I’ll always remember that first Easter after my Dad passed away. It was when the promise of the resurrection truly hit home. Sure, I had always believed in heaven and that everyone had the possibility of spending eternity there, but until my Dad died, it had all been theoretical. Now, it was personal. Someone I loved deeply had left this world, but because of Christ’s sacrifice, he had the opportunity to go to paradise, someplace where we will hopefully be reunited someday. I believe that’s what St. Paul is talking about in today’s second reading. We do “not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.” We have hope! We have hope for our family, for our friends – for our very selves! – that we will rise again and spend eternity with the Lord and with those we love. Paul writes elsewhere, “Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55) The sting of death is sin, Paul says, but Christ has won the victory over it. In being baptized into Christ, we share in that victory, and we are inheritors of the promise of eternal life that comes from death’s defeat. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The parable in today’s Gospel is a reminder that while Christ has opened the gates of heaven for us, we must be ready to accept that gift and walk through them. In the parable of the ten virgins, we see how all fell asleep while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. When he did show up, five were ready with oil for their lamps while five were sent scurrying to buy some. As a result, those who were not ready missed the opening of the doors and were locked out of the wedding feast. “Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour," Jesus admonishes us. Are you awake? Will you be ready to enter the wedding feast when the door is opened to you? There is nothing wrong with enjoying God’s creation and gifts here on earth, but we must guard against getting so caught up in the things of this world that we forget to prepare for the next. PRAY: The ten virgins needed oil for their lamps to be ready for the bridegroom, but we need a clean heart and a steadfast spirit, as Psalm 51 tells us. (12) We get that by setting aside regular time for prayer and making a point to regularly receive the sacraments, including the reception of the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist and his forgiveness within the sacrament of reconciliation. Making time for the Lord now will mean we are ready for his return later. |
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We all want to feel special and be noticed. We see it in Adam and Eve’s decision to eat the fruit in the garden after the snake promises “your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods.” (Gen 3:5) The scribes and the Pharisees in today’s Gospel certainly appear to fall into this category of wanting to be noticed: “All their works are performed to be seen,” Jesus says. To be clear, we ARE each unique children of God: chosen by him and called by name. We are “wonderfully made” by the Lord (Ps 139:14), and that alone makes us valuable beyond measure. The problem arises when we begin to see our value as something we are responsible for on our own. We no longer give glory to God and acknowledge him as the fount of all good things. Instead, we are tempted to take credit for ourselves – that was the error of the scribes and the Pharisees, and it is one against which we should guard ourselves. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Today’s readings are instructive and, frankly, a good reminder that as God’s beloved children baptized into Christ, we are called to a higher standard. What is this higher standard? First, it entails “[giving] thanks to God unceasingly,” as St. Paul said in today’s reading. It also involves practicing what we preach in a way the Pharisees do not. At the heart of Jesus’ message today is telling us, his followers, how we are meant to live. We are to follow Jesus’ words and strive to imitate his actions with humility and love. Does this mean loving unconditionally? It does. Does this mean not seeking places of honor but rather having a servant’s attitude? It does. Are these postures and attitudes that come naturally to us as human beings? As descendants of Adam and Eve? Perhaps not. But if we wish to make Jesus the master of our lives, let us discern where we can be serving others better and putting our energy into the work of building God’s kingdom. PRAY: The Catechism calls humility the “foundation of prayer.” (CCC 2559) Let us pray this week for the humility to do God’s will without any praise or recognition. Let us ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to know what the Lord wants from us and to joyfully fulfill that call even if it means working in the shadows where no one will notice. |
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Sometimes I stop paying attention to the news for a period of time. There seems to be little that’s “new” in the daily barrage of natural disasters and the countless ways we humans hurt each other. I’ve even stopped using social media, which at least made me smile when seeing photos of friends and family welcoming little ones or celebrating big milestones. Which brings me to today’s Gospel: Sometimes it seems overwhelming to want to love as Christ commands, and I feel that there’s little, if anything, I can do for people outside of my social circle, let alone on the opposite side of the world. Hearing of my struggles with compassion fatigue, a friend recently reminded me of some wise words that have been attributed to St. Mother Teresa: “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” We love as Christ commands by willing the good of the other. And it is not trite or cliché to say at times, “honestly, all I can do right now is pray.” After all, as the Lord says, “If he cries out to me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate.” When our compassion is exhausted, let the Lord carry it, for he never tires. And then, when it is possible, practical, and seems to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, we can do more – whatever that may be. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: If you’re like me and somewhat daunted by the second greatest commandment, I encourage you to take another look at today’s readings. “You shall love your neighbor…” (emphasis added). Surely the world is far too large for us to make a difference? Therefore, remember that “God so loved the world” – and what he asks of us is to love our neighbor. So leave the world to God; pray for and give alms for those bigger world issues when we’re able. When our circumstances change and we have more time and energy to take on more, such as participate in ministry, even better! But until then, when we walk out our front door in the morning, we go forth knowing that we are “imitators ... of the Lord,” and that this smaller, much more manageable part of the world is what we are called to tend. Let our most active role in being the body of Christ extend to what is immediate to us – our neighbor and community – because that is where we will have the most influence for Christ in the world. MEDITATE: When you feel overwhelmed with the world, reflect upon today’s responsorial psalm: “I love you, Lord, my strength.” Let God’s love for the world and his strength flow into your heart, and know that you can call on him to help you bear the burden of love. |
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It strikes me that our readings today are about “belonging.” It may seem like a simple concept, but in practice its meaning and ramifications run deep. Picture a young child coming home after a day at school or childcare: He or she may even audibly let out a sigh of relief at the familiar surroundings, the presence of Mom and/or Dad, and all that they hold dear. Is it so different for us? We are God’s, we belong to him. In the first reading God tells Cyrus, “I have called you by your name.” And Jesus says to repay “to God what belongs to God.” How do we do that? We, who have been called by name by virtue of our baptism, do this by putting God first in our lives. By loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind. And by giving him not the leftovers, but the first fruits of our talents, our treasure, and our time. Spend some time in prayer with God today and listen to the words he writes upon your heart. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We have been chosen by God to spread his Good News in the world. We are his witnesses. Sound intimidating? I took comfort in the words from Saint Paul in the second reading: “For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction.” Is it always a “piece of cake” to be Christ’s disciples in the world helping to build his kingdom here on earth? No, certainly not. But the knowledge that we are beloved and valuable in the sight of God, coupled with the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, fortifies us for the task. Are we up to the task? Yes. We belong to God now and forever. Let us strive to act like a child of God in all things and deepen our reliance on the Holy Spirit when things get tough. WITNESS: Today’s Gospel acclamation, from Philippians, says: “Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.” There is so much darkness in the world. Make an effort to be the “light” in someone’s life this week, whether it be a spouse, a child, a parent, or a co-worker. |
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I have about 75 first cousins (yes, really!), so I grew up accustomed to large gatherings. “Feasts” in our family were almost an everyday kind of thing. So you can imagine my initial reaction to today’s parable: Why would anyone refuse such a grand invitation? Who doesn’t love a feast? As we know, however, with parables, Jesus is giving us a message that is deeper than it first appears. Today he uses the image of a wedding feast to explain God’s abundant generosity, and the indifference or outright refusal this loving generosity is often met with. Yes, we enjoy sharing food with family and friends, but are we always gracious recipients of God’s love and bounty? Are we prepared, and properly disposed, to receive it? (Think of the graces we receive in the sacraments, especially confession.) The kingdom of heaven is the banquet to which we are all invited, and too often we can become busy with our material lives and not notice this ongoing invitation. Or we push it out of our minds, or gad about in the wrong garments (of sin, and not grace). Let us open our ears and our hearts to God’s loving invitation, strive to be holy people, and share this gift with those around us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We learn from today’s readings that the kingdom of heaven can be likened to a sumptuous banquet. Isaiah, in the first reading, says it well, proclaiming, “The Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines.” Isaiah then moves from imagery of food to talk about how God will destroy death forever and wipe away all tears. In other words, God has saved his people, and offers us his constant presence and the gift of eternal life. But we must respond to God’s generosity in the proper manner so we are prepared to enter the kingdom when the time comes. Making our relationship with Jesus our number one priority will prepare us well to receive and respond to this invitation. From this we will see how our other priorities naturally change and how God always provides. As St. Paul says in his Letter to the Philippians: “My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” ACTION: When you get dressed each morning this week, take a look at what you are wearing spiritually, as well as physically. What does the [spiritual] garment look like? Is it appropriate for a wedding feast? Pray the Act of Contrition (and go to confession if necessary), and then make a conscious effort to repair any faults in your spiritual garment: forgive someone or apologize to someone; pray specifically for someone you do not especially care for; spend time in Eucharistic Adoration. |
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Vineyards were important to the socio-economic structure and well-being of the ancient near east peoples. It would be disastrous for someone to plant and then cultivate a vineyard only for it to be overrun by wild grapes. It would have to be destroyed in order for it to be replanted and recover, which would be financially impossible for most people of that era. So when Isaiah prophesies about God’s plan for his vineyard – that is, his people, Israel – it is attention-worthy for its radical nature. Isaiah says that even with all of the Lord’s care and cultivation, his people have failed to grow, and they have devolved into idolatry and disobedience. So the Lord will bring his vineyard to ruin. Here’s the good news contained (but unspoken in these verses) in that prophecy, however: The Lord will “start over,” with a new covenant. And the Word which he sends forth in his Son will be the vine from which all other branches will arise and flourish. Though he will be killed for his message as prophets and messengers before him were, the Son in his victory over death will be the one who gives us the inheritance other tenants have sought. As Jesus himself says in today’s Gospel “the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” And on this cornerstone is built our salvation. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: There is much to love here on our earthly home – fragrant flowers, beautiful sunsets, and compassionate people. Still, it can be a place of great pain and sadness at times. It can be easy to feel angry and resentful when we encounter the imperfections of the world – when we experience heartache, loss, disappointment. Although working in the Lord’s vineyard can be both joyful and heartbreaking, it is up to us to do our best to help it produce fruit until it is time to head to our heavenly home. It is our inheritance, as Christ has made us coheirs with him. St. Paul encourages us to “Have no anxiety at all.” Surely, that is easier said than done, but the great Apostle tells us that by our prayers and petitions, “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” PRAY: When we pray to God, we should follow the example of the saints who came before us. St. Paul notes: “Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Our prayers are a time to make requests of God but also should be used for thanksgiving. As St. Paul directs, we should make note of all those things that are true, just, lovely, or otherwise worthy of praise. |
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time I used to be something of a sugar fiend. So much so that one birthday, my then boyfriend (now husband) decided to forego flowers and bought me a jumbo-sized bag of Smarties candies instead. While I loved sugar, I eventually decided I didn’t love how it made me feel. Now older and wiser, I reach for vegetables more often. It’s not that I crave carrots, but I feel better eating healthy foods. It’s what God intends for my body. Similarly, God intends for our souls to follow the laws he has ordained. But sometimes life gets tough and we suffer terrible wrongs or are grieving, and we feel like the Israelites in today’s first reading, calling out, “The Lord’s way is not fair!” Well, thank God for that! How lost would we be, if God treated us “fairly.” Instead, he treats us with love and mercy; with justice. “He humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross,” for us. If there is any encouragement in Christ, as Paul says, and we know there is, then being of the same mind and heart – attitude – of Christ, gets us through those moments of “unfair!” And we can follow Christ’s commands, knowing he loves us more than anyone else could love us, and more than we can ever love him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It's easy to talk a good game as Christians. We can all agree that it is right to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned and bury the dead, as the Corporal Works of Mercy instruct us. But when it comes to actually doing those things – “humbly regard[ing] others as more important than [ourselves], each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others” – we can find all sorts of reasons not to. Maybe our days are too busy or maybe we feel just the tiniest bit resentful at the idea of sharing something we’ve worked hard to earn. However, our words don’t mean much without action. Jesus says as much in today’s Gospel. If we are like the son who says yes but then does not go to work in the vineyard, we are not doing our Father’s will. We are like the chief priests who are being bypassed on the way to heaven by “tax collectors and prostitutes” who heard the word of God and believed. PRAY: This week, let us look for ways to live out our faith. Rather than pray only with our words, let us pray with our actions. If you aren’t sure where to start, pay special consideration to the verses from the second reading, highlighted above: “Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others.” |
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today’s readings should bring us great joy. They are a reminder that our Lord may have high standards, but he is also “generous in forgiving” and “near to all who call upon him.” In the Gospel, we hear the parable of the laborers in the vineyard. Some work all day while others arrive at the last hour. However, all are paid the same. Similarly, we can all receive God’s heavenly reward – whether we are faithful Catholics since birth or converts in our final hour. This parable may evoke mixed feelings for those who see themselves as the laborers who have toiled all day and wonder why their reward is not greater. But rather than making us jealous, this parable should make us rejoice: How wonderful that everyone has the opportunity for everlasting life with the Lord! And what great comfort to know that if we falter and lose our way, it is never too late to return to God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Sometimes, knowing that we are the recipients of God’s bountiful mercy, we can be tempted to lead a life focused mostly on worldly pleasures. To paraphrase St. Augustine: Make me holy Lord … just not yet! Of course we know this isn’t the right attitude or approach to life, but it’s certainly tempting. Let’s return to the message of the Gospel for a moment. Yes, the Lord is generous in giving all the workers the same wage. But perhaps equally as important is that we are called to be workers in the Lord’s vineyard, and what an honor and privilege that is! Serving in the Lord’s kingdom here on earth is not drudgery; it is life-giving and fills us with God’s love and grace. Let us recall the words of St. Paul in today’s Letter to the Philippians. Although he longs to “depart this life and be with Christ,” he knows that staying here on earth means “fruitful labor for me.” Let us also strive to keep our eyes on the Lord and labor in his field for as long as we are able. PRAY: The first reading from Isaiah reminds us that the Lord works in ways we can’t understand: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.” Let us ask God this week for the fortitude to reorient our thoughts and ways to his will, not ours, so as to “conduct [ourselves] in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ.” |
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Forgiveness. It seems like a relatively simple concept, doesn’t it? We ask our merciful Father for it every day when we pray the Our Father: “… forgive us our trespasses...” Then reality hits, as we remember the second part of that phrase: “ we forgive those who trespass against us …” As we forgive others. Oh, that long, hard road of forgiveness! Easier said than done. Sometimes those old sayings have some merit, don’t they? And when we look at today’s readings, there is nothing cryptic about them: forgive not seven times but seventy-seven times, let go of wrath and anger, forgive your brother and sister from your heart. Yes, forgiveness is a simple concept, but it’s not easy. Perhaps the answer is to re-read today’s Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to put in the hard work if there is someone in our lives to whom we need to offer our heartfelt forgiveness. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Bishop Robert Barron, in his Word on Fire Bible on the Gospels, has four suggestions related to this Gospel on how to become “a better forgiver.” The one that stood out to me immediately is “forgive offenses quickly.” Don’t let them fester and “settle deeply into your psyche.” This seems like very sage advice because we can all have a tendency to “stew” about things that are bothering us, which rarely makes them better. Bishop Barron’s other suggestions are: Pay attention to your own sins, go to confessions regularly, and offer forgiveness through a concrete act or sign. Which brings us back to the simplicity of it all: God will always forgive us, so we must always forgive others. Doesn’t it make sense that to live in the house of our merciful Father, we must emulate him and have loving hearts rather than vengeful hearts? PRAY: Examine your heart and take a hard look at whether you are holding on to a wrong that was committed against you. Take it to God in prayer. The more we open our hearts to forgive others, the more at peace we can be. Ponder the last words of today’s reading from Sirach: Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor; remember the Most High's covenant, and overlook faults. |
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I am glad I was duped. Yep, the illusionist in the show we attended had me fooled into seeing something one way and it turns out it was completely false. The show was entertaining, and worth the time and expense we invested to enjoy it. And ... it may be the only circumstance where the word “duped” can be used in the same sentence as “glad.” That certainly wasn’t Jeremiah’s experience! His prayer reflects frustration and hurt, and even a little bit of disgust at how he has been treated because of the Lord: “I say to myself, I will not mention him, I will speak in his name no more.” But then, even in his discontent and disillusion, he holds on to the truth. For right after this rebellious admission, he confesses that the need to prophesy “becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it.” He knows he was never really duped – there was no lie from the Lord. And the fact is, he believes and trusts in the Lord enough to pray to him in the first place; even in his prayer of lament he is praising the Lord as God and redeemer. Jeremiah’s example is a good one for us: Never lose sight of the Lord as our God. Pray to him; give over our frustrations to him; and allow him to be the fire burning in our heart that we cannot quench. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Reading today’s Gospel leaves me feeling awkward and even embarrassed for St. Peter. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, calling the first pope Satan and telling Peter to get behind him – super embarrassing, especially when Peter had good intentions in trying to protect Jesus. What’s the old saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”? There’s another axiom, a little less dire but just as pointed: “People judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg.” Intentions matter – but how we enact and employ those intentions are important, too. Christ tells us in today’s Gospel, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” Faith in God, believing in his promises, and wanting to obey his commandments are wonderful and essential – and they are the foundation of a life lived for Christ. But they are not the entirety of it, and while denying ourselves and taking up our cross is never easy, it is necessary. “What profit would there by for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” Christ asks. Let’s pray for the grace of pure intentions and the strength to live them in service to the Lord. PRAY: Heavenly Father, uncover my eyes and reveal any obstacles keeping me from thinking as you do. Give me the courage to overcome these obstacles, and grant me the strength to take up my cross and follow you, even in the face of difficulty. I ask this through your Son, Christ our Lord. |
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The abundance of God’s love for us is what stood out for me in our readings today. If we consider the concept of abundance outside the Scriptures, it can be tricky. When we have it, does it imply we have too much when others have too little? If we are speaking of material things, then perhaps. But God’s infinite and merciful love for us resound in each of our readings today, and this is cause for joy. In Isaiah, the Lord announces that he will accept offerings from anyone who holds to his covenant, Jewish or not. Saint Paul stresses that God’s mercy is for all, and Jesus, after some back-and-forth with the Canaanite woman, heals the woman’s daughter because of her great faith. God never tires of desiring healing and wholeness for all his children, which is a great gift. Let this gift of grace from God be a catalyst for us to reach out in love to others so that we also can come to God’s “holy mountain and [be made] joyful in [his] house of prayer.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How can we reach out in love to others as we called to do? Perhaps we can start with our parish. Is there a ministry we have read about in the bulletin that needs volunteers? Or a coordinator? Perhaps it is time to ask God how we can be his instrument in the world. We can start small. I will never forget when my friend volunteered to run our Vacation Bible School one summer. Of course, she turned to her friends to help her with this daunting task! What she desperately needed was someone to go from classroom to classroom and lead the children in song. Talk about out of my comfort zone! But she gave me the music books and song suggestions, and pretty soon, “This Little Light of Mine” was reverberating through the halls of the school. I learned then and there that kids don’t notice the quality of your voice if you are joyful and enthusiastic. They love to sing! Take a chance and get out there. You won’t regret it. PRAY: Lord, Jesus Christ, give me the wisdom to view my hands as extensions of yours. Give me eyes to see all people as you see them. Help me to use my voice to praise you and bring the truth of your goodness to everyone I encounter. Give me the strength to have unwavering faith. Amen. |
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Unlike with our other important relationships, God isn’t exactly someone we can meet for coffee and look into his eyes while having a conversation. Whether we talk to God in our mind or out loud, we recognize that even with a good prayer life it can sometimes be difficult to cultivate and maintain a relationship with God. Doubters and unbelievers are quick to remind us how impossible it is to believe what we cannot see or hear, but today’s readings also remind us that God doesn’t speak to us as another human being would. Maybe he doesn’t speak with the booming voice of a preacher or a politician, and maybe he doesn’t write direct messages for us in the sky or sand, but God does speak. Perhaps, like Elijah, we tend to expect God to communicate with huge gestures, such as strong wind that crushes rocks, or earthquakes or fires; but we hear today that God spoke to Elijah in a “tiny whispering sound.” It's not unlike a very good teacher who doesn’t need to raise her voice to get her students’ attention when they lose focus – she has their respect and simply needs to speak normally and calmly and the students quiet down, pay attention, and listen. When we still our hearts and minds and listen, in prayer, let us be confident we will hear God’s voice. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Perhaps in order to hear God’s voice in our lives we need to fine-tune our “hearing.” First, how can we hear if we do not have faith? Jesus called Peter out of the boat and into stormy waters, and though he was able to walk on water for a time, Peter began to sink because he became afraid. Doubt or fear can hamper our ability to listen to the Lord clearly; don’t let it cloud your love for Christ! Second, we must keep in mind the many ways God speaks to us: his Word (the Bible), the writings of the saints and Church Fathers, our Catholic Tradition, other people God has placed in our lives, and the “tiny whispering sound” we might hear only within our heart. Stay attuned to God’s voice; the rewards are heavenly. INVITATION: Ignatian spirituality – meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices – may help us recognize and truly hear the still small voice of God in our lives. The Daily Examen is a prayerful reflection on the events of the day which might help us identify the movement of the Holy Spirit in those moments. Give it a try. |
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: According to the dictionary definition, to be transfigured is to “transform into something more beautiful or elevated.” This is what we see happening in Matthew’s Gospel today: Jesus takes his closest disciples up the mountain and there he is transformed – he is transfigured – before them: “His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” He is also joined by Moses and Elijah as a sign that he is the fulfillment of God’s promises of old. Jesus completes the old covenant that God made with his people and brings us the new covenant of salvation. The Transfiguration parallels the Baptism of the Lord in that we once again hear God speaking from the heavens to say, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” But during the Transfiguration, God adds the words, “Listen to him.” That’s a command not just for his disciples there on the mountain but for us today as well. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In elementary school, we were often reminded to listen. I remember one teacher who made a point to impress upon our class that listening is different from hearing. It is easy to hear, but to listen, you need to take the time to understand what is being said. In his letter today, Peter is urging us to listen to the prophetic message of Jesus. He says, “You will do well to be attentive to it” and then compares doing so to being “a lamp shining in a dark place.” The world today can be a very dark place, but we don’t have to be content to live in the shadows. By following Jesus’ example and commands, we can bring light – along with hope and joy – to our corner of the world. Sometimes that takes courage, though. It might involve making uncomfortable or unpopular choices, but Peter promises that the “day will dawn.” When that happens, we will undoubtedly see the fruits of our good works in our efforts to build God’s kingdom. PRAY: This week, let us pray in both words and actions as Jesus taught us. If the Lord’s Prayer is not already part of your daily prayer routine, try incorporating it this week. Then, look for ways to follow in the footsteps of Jesus by reaching out to someone who may appreciate a phone call or a visit. |
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It is no secret that Jesus often taught using parables; last Sunday we heard three, and today there are more. Today’s parables seemed obscure until I focused on the repeating phrase “kingdom of heaven,” which is likened to treasure, a pearl of great value, and then a fish net. What a contrast! But when I thought about it longer, it made perfect sense: The kingdom of heaven is the greatest treasure, one that should compel us to give up everything like the person who finds treasure buried in a field or the merchant who buys the pearl, just to make sure we have it in our possession. The kingdom is also something that requires hard work, hence the analogy with fishermen throwing nets into the sea to capture fish and then sort the good from the bad. Think of that net as the predestination St. Paul mentions in today’s epistle. God predestined mankind to be called to him, to be justified and glorified in his name, yet we all maintain free will to choose otherwise. So, at the end of the age, when the angels “separate the wicked from the righteous,” each of us will learn how precious the treasure of heaven is according to the way we chose to pursue it during our lifetime. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In the midst of the daily grind, heaven can seem so far removed from our lives until it’s Sunday and we’re standing in pews during Mass. But the kingdom of heaven isn’t contained within the single act of attending Mass on Sundays. Jesus didn’t say “attend church for one hour each week and you’re all set” – the parables he speaks today show people who put in work, searching for treasure until they found it and did everything they could to ensure they kept it. Jesus taught in parables in order to extend his invitation to the kingdom of heaven to everyone who would listen. With these parables, the kingdom is more of an encounter than an end goal. When we are in a loving, prayerful relationship with God, we are able to recognize and know the joy and the infinite value of the kingdom. We are able to experience God’s kingdom in the day-to-day experiences of our lives. We know that the kingdom can be found in Jesus, who is the way. And we know that Jesus is here with us now. INVITATION: In the first reading Solomon said to God: “Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart.” Take a few minutes and read Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication for the temple that occurs a few verses later in 1 Kings (8:22-61). In it, he asks God to be with his people always – a prayer for us today as well. |
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The parables were always my favorite Gospel readings when I was growing up. One we just heard, regarding the wheat and the weeds, was particularly comforting to me as a child. It was simple to understand, I thought: Those of us in God’s Church were obviously the wheat and, of course, destined for salvation. We just needed to endure living among “the weeds” while we are in this world. As an adult, however, I realize that Jesus’ message is much more challenging – much more convicting regarding my own failures and sins: I could be a weed! And while I certainly don’t like that thought, I also don’t like considering that anyone would be thrown into the “fiery furnace.” After all, we are supposed to love one another and desire that they become part of the body of Christ and have eternal life. The reality of this world, however, is that temptation and sin surround us. Fortunately, Jesus gives us himself as the Bread of Life in the Eucharist, and we have the gift of mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation. These sacraments, as well as prayer, give us the “nutrients” we need to ensure that we remain the wheat God has sown in his field, and that we can help others be that too. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: While the sacraments can fortify our faith, what about our neighbors, friends or family who are not Catholic or who have fallen away from the Church? This is where evangelization comes in – inviting someone to join you at Mass or suggesting a religious book they might enjoy reading. If you don’t think such a simple act could make much difference in the life of another, take heart in the parables contained in the long form of today’s Gospel. In those, Jesus reminds us that it doesn’t take much to spread the Good News of the kingdom of heaven. The smallest of seeds can turn into the largest of plants and a small amount of yeast can leaven much flour. And if we have moments where we lack courage or feel in need of assistance, St. Paul reminds us that “the Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness.” Never underestimate the power of the Advocate: he can help us pray, can intercede for us, and provide what we need to be good seed in the world. PRAY: Let us pray this week for the strength to live out our baptismal promise to reject evil, and to gain courage so as to be a witness to God, and to work toward building his kingdom on earth wherever and whenever we can. |
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: At Mass with my family recently, my five-year-old daughter caught the last four words of the mystery of faith as if she was hearing them for the first time. She was bursting with excitement as we finished saying, “We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection, until you come again.” She turned to me and said, “Mom! We said, ‘until you come again.’ Does that mean Jesus is coming back? He’s coming HERE?” What a lovely, emotion-filled response to learning that truth. She has heard those words countless times, but this time she heard the truth behind them. Her soul has been made for relationship with God from her time in the womb. The Holy Spirit has been preparing her to receive those words when she was ready to hear them in their fullness, and as the responsorial psalm proclaimed: “The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.” For those in the young, challenging years when it may seem easier to leave the little ones at home rather than take them to Mass, let’s remember what we are told in the first reading from Isaiah. “Thus says the Lord: … my word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How often do you find yourself listening to a friend or family member not to really hear what they are saying, but to plan your response? Do we do that while we pray as well? Sometimes I catch myself praying with an inner monologue behind it, deciding how I want that prayer to be answered. Now all of this may not be exactly what Jesus meant when he said, “This is why I speak to them in parables, because they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand,” but it is worth exploring. When we are so anxious to get our words in – either to another person, or to God, we’re not really being the rich soil that the other’s words deserve. We’re not even the rocky ground or the thorny path of which the Lord speaks; we’re more like a giant rubber wall off of which the words bounce! Let’s take some time to consider how our practice of listening and receiving others, including the Lord, is preparing us (or not) for the return of Jesus. And if there is room to improve, now is a good time to do it. PRAY: Lord, Jesus Christ, prepare my heart and my soul so that your words and your desires for my life will not fall on rocky soil. Give me the strength to be a Godly sower to all I encounter, especially my family, so your glory will be revealed. Amen. |
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: What does a restful day look like to you? Maybe it’s a lazy day poolside with a good book and a cold drink, or perhaps a dark room, cozy blanket, and a good movie. Lazy days like these are hard to come by; truly restful days in our busy world are even fewer and farther between. Although “taking a break” every once in a while from the cares of the world is certainly good for everyone, in today’s Gospel Jesus is referring to true rest that only he can provide. Jesus asks us to take up his yoke and learn from him “and [we] will find rest for ourselves.” Our burdens will be lighter because he shares them with us. Jesus says: “I am meek and humble of heart.” Imagine the strength to be found in that meekness, that humility! We will know true rest when we surrender ourselves to Jesus and live in the freedom only he can provide. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In order to find rest in the Lord, we must remember that “[we] are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in [us],” as Saint Paul writes to the Romans. Therefore, Jesus is inviting us into union with him, as well as with the Father and the Holy Spirit. How do we yoke ourselves to Christ? By living out our baptismal promises, celebrating the sacraments, and through our lives of faith, we allow Jesus to work through us and lead the way. Let us make an effort this week to hand over our worries and anxieties to Jesus. And let us never forget that the Holy Spirit dwells within us. PRAISE: Share your worries and anxieties with Christ through prayer. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving and praise using today’s psalm: The Lord is faithful in all his words and holy in all his works. The Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God. |
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In today’s first reading, the Shunammite woman recognized that Elisha was “a holy man of God.” She and her husband then went on to provide Elisha with hospitality and lodging, and she was rewarded with a son. But how did she recognize Elisha as the holy prophet that he was? Recognition, or lack of it, is a recurrent theme in Scripture – from Mary Magdalene not recognizing the risen Lord at the tomb to the disciples not recognizing Jesus on the road to Emmaus. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus himself encouraged his listeners to learn to recognize “false prophets” because they bear bad fruit. What do we need to open our eyes to and recognize today? Perhaps the realization that Jesus’ life and teachings always point us to life – life with him and in him, on earth and for eternity. As members of the body of Christ, let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with his love so that we may bear good fruit and always choose the road that leads to that life. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Perhaps we should consider these words from Jesus in today’s Gospel a challenge. Yes, we know that faithful discipleship comes with demands. But “losing our life”? I like to think of it as going “all in” in our response to Jesus. Investing the most we can in our relationship with Jesus means recognizing that he is the way and the truth and the life. And then we must act upon that. How? Put God first in your life. Serve him before all else. Let our relationship with Christ be like the frame that holds a building up – let it define us, strengthen us, and shape us. And may it allow us to recognize his loving presence in each moment of our lives. ACTION: The summer months are hot in the northern hemisphere, and traveling, running errands, and doing things for oneself can be difficult for those who are adversely affected by the heat. Take a look around you – at your neighbors or even those who are part of your daily circle of encounters – and be intentional at recognizing who they are (a child of God) and what their needs might be. Offer specific assistance to them related to that need, as the Shunammite woman and her husband did for Elisha. |
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: When I was in middle school, I came upon a group of students who had singled out another student, accusing her of some pretty rotten things. The Lord must have helped me to be brave that day because I decided to step in and defend her. Thankfully, calling them out on their cruelty was enough to fend them off. Thank God for his presence and aid in that moment! In the first reading today, Jeremiah tells of his experience of being betrayed and accused: “All those who were my friends are on the watch for any misstep of mine. ‘Perhaps he will be trapped [they say]; then we can prevail, and take our vengeance on him.’” But Jeremiah does not lose heart, saying also, “the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion.” And Jesus’ words in the Gospel echo the resolve of Jeremiah when he says: “Fear no one … What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light … And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” It seems pretty clear, then, that our job is to bring the Good News of Jesus into the world whenever we can and let his light shine forth by our words and actions. We are commissioned to be warriors for Christ who should not fear injury but rather call upon him in our need and trust in his goodness and mercy to render aid. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Stepping into a conflict or situation can be difficult. But we are not meant to do it alone. Yes, we are called to proclaim the Word of God at every opportunity – to let “zeal” for our Father’s house consume us, as we heard in the psalm. And the task at hand may seem a daunting one – until we focus on the second part of the Gospel and soak in the depth of the love Jesus has for each of his children. Matthew writes: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted.” We are not alone as we do the work of the Father; rather, we are known and loved by him and strengthened by the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. We can feel emboldened by this as we pursue the everlasting gift of heaven. ENGAGE: This world often tells us to do what makes us happy. Let’s challenge ourselves to, instead, do what makes us holy, as we keep our eyes fixed on the path to eternity. |
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: As a teenager, I was someone you might call “Suzy high school.” I played sports, was president of my class, had many friends, etc. But there were times I made some bad choices and ended up having to face my parents with the truth. I remember being afraid of what they would think, even wondering if my actions would make them love me less. Thankfully, I was blessed with incredible parents whose loving lessons throughout my life pointed me toward our Father’s love. St. Paul gives us a glimpse of how deep the love of our Father is in the second reading: “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” God loves us so completely that even before we approach him to ask for forgiveness, his arms are open wide. Look up at the cross and let that abundant, unending love wash over you. Reflect on what is said in the first reading from the Book of Exodus: “Therefore, if you hearken to my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my special possession, dearer to me than all other people, though all the earth is mine.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How can we respond to this great love we have been shown by our heavenly Father? Jesus is pretty clear on this topic, isn’t he? “Love one another as I have loved you.” Not a lot of ambiguity or nuance there. Daunting? Doesn’t need to be. The words of today’s responsorial psalm proclaim: “Know that the Lord is God; he made us, his we are; his people, the flock he tends.” His flock is all of us – including the poor, the depressed, the lonely. Perhaps we can challenge ourselves this summer to step out in service to God’s flock by calling on someone in our own lives who may feel marginalized, frightened, or anxious, and be the hands and feet of our Father to them. Perhaps they do not know the depth of our Father’s love and we can reassure them of this. In today’s Gospel Jesus says: “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” We have been blessed by the sacrifice of the Lamb, and it is our responsibility to share that blessing with others. ACTION: One of the ministries I enjoy contributing to in my area is a Foster Closet. It stocks blankets, clothing, backpacks, toys, and many other products to allow foster children to have quality shopping experiences. If there is one near you, you might find that supporting these vulnerable children is a simple way to let them know they are infinitely worthy of God’s love. |
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, the true, real, and substantial presence of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. As Catholics, we know that the Eucharist is not simply symbolic, but is in fact the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ who rose from the dead. Our readings remind us of this. In the Gospel Jesus says: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh … I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” Although Jesus’ words were very difficult for his disciples at the time to understand, we know that the bread and wine that become the body and blood of Jesus satisfy our deepest hunger. This spiritual food is actually an encounter with God through his Son, Jesus. It is a blessing that the Church provides us. Let us celebrate on this solemnity by giving thanks, which is what eucharist means! GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: There was a priest at my home parish who could spend hours – literally, hours – sitting in eucharistic adoration. If he wasn’t out and about serving our parish or in his office for a meeting, you would find him in the adoration chapel gazing at the monstrance which displayed the consecrated host, the Blessed Sacrament. He always would have a small smile on his face, happily losing himself in the Lord. Although everyone has different time pressures on them during the course of a typical week, I think we can all agree that spending only one hour a week with someone is not enough to maintain an important relationship. The same is true with our relationship with Christ. Let’s make an effort in the coming weeks to enhance that relationship by spending more time with him. Do you have an hour for adoration? Experience the peace it can bring. Or perhaps now is the time to check the daily Mass schedule in your parish and try to attend once or twice. Jesus offers us his very body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine. Don’t squander the opportunity to receive this precious gift. ACTION: As part of the National Eucharistic Revival, many dioceses around the country will hold Eucharistic processions for this solemn feast. This is a family-friendly activity. See what is planned in your diocese. |
Sunday, June 4, 2023
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Last Sunday the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Pentecost: the birthday of the Church and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into the world. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, giving adoration and glory to the three divine persons in our one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – three in unity, or Triune. In the Gospel we heard, John tells us: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” If you’re going to write one Bible verse on a piece of cardboard and hold it up at a football game, this is it! John 3:16 encapsulates a Christian belief: We are loved by the Father beyond measure, and that love is incarnated – takes human flesh – in the divine person of his Son. But there is something deeper within this verse that comes to light much later in the Gospel: Jesus revealed that when he, the Son, returned to the Father, he would not leave us alone. (Jn 14: 26-28) Instead, the Holy Spirit came to be with us and remain with us. This is our God whom we celebrate and give thanks to: one in being, three in person. His love is unceasing and his Spirit dwells within and among us to guide us, advocate for us, and draw us ever closer to himself in that love. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: When it comes to evangelization, you could write a Bible verse on a piece of cardboard, hold it up in a crowded place and hope it piques someone’s interest. But we can take a cue from St. Paul in the second reading as well. He encourages us to mend our ways, encourage one another and “greet one another with a holy kiss.” And then he offers a prayer for the Corinthians: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” Imagine what the world would be like if we all lived like that – if we worked to mend our mistakes, encouraged each other, and earnestly prayed for the grace, love, and fellowship of God to be upon every person. That would be a true witness to God’s presence in the world. PRAY: This week, pray a Holy Trinity novena. The word “novena” comes from the Latin word for “nine,” and they typically include nine days of prayer, asking God for a specific intention, and beginning or ending on a feast or solemnity. Trust in the Triune God who loves you and offer him your heart. You may find the comfort or wisdom you seek. |
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Pentecost Sunday Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: As a college student, I found myself sitting near the information desk during a layover at a German airport. This was in the days before mobile phones and Google Translate. I remember being so impressed that the two young women behind the desk were able to answer questions in so many languages without missing a beat. Whether it was Spanish, French, German or English, each traveler heard an answer in their own language. I often think that must have been what it was like for the travelers to Jerusalem during Pentecost. They were in an unfamiliar place and yet God spoke to them in a way they could understand. And the beautiful thing about the Pentecost story is that it is not just relating one single moment in time. Instead, it is the start of the Holy Spirit’s ministry here on earth, and in our baptism, we, too, receive the same gift of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation completes the grace we receive at baptism, since we receive a “special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1285) We, too, are given the tools to go forth and speak to others even when we are afraid they may not understand. Let us remember St. Paul’s words from the second reading: “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” And then let us go out and use those gifts for the greater glory of God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The idea of evangelizing is uncomfortable for many people. Sure, it was fine for the disciples to go out and start talking to strangers, but us? No way. However, evangelization doesn’t have to mean starting conversations on the street (although it can!). Instead, it might be making the sign of the cross before a meal in a restaurant, mentioning Mass when a co-worker asks what you did over the weekend, or displaying a crucifix in your home where visitors will see it. In these small ways, we can encourage others to open the door for God to “shine within these hearts of yours,” as today’s Gospel Sequence says. PRAY: St. Paul reminds us today that we are all “baptized into one body” and “we were all given to drink of one Spirit.” In today’s divisive world, it can be difficult to remember that. Let us pray for one another knowing that all Christians – even those who may annoy us – are joined together in the same body of Christ. Specifically, have as your at-the-ready prayer this week for all circumstances, the following: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. |
Sunday, May 21, 2023
The Ascension of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Actions speak louder than words. How many of us have heard or said this exact phrase? I suspect most, if not all of us are quite familiar with this old adage. In fact, this is exactly what we are being told by Jesus himself in today’s Gospel when he says, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Jesus continues his direction of action by telling us to baptize “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We are not directed to simply speak about Jesus with our families and church communities, we are told to GO among all nations and add to Jesus’ flock. We continue Christ’s mission when we seek to spread his love. Before Jesus joined his Father in heaven, his instructions were very clear. This is an opportunity to think about the commission we were given as part of the baptized community, and how Jesus is asking us to take action in his name. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Easier said than done. We’ve all heard that one as well. It’s hard to feel equipped to spread the word and the will of God. We worry our words will fail us and we will look foolish. We know we are not perfect, and wonder if that means we cannot possibly be Christ’s hands and feet on this earth. However, today’s reading from Ephesians provides us with the perfect prayer to give us hope and faith in the Holy Spirit as we set out to fulfill the Great Commission given to us in this week’s Gospel: “May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him.” We are challenged to act for God, but not without being given the tools to do so with confidence. PRAY: Meditate on today’s second reading from Ephesians. Read it as if your priest was giving you a blessing before you head out of your house each morning. Let it fill your soul with love and awe for our Father, and let it give you the confidence you need to play an active role in building his kingdom until he comes again. |
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Sixth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I know a few people whose method of book buying is to read the last few pages of a book first. They want to know if buying, or reading, the book is going to be worth it. As an avid bibliophile I find this to be something I could never do, but I understand their impulse. After all, it makes sense to want to have some kind of assurance that the journey one is taking – whether physical, spiritual, or literary – has a decent “payoff,” as it were. In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises his disciples that when he leaves he will provide “another Advocate” for them. We see this truth in action in the first reading, as with the laying on of hands by the apostles, those who had been baptized in Jesus’ name “received the Holy Spirit.” Christ’s life, death, and resurrection not only conquered death and brought us new life, it made way for the Holy Spirit who has come to dwell among and within us. The Lord has not left us alone. So while we may have a sense of what the sequel to our journey is, we trust the author of our story to help us write the ending of this one. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The love of God and the gift of faith from the Holy Spirit brought the earliest disciples, and us, to the journey – to our own story of a life of discipleship. And while the Bible is indeed “a book,” it is also a compilation of books, letters, and events, and more, that give words to a living history of salvation that began before time and is outside of time and eternal. The Good News cannot be contained in pages – it must be lived, shared, and loved. And yes, it is good to know how it ends, but even that pales in relation to the joy and worthiness of the reading and living of the Word. That is for us to experience, and to share! As much gratification as there is in sharing our favorite new bestseller, we need to double and revamp our efforts when it comes to the Gospel. Give it away freely, to everyone, and shout out the ending. Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! And the Holy Spirit sets us free to love him and one another. STUDY: In order to truly live the Word and spread it to others as Jesus commanded, we must be familiar with the Scriptures. The Word on Fire Bible, featuring the Gospels only, is well-designed and includes commentary from Bishop Robert Barron as well as Church Fathers and recent saints and Catholic authors. |
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Recently, I went through a period of spiritual dryness, and I questioned my ability to make faith the central tenet of my life. Although I had always loved reading Scripture, I felt I needed reassurance that God was truly present with me. So I did what many people do: I asked God for a sign that he was real. Nothing happened. The sky didn’t open; doves and rays of light didn’t magically appear announcing God’s presence. Although I didn’t receive what I envisioned as a “heavenly sign,” I looked down at the Bible in my hands and realized that God’s word, handed down through the millennia, had been my companion all this time and was indeed the “sign” I was looking for. Which is why Jesus’ question to Philip in today’s Gospel struck a chord with me: “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me?” If Jesus asked me this same question, I want to be able to answer, “Yes, Lord, I know you through your sacred word, through partaking of the Eucharist and through the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit who is with me each and every day.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: What does “knowing Jesus” mean for me in my everyday life? It means hearing his words and acting on them: “I am the way and the truth and the life … If you know me, then you will also know my Father.” In following Christ, we know that Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in him. Jesus Christ is God! And as we heard in the second reading from Peter, we are not Christians on a lonely road; we are living stones that form a spiritual house. We are “called out of darkness into his wonderful light,” as he describes it. Therefore, let us not be afraid to lean on our fellow Christians when we need support. And then, of course, we turn to Jesus, the cornerstone, the bedrock of our faith, and rejoice in his love for us. ACTION: Faith is rarely a straight path – sometimes there are sharp curves, steep hills, or roadblocks. If you feel lost or could use someone to talk to about faith, reach out to your parish and ask about contacting a spiritual director. Come, Holy Spirit, and fill me with your grace. |
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: There is much we could ponder in today’s Scriptures, but the verses that stood out for me are these: “If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God. For to this you have been called.” I have a hard enough time keeping my inner child under wraps when I suffer due to my own sinfulness or incompetence, and Peter is telling me to be patient when I suffer for doing what is good? Well, yes – “because Christ also suffered for [us], leaving an example that [we] should follow in his footsteps.” And the clarity of this truth hits me smack in the face. Doing what is good means we are loving another, in some way; we are doing good, for good. We are engaging in self-sacrifice, and some form of suffering is inherent to that. But here’s the thing: it’s an oddly joyful kind of suffering because it produces good fruit and directs our thoughts and vision to the one who is present among us as “the shepherd and guardian of [our] souls.” Let us pray for the ability to see each moment of suffering for doing good as “a grace before God.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: At this point in the Easter season, we might think, “Why can’t we focus more on the joy of Jesus’ resurrection and less on the suffering that preceded it?” Well, we certainly can ... but we would lose a great part of the Paschal Mystery. We don’t embrace the cross for the sake of suffering in itself. We come to the crucifixion to pass through it. We are an Easter people living in a Good Friday world. There’s no avoiding suffering in our lives, but the Good News of Jesus Christ is that he has redeemed that suffering. He has given us victory over death and is – quite literally – the way to eternal life. In the Gospel Jesus says, “Whoever enters through me will be saved … I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” He is our shepherd and we know his voice. During this Eastertide we have an extraordinary opportunity to attend to that voice in a particular way, and to think about how we might be hearing it in a new way this year. ACT: Is there a charity you have been meaning to call to volunteer your time? Is there a neighbor who might be able to use a helping hand? Is there a friend or family member who has fallen out of favor and you just know it’s the right thing to do to get in touch? Act this week. Sacrifice just a bit for the sake of good. |
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Third Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The two disciples had every reason and opportunity to see that it was Jesus walking beside them. They knew that the tomb was empty and the women who had discovered it had relayed what the angel had told them: Jesus was alive. It had only been three days since he had died. Yet, even as he was in their midst, the two disciples’ eyes were prevented from recognizing it was Jesus. Only when he broke bread with them did they perceive and understand. Jesus walks beside us as well, but perhaps our eyes, like those of the two disciples, are prevented from recognizing him. What clouds our vision? It could be fear, doubt, despair, as on that road to Emmaus. Or maybe it is pride or hardness of heart. Like the early disciples, we must speak to Jesus, and tell him our story. Jesus comes to meet us, and we in turn have an opportunity to encounter him in many ways, most particularly in the breaking of the bread – the Eucharist. No matter how frantic or chaotic our lives may have become, attending Mass serves as an anchor, and a reminder of Jesus’ presence with us every day. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It took them a minute to “get it,” but once the disciples recognized Jesus they didn’t hesitate. They made a hasty return to Jerusalem to share the news with the other disciples: “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!" Having encountered Jesus in the breaking of the bread, they felt compelled to share the Good News of his resurrection with others. As Catholics, we can ask the Lord for eyes to see Jesus in our daily lives and especially at Mass. Nourished by the Eucharist, we can share our love for Jesus and our hope in the resurrection with others we encounter. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we can rest assured that Jesus walks alongside us. PRAY: Pray with the psalmist: “Lord, you will show us the path of life.” |
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Sunday of Divine Mercy Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “I’ll believe it when I see it.” We’ve all said this at some point, usually in response to hearing about someone unreliable doing something out of character. St. Thomas had the same reaction in today’s Gospel when he wasn’t there when the other disciples saw Christ for the first time since he rose from his tomb – “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Although Jesus helped Thomas with his unbelief, he blesses those who have not seen, but believe. Have any of us seen the nail marks in Christ’s hands and feet, or the wound in his side? Do we see Christ’s body and blood on the altar, or do we see only the gifts of bread and wine? Christ comes to us in ways we can understand initially – parables, bread and wine, the face of people we meet throughout our daily lives – but our faith in what we have not seen, in the great mystery of our salvation, is what makes us Christian. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: After Mass, many of us are swept up in a dizzying Easter timeline full of brightness and pastels, rushing from Mass to Easter egg hunts to lunch or dinner that may leave kids and adults alike exhausted. But our Easter worship and traditions are important because they mark this day as the most joyful of all celebrations, indeed the greatest event in human history. The Lord Jesus is calling us to new life in him! We take this time to celebrate and reflect on what this means. After his resurrection, Jesus revealed himself over time to his Apostles. But before they saw Jesus and truly understood he had risen from the dead, they experienced great sadness and fear. In the same way for us, we must remember that there is no Easter without the suffering and darkness of Good Friday. St. Paul tells us in the second reading that, in order to celebrate the feast, we must “clear out the old yeast, so that [we] may become a fresh batch of dough.” We can’t celebrate with “the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness” – we must let Christ purify our hearts and fill them with his Truth. WITNESS: Let the joy of Easter fuel a new resolve to be a witness to the Resurrection. Take Easter week to contemplate Scripture, to let Jesus fill your heart with his light and forgiveness so that you may bear his witness to those you encounter in the days and weeks to come. |
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I love arriving to Mass early when the sacristan is preparing the altar, or even shortly after the prior Mass clears out. This is because I enjoy praying the rosary with fellow parishioners as well as having my choice of seat in the church, but there’s also something about the silence, the stillness that permeates the atmosphere during that time. Sitting alone with one’s thoughts tends to either disturb or flat-out bore many people, but consider the silence in a new light this Easter Sunday. Mary of Magdala visited Christ’s tomb only to find it empty; what was the tomb like after Christ had risen and left? I’d like to think the silence of the sanctuary before Mass is like the silence of the tomb: still, peaceful and, most of all, joyful, for our Savior conquered the grave. In a way, arriving early to a silent church is like Mary arriving to Jesus’ tomb and finding it empty. Soon, though, the church is filled with other believers – witnesses to the risen Christ who proclaim his victory over sin and death to share in the Eucharist before going out into the world to serve and make disciples. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: After Mass, many of us are swept up in a dizzying Easter timeline full of brightness and pastels, rushing from Mass to Easter egg hunts to lunch or dinner that may leave kids and adults alike exhausted. But our Easter worship and traditions are important because they mark this day as the most joyful of all celebrations, indeed the greatest event in human history. The Lord Jesus is calling us to new life in him! We take this time to celebrate and reflect on what this means. After his resurrection, Jesus revealed himself over time to his Apostles. But before they saw Jesus and truly understood he had risen from the dead, they experienced great sadness and fear. In the same way for us, we must remember that there is no Easter without the suffering and darkness of Good Friday. St. Paul tells us in the second reading that, in order to celebrate the feast, we must “clear out the old yeast, so that [we] may become a fresh batch of dough.” We can’t celebrate with “the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness” – we must let Christ purify our hearts and fill them with his Truth. WITNESS: Let the joy of Easter fuel a new resolve to be a witness to the Resurrection. Take Easter week to contemplate Scripture, to let Jesus fill your heart with his light and forgiveness so that you may bear his witness to those you encounter in the days and weeks to come. |
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Easter Vigil The Resurrection of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Easter Vigil Readings
Easter Sunday Readings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 | Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8 | Jn 20:1-9 GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE
GROW: I love arriving to Mass early when the sacristan is preparing the altar, or even shortly after the prior Mass clears out. This is because I enjoy praying the rosary with fellow parishioners as well as having my choice of seat in the church, but there’s also something about the silence, the stillness that permeates the atmosphere during that time. Sitting alone with one’s thoughts tends to either disturb or flat-out bore many people, but consider the silence in a new light this Easter Sunday. Mary of Magdala visited Christ’s tomb only to find it empty; what was the tomb like after Christ had risen and left? I’d like to think the silence of the sanctuary before Mass is like the silence of the tomb: still, peaceful and, most of all, joyful, for our Savior conquered the grave. In a way, arriving early to a silent church is like Mary arriving to Jesus’ tomb and finding it empty. Soon, though, the church is filled with other believers – witnesses to the risen Christ who proclaim his victory over sin and death to share in the Eucharist before going out into the world to serve and make disciples. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: After Mass, many of us are swept up in a dizzying Easter timeline full of brightness and pastels, rushing from Mass to Easter egg hunts to lunch or dinner that may leave kids and adults alike exhausted. But our Easter worship and traditions are important because they mark this day as the most joyful of all celebrations, indeed the greatest event in human history. The Lord Jesus is calling us to new life in him! We take this time to celebrate and reflect on what this means. After his resurrection, Jesus revealed himself over time to his Apostles. But before they saw Jesus and truly understood he had risen from the dead, they experienced great sadness and fear. In the same way for us, we must remember that there is no Easter without the suffering and darkness of Good Friday. St. Paul tells us in the second reading that, in order to celebrate the feast, we must “clear out the old yeast, so that [we] may become a fresh batch of dough.” We can’t celebrate with “the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness” – we must let Christ purify our hearts and fill them with his Truth. WITNESS: Let the joy of Easter fuel a new resolve to be a witness to the Resurrection. Take Easter week to contemplate Scripture, to let Jesus fill your heart with his light and forgiveness so that you may bear his witness to those you encounter in the days and weeks to come. |
Friday, April 7, 2023
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion Homily by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap.,
Preacher of the papal household. In his account of the Passion, the Evangelist John gives particular importance to the dialogue of Jesus with Pilate, and it is on this that we want to reflect for a few moments before proceeding further with our liturgy. It all begins with Pilate’s question: “Are you the king of the Jews?” (Jn 18:33). Jesus wants to make Pilate understand that the question is far more serious than he thinks, and that it has meaning only if he does not simply repeat an accusation from others. Therefore, he asks in turn: “Do you say this on your own, or have others told you about me?” He tries to lead Pilate to a higher plane. He speaks to him of his kingdom, a kingdom that “is not of this world”. Pilate understands only one thing: that it is not a question of a political kingdom. If the accused wants to talk about religion, he doesn’t want to get into these kinds of problems. He therefore asks with a touch of irony: “Then you are a King?” Jesus replied: “You say that I am a king” (Jn 18:37). By claiming to be king, Jesus exposes himself to the danger of death; but instead of clearing himself by denying it, he strongly affirms it. He reveals his superior origins to him: “I came into the world...” He says, therefore, mysteriously, that he existed before his earthly life, he comes from another world. He came to earth to be a witness to the truth. Jesus treats Pilate as a soul who needs light and truth, and not as a judge. He is interested in the destiny of the man Pilate more than in his own destiny. With his appeal to receive the truth, he wants to prompt him to come to his senses, to look at things with different eyes, to place himself above the momentary dispute with the Jews. The Roman Procurator understands Jesus’ invitation to him, but he is skeptical and indifferent about this kind of higher speculation. The mystery he glimpses in Jesus’ words frightens him and he prefers to end the conversation. Muttering to himself “What is truth?”, he leaves the Praetorium.** What a relevant page from the Gospel for today! Even today, as in the past, man asks himself: “What is truth?” But, as Pilate did, he casually turns his back on the one who said, “I came into the world to bear witness to the truth.” “I am the Truth!” (Jn 14: 6). More>>> |
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER
HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS Prison for Minors "Casal del Marmo", Rome Holy Thursday, 6 April 2023 .● What attracts our attention is how Jesus, just the day before is crucified, accomplishes this deed. Foot washing was customary at that time because the streets were dusty. People would come in from outside and, on entering a house, before dining, before gathering, they would wash their feet. But who would wash their feet? The slaves, the slaves – because this was work relegated to slaves. Let us imagine how the disciples were astonished when they saw Jesus beginning to perform this task fit for slaves… He wanted to make them understand the message for the next day when he would die like a slave to pay the debt for all us. If we were to listen to these things from Jesus, life would be so beautiful because we would hurry to help each other out instead of getting the best of others, to take advantage of each other, the way con artists teach us. It is very beautiful to help each other, to give a hand – these are human universal gestures that are born from a noble heart. And with this celebration today, Jesus wants to teach us this: the nobility of the heart. Each one of us could say: “But if the Pope only knew the things I have inside….” But Jesus knows that, and he loves us just like we are! And he washes each of our feet. Jesus is never shocked at our weaknesses. He is never astonished, because he has already paid. He just wants to accompany us; he wants to take us by the hand so that life won’t be so harsh for us. I will perform the same deed of the washing of the feet, which is not something folkloric, no. We can all think of it as a gesture that tells us how we should treat each other. In society, we see how many people take advantage of others; how many people are in a corner and can’t get out…. How many injustices, how many people are without jobs, how many people work and are paid half, how many people have no money to purchase medicine, how many families are destroyed, so many awful things…. More>>> |
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: As we begin Holy Week, we hear Matthew’s account of the Passion. We see Jesus’ humanity as he experiences sorrow and distress in the hours before his death. Three times, he asks the Father to “let this cup pass from me, yet, not as I will, but as you will.” In our own human experience, I am guessing many of us have asked the Father to “let this cup pass” – for in addition to life’s joys, we will all experience setbacks, struggles, and suffering. By example, Jesus shows us that we can turn to our Father, trusting in his will for us. Let this be a reminder in this holiest of weeks that we can bring our suffering and our doubts to the Father, knowing that the joy of Easter will come. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The final words of today’s Gospel [shorter version] are those of the centurion and the men keeping watch over Jesus: “Truly this was the Son of God!” Let us keep in mind this central proclamation of our faith while attending Triduum services this week. On Holy Thursday, we remember the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood, celebrating Christ’s outpouring of love for us. On Good Friday we venerate the cross as we solemnly recall the passion and death of Jesus. And of course at the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday, we celebrate the story of our salvation, culminating in Jesus’ resurrection. As Christians, we know that the cross will give way to the empty tomb and the promise of new life in Christ. Let our voices be strong this week as we echo the centurion’s words above, and may Jesus’ name be praised forever! PRAY: Praying the Stations of the Cross allows us to walk with Jesus through his passion and death. Make that journey with Jesus this week. |
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In today’s Gospel, we see so clearly the fully human nature of Jesus even in the midst of him revealing his divine nature in raising Lazarus from the dead. On hearing that his friend Lazarus had died, Jesus “wept,” and he became “perturbed and deeply troubled.” We see his love for Martha and Mary, and the freedom he gives them to love him fully in return, and to expect things of him. Each of them confronts Jesus, exasperated: Had you come earlier, our brother would not have died! Yet in the same breath, they express their faith that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. As we continue our Lenten journey, we can rest assured that Jesus is never far from us and that he understands our human longings, struggles and pain. Like Martha and Mary, we can place our faith in Jesus here, now and for eternity. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The raising of Lazarus foreshadows Christ’s death and resurrection and reminds us of God’s enduring power over death. That can, at times, seem a small comfort as we confront our own mortality or mourn the loss of those dear to us. Yet, just as Jesus showed his love for Lazarus, Martha and Mary, we, too, can extend our love and support for others in their grief. We can show our love through our simple presence, a thoughtful card or an offer to pray for the deceased person and their family. In these ways, we can strengthen our own faith and that of others. As we hear in today’s Gospel, “Now many of the Jews who had come to Mary and seen what he had done began to believe in him.” ACTION: As we grow closer to Holy Week, now is a good time to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. Has it been a while? The U.S. Bishops provide a helpful guide on their website: |
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Five days, five minutes of sunshine: That’s how the city where I live greeted 2023. As the month wore on, the gloom seemed unrelenting with only momentary breaks in the clouds. When the sun did return, people posted photos on social media with a combination of joy and relief. That experience hints at the effect Jesus had on St. Paul and the early Christians. As he writes, “You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.” Today, just as then, Jesus brings light and healing to the darkness within us and within our world. Unlike the elusive sun, we can see the light of Jesus every day – in the people we love, the kindness of strangers, moments of prayer, unexpected joys. In turn, St. Paul encourages us to “live as children of light” by being the face of Jesus to others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Even in the midst of Lent as a penitential season, the Sunday readings offer us much hope. Consider today’s familiar story of Jesus healing the blind man. He doesn’t just tell the man to open his eyes. Instead, Jesus smears clay on the man’s eyes and has him wash in the Pool of Siloam; only then does the blind man see. He was transformed through Christ. Through our baptism we, too, have been transformed and “enlightened,” becoming sons and daughters of light (CCC 1216). As we continue to observe Lent, perhaps we’re working on areas in our life where we have been spiritually blind – or at least not seeing 20/20. Through our baptism and the sacraments, we can be healed and transformed by Jesus, the “light of the world.” In turn we can share that light with others, as we continue to grow in the virtues of “goodness and righteousness and truth” of which St. Paul speaks. PRAY: Psalm 23 is a favorite of many and for good reason. Read or listen to it this week as encouragement on your Lenten journey: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Third Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Even St. Teresa of Calcutta experienced a period of “spiritual dryness.” We pray, we go to Mass faithfully, we serve others – yet at times God’s presence may seem elusive. Like the Israelites, we may ask, “Is the Lord in our midst or not?” As we enter the third Sunday of Lent, today’s readings assure us that God remains with us even during those times we may feel spiritually parched. In Exodus, water flows from a rock to satisfy the people. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman at the well: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman, a sinner and an outcast, recognizes Jesus as Messiah, and it changes her life. Even when we don’t “feel” God’s presence, we can rest assured that Jesus stands beside us. He is our redemption and our Hope, and “Hope does not disappoint.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In today’s Gospel, Jesus breaks with custom by talking to a woman – a Samaritan woman, no less. He “sees” her – knowing she has been married five times before and is living with a man not her husband. Yet he chooses to reveal to her his identity as the Messiah and offers her “living water.” But it doesn’t end there. The woman at the well goes forth and shares her experience with others. Many more came to believe in the Messiah based on her testimony. What an unlikely disciple! We may feel that we, too, are unlikely disciples: We are sinners, we’ve made mistakes, perhaps we feel we are unworthy to “represent” Jesus to others. But nothing is further from the truth. Jesus invites us not only to partake of the living water but to share it with others so that all may believe. ACTION: Put a note on your mirror or bedside: “Hope does not disappoint.” Each morning, remind yourself that Jesus is the source of our hope, and try to think of ways to share this hope with others. |
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Second Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: As we enter the second week of Lent, today’s readings encourage us to place our trust in God when we are dealing with hardship or uncertainty. Last week, we heard about how Jesus resisted the devil’s temptations in the desert, trusting in the Father. This week, we follow Peter, James and John up the mountain, where Jesus “was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” Jesus had told his followers he would suffer and die. The Transfiguration gave them a foretaste of Christ's glorious coming (CCC 554-56) As we continue on our Lenten journeys, we, too, can place our trust in the Lord. Though we may experience hardships and perhaps even doubts, the Transfiguration reminds us that Jesus has gone before us and prepared a place for us. As Pope Francis reminds us, “by his Transfiguration [Jesus] invites us to gaze at him. And looking at Jesus purifies our eyes and prepares them for eternal life, for the vision of heaven” (Homily, March 2014). GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We Catholics like to pray out loud. Whether we’re singing the “Holy, Holy” with gusto or quietly reciting the rosary, most of us can say with confidence, “we have a prayer for that.” And, of course, prayer is one of the three pillars of Lent (along with fasting and almsgiving). Today’s account of the Transfiguration instructs us pretty clearly to listen. As Jesus is transfigured, the disciples hear a voice from the cloud: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” As we enter the second week of Lent, many of us have chosen something to “give up” or done something more proactive. Either way, today’s readings remind us to enter this penitential season with open hearts – and open ears. We can listen to Jesus by studying Scripture, being especially attentive to the Sunday homily, or quietly soaking in his presence through eucharistic adoration. PRAY: Try driving with the radio off this week. Use the time to pray and “listen” to Jesus. |
Sunday, February 26, 2023
First Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Superbowl Sunday was two weeks ago, and many of us were more likely interested in the commercials than the actual game. After all, companies pay a ton of money to have their products paraded in front of us, and – in theory at least – take the time to make these particular ads memorable and funny. If we can be convinced that we will be better people, or our social outings greater and filled with more laughter, we will buy what they are selling. It’s the modern version of the words of the serpent in today’s first reading: if you eat this, “you will be like gods”! Today’s readings are a reminder that we are all sinners and burdened by being vulnerable to false promises – but also that we are relieved of this burden through one man: Jesus Christ. If we tend to forget that the most important part of our salvation story is that it is full of more grace and forgiveness than we can comprehend, this first Sunday of Lent is a good time to prayerfully ponder this. If God seems far away or distant, let us recall that he loved us so much that he breathed our very life into us, and then gave his only begotten Son to us that we might have life eternally. All he asks in return is for us to accept this gift and follow in his footsteps. Lent is the time to be mindful of grace-filled opportunities that draw us closer to God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Let’s think about these 40 days. In addition to allowing us to grow in understanding of God, this time is also an opportunity to grow in our understanding of how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world and help to build the kingdom right here and now. How can we keep God at the center of our lives and resist worldly temptations to push him aside? Perhaps today’s psalm can help us here: Ask for God’s mercy, acknowledge our offenses, seek a “clean heart,” renew a “steadfast spirit” within us, and ask God to grant us a “willing spirit” to give him praise. And remember Christ’s words from the Gospel: Depend on “every word that comes forth from the mouth of God,” which is love and mercy. PRAY: Pray today’s psalm: “Give me back the joy of your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.” |
February 22, 2023
FOR LENT 2023 Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey Dear brothers and sisters! The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand him. Shortly before, there had been a real clash between the Master and Simon Peter, who, after professing his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, rejected his prediction of the passion and the cross. Jesus had firmly rebuked him: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me, because you do not think according to God, but according to men!” (Mt 16:23). Following this, “six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John his brother and led them away to a high mountain” (Mt 17:1). The Gospel of the Transfiguration is proclaimed every year on the Second Sunday of Lent. During this liturgical season, the Lord takes us with him to a place apart. While our ordinary commitments compel us to remain in our usual places and our often repetitive and sometimes boring routines, during Lent we are invited to ascend “a high mountain” in the company of Jesus and to live a particular experience of spiritual discipline – ascesis – as God’s holy people. Lenten penance is a commitment, sustained by grace, to overcoming our lack of faith and our resistance to following Jesus on the way of the cross. This is precisely what Peter and the other disciples needed to do. To deepen our knowledge of the Master, to fully understand and embrace the mystery of his salvation, accomplished in total self-giving inspired by love, we must allow ourselves to be taken aside by him and to detach ourselves from mediocrity and vanity. We need to set out on the journey, an uphill path that, like a mountain trek, requires effort, sacrifice and concentration. These requisites are also important for the synodal journey to which, as a Church, we are committed to making. We can benefit greatly from reflecting on the relationship between Lenten penance and the synodal experience. In his “retreat” on Mount Tabor, Jesus takes with him three disciples, chosen to be witnesses of a unique event. He wants that experience of grace to be shared, not solitary, just as our whole life of faith is an experience that is shared. For it is in togetherness that we follow Jesus. Together too, as a pilgrim Church in time, we experience the liturgical year and Lent within it, walking alongside those whom the Lord has placed among us as fellow travellers. Like the ascent of Jesus and the disciples to Mount Tabor, we can say that our Lenten journey is “synodal”, since we make it together along the same path, as disciples of the one Master. For we know that Jesus is himself the Way, and therefore, both in the liturgical journey and in the journey of the Synod, the Church does nothing other than enter ever more deeply and fully into the mystery of Christ the Savior. More>>> |
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time before Lent begins. I realize in saying it that way, however, it sounds like a warning (“the bookstore will be closing in five minutes, please bring your purchases to the register!”) rather than an acknowledgement of the celebration that it is. So let me put it another way: Today is the 7th – of 33 – Sundays in Ordinary Time this year, which means, we’ve only just begun. We are in some of the earliest days of the Church’s “ordered” (ordinary/numbered) approach to helping us mature and grow in faith. We do this by living with and in the life of Christ over the course of a year. At each step we celebrate the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Christ, but we also set aside different seasons to focus on those specific elements. And so it makes sense that as we approach Lent, we hear more about what exactly God asks of us. Lent will be a season of preparation for Christ’s passion; have we prepared our hearts accordingly to receive him? Today’s readings remind us of what sets us back: hatred for others; desire for revenge; grudges; worldly wisdom; all things which are destructive of God’s temple – our souls, as Saint Paul says. Having a heart full of these things means there is no room for love, which means there is no room for Christ. Let us pray for God’s help in ridding ourselves of all that is destructive, and for the strength to grow a heart only for him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I’d argue that in some ways, Lent actually starts before Ash Wednesday since it requires forethought and planning. We have to prepare for a season of preparation! We have to figure out what to fast from or add to our spiritual lives, and how we might specifically direct our almsgiving. But how ready are we to respond in a meaningful way to the fact that Christ died for love of us? His death transformed our death into the promise of eternal life. Today’s Gospel offers practical actions, things which all Christians should strive for daily, but especially observe during Lent if a spiritual reset is needed. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek. Hand over your cloak. Go the extra mile: “Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.” Love your enemies and pray for your persecutors. Lent is a call to act out of love, especially in tough situations. Take these next couple of days to prepare for Ash Wednesday and the weeks that follow. REFLECT: Spend some time taking stock of your spiritual life. Are you holding contempt for someone, or seeking revenge for something? Where might you be falling short in striving to imitate Christ? Bring these thoughts to God in prayer. |
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Just the other day some of my friends agreed on a new way to approach the new year: Select one word, a kind of mantra for 2023. Ironically, even though I am indecisive to a fault, I had no trouble deciding on mine: “Choose.” I often get stuck, whether it’s deciding which online clothing purchases to return, what to order on the menu … and don’t get me started on major life decisions. Today’s reading from Sirach reminds us of the choice that matters most: If we choose to keep the commandments, they will save us. “Before man are life and death, good and evil, whichever he chooses shall be given him.” We are well into 2023, but it bears reminding that each day we have an opportunity to choose anew: To follow God’s law, fulfilled in the words and example of Jesus. He will show us the way. “If you trust in God, you too shall live.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We’ve probably all heard the term “quiet quitting” by now. It’s a workplace phenomenon where employees do the bare minimum rather than going above and beyond. I thought of that phrase when reading Matthew’s Gospel today. How many of us Christians have “quietly quit,” doing the minimum required – going to Mass on Sunday, being faithful to our spouse, not resorting to violence when we get angry with someone. Jesus challenges us to go above and beyond the Ten Commandments. You shall not kill, but you should not stay angry either. You shall not commit adultery, but you shall also love your spouse with your whole heart. Today’s readings challenge us to rediscover God’s law and challenge ourselves to go “above and beyond” in our daily lives. PRAY: Pray today’s psalm (119): “Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!” How might you specifically follow the law of the Lord just a little bit better, or above and beyond, today? Each day? |
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It’s amazing how one interaction can brighten an otherwise gloomy day. I love a nice sunrise on a wintry morning or a crackling fire on an autumn night. But whatever the weather, nothing quite lights up my day like a shared laugh with a friend, a snippet of real conversation with my teen son, or a hot cup of coffee delivered by my husband. In today’s reading, Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount, telling the disciples: “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” We, too, can be light for others – through good deeds large and small, ordinary and extraordinary. As we go about our days, we can ask the Lord to show us how to serve others. We will have days when we don’t feel up to the task but, like St. Paul, we can ask the Holy Spirit to light the way./ GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used images that resonate with us as much as they did with his followers 2,000 years ago: salt and light. Salt serves many purposes, preserving our food and giving it flavor, for example. And of course we cannot live without light. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples: “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world.” Like the disciples we, too, can be salt and light for others by giving witness to our faith. What that involves will be different for each of us. For ideas, we can turn to today’s reading from Isaiah, which calls us to share our bread, shelter the oppressed and clothe the naked. In doing so, our light “shall break forth like the dawn.” ACTION: We all know people we’d call “the salt of the earth.” Who are those people in your life? Make a list of the characteristics they exhibit or actions they take that you can learn from and try to imitate. Ask God for the grace to see and do likewise for his glory. |
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I have a competitive streak. Whether it’s guessing Wordle in one try, grabbing the last Doorbuster deal at Kohl’s or snagging Boardwalk early in a game of Monopoly, I like to win. For this reason, the readings today especially challenge me. In a world that values success, wealth and “winning,” today’s readings turn things upside down when it comes to status and justice. In Zephaniah, God chooses the “humble and lowly.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays out a road map to lasting happiness that bears little resemblance to what the world tells us, and even what our own instincts may tell us, about being “happy.” I’ll still buy Boardwalk at the first opportunity, but Jesus’ words invite me to focus on seeking righteousness, and to be merciful and “clean of heart.” They encourage me to seek the happiness that only Christ can give. Through prayer and reflection on these words, we can ask the Lord to transform our hearts and lives to align with what it truly means to be blessed. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Pope Francis has referred to the Eight Beatitudes as a kind of Christian “identity card.” (General Audience, Jan. 2020) And he had a suggestion for those of us, like me, who love to listen to the Sermon on the Mount but may not be sure where to start when it comes to living it. His suggestion is simple: “There are eight Beatitudes, and it would be nice to learn them by heart and to repeat them in order to keep this law that Jesus gives us in our mind and in our hearts.” Perhaps we can place each Beatitude on a sticky note by the mirror, incorporate them into our morning prayers, teach them to our children or discuss them with friends. Practice makes perfect, yes? As Pope Francis reminds us, “the Beatitudes always bring you to joy; they are the paths to reach joy.” STUDY: Memorize the Eight Beatitudes. Learn about each one by reading the writings of Pope Francis or another theologian such as Bishop Robert Barron. Ask God to help you incorporate them into your daily life. |
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Since the Fall, the world has been riddled with strife and divisiveness. From the disobedience in the Garden, to Cain and Abel, to conflicts and wars throughout the centuries, it’s clear that we humans are prone to picking sides and fighting over them. We hear about this even within the early Church from St. Paul in today’s second reading. There were rivalries, and Christians were saying things such as, “I belong to Paul” or “I belong to Cephas.” But Paul wisely asks: “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” Clearly not. There is only one source of Truth – Jesus Christ – and Paul never hesitated to refuse credit for himself, and to instead glorify the Lord in his word and deed. This is the model set for us – to refuse to set ourselves or God-made-in-our-own-image over and against the Triune God who created us. Christ came to unite us with himself and to one another, in reconciliation with the Father. His words are now our words: Repent and believe in the Gospel. Pray for the grace to come together as the body of Christ so that we can be his hands and feet in the world and carry out the work he began. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In Jesus Christ the kingdom of God enters into human history, fulfilling God’s promise of salvation for his people. Christ inaugurated the kingdom on earth, and as members of his Church we are responsible for continuing to build it – here and now. As Christ called his first disciples and made them “fishers of men,” so he calls us, that we might go forth “proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people.” PRAY: The Lord has commissioned us to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Where we cannot go physically or in person, we can go in prayer. Bring before the Lord all who yet need to hear his voice and repent and believe. Pray for those who are persecuted for their belief in Jesus Christ. |
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a dove close up. The dove is a powerful symbol for Jews and Christians alike, representing love and a deep sense of peace. The dove has special significance for Christians, as a sign of the Holy Spirit. In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist testifies, “I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and remain upon him … He is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.” The Baptist further testifies that Jesus is the Son of God. The catechism (701) reminds us that John the Baptist not only paved the way for Jesus, but for all of us who followed: “The Spirit comes down and remains in the purified hearts of the baptized.” Through our baptism, we can follow in the footsteps of John the Baptist by telling others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit will give us what we need in order to become messengers of love and peace to those we encounter. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: During his 1988 campaign, President George H.W. Bush used the phrase “a thousand points of light” to describe volunteers “spread like stars throughout the nation, doing good.” This phrase came to mind as I listened to the reading from Isaiah, in which the Lord vows to make Israel “a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” John the Baptist baptizes with water to prepare the people for Jesus’ coming. As we settle into the dark days of winter, today’s readings challenge us to become points of light to others, leading them to Christ. How we do that will differ for each of us – praying for others, visiting an elderly relative, writing that letter we’ve been putting off. We may not be prophets like Isaiah and John the Baptist, but we have the gift of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to inspire us. PRAY: Today’s psalm reminds me of the popular hymn, “Here I am, Lord.” While I love the melody, the psalmist offers a simple spoken version that we can pray to point ourselves in the direction of Jesus each day: “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” |
Sunday, January 8, 2023
The Epiphany of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It’s easy to stay inside and cozy up on the couch these winter months. Having just gotten through the winter solstice, many of us crave light and warmth. The language of Isaiah may resonate with us even more deeply this time of year: “See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears his glory.” In today’s Gospel, in the dark of night, the Magi follow a bright star to pay homage to Jesus, whom they recognize as the newborn king of the Jews. On the Epiphany, which means “manifestation,” we celebrate this moment when Christ’s light shone forth to the world. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote in Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives: “The key point is this: The wise men from the east are a new beginning. They represent the journeying of humanity toward Christ.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Like the Wise Men who traveled a long distance to pay homage to the Christ Child, each of us journeys every day toward a fuller life in Christ. Just as the Magi followed the light to discover Christ, so does the light of Christ serve as our constant beacon, reorienting us toward God and his holy path. After worshiping the Christ Child at Christmas, let us move forward and pay homage to the Savior through our words and actions. Although Epiphany signifies the official “end” of the Christmas season, it is fitting that it falls at the beginning of a new calendar year because it allows us to reexamine, among our traditional “New Year’s resolutions,” how we live our lives in the light of Christ. “The wise men from the east are a new beginning,’ the pope said. May their journey and experience inspire us to “begin anew” however we must, and offer Jesus our gifts of love and devotion, considering how his light may shine through us to others. PRAY: “Dear Jesus, as you led the Wise Men to you by the light of a star, please draw us ever closer to you by the light of faith. Help us to desire you as ardently as they did. Give us the grace to overcome all the obstacles that keep us far from you. May we, like them, have something to give you when we appear before you. Amen.” |
Sunday, January 1, 2023
GROW: Today’s readings remind us of the central role Mary plays in the story of Jesus and the story of our salvation. We may be tempted to place her on a pedestal – as well we should – she is the Mother of God! At the same time, today’s Gospel reminds us she is not divine herself, but human – and she bore the incarnate flesh of the Son of God in his divine and human nature. She went through the sleepless nights and the uncertainties of parenting in all its stages. She learned early on what it takes many of us a lifetime to learn – often in fits and starts – absolute trust in God. As we celebrate this solemnity, we can bring our uncertainties, fears, and struggles to Mary our mother, asking for the grace to follow her faithful example. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Of course there’s nothing wrong with New Year’s resolutions, and I always admire people who have thought about them in advance. Me? I’m often tongue-tied on January 1 when someone asks me what my resolutions are (hmm … maybe I should think about kicking that procrastination habit in 2023?) This is why Mary’s reaction to the visit of the shepherds strikes me so profoundly. The shepherds pay homage to Jesus and spread the word that God’s Son has been born. Mary, Luke writes, “kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” As we move into a new year, so rich with possibility, we might follow Mary’s example and reflect before jumping headlong into this or that goal or New Year’s resolution. Instead, perhaps we can take the day – or a week or a month – to prayerfully reflect on how we can best put our faith in Jesus into action. How can we witness to our faith in our daily lives? What changes might help us do that? We can ask God to help us draw up a list of ways that we can be more faithful to him. PRAY: Pray the Hail Mary, reflecting on each line with gratitude. If you have more time, give yourself a “mini-retreat” by reading or reflecting on a book or devotional about Mary. |
Sunday, December 25, 2022
GROW: The day we have been awaiting has arrived: Christ is born! All of our Christmas preparations – wrapping gifts and preparing holiday meals to be shared among family and friends – are meant to glorify and reflect God’s own work for and in us. That is, God’s greatest gift of himself, clothed in mortal flesh, who would one day offer himself as the bread of life: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Jesus came to the world in the form of the most helpless of us all, a newborn infant, so that through him we would be reconciled to the Father, for “to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God.” We celebrate the Incarnation of the Lord, for Christ is our salvation! It is through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit that we are adopted into God’s family and receive the fullness of his grace. The fullness of God’s truth is revealed in Jesus Christ. “The Lord has made his salvation known”; “he has spoken to us through the Son.” Let us give thanks and rejoice this day! GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Good News of Jesus Christ is not meant to be kept to ourselves. Today’s Gospel reading reminds us that John the Baptist testified to the light of Christ before Christ had yet publicly appeared. Sharing the Good News is not optional! Even the earth proclaims the Good News in Isaiah, “announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, ‘Your God is King!’” Indeed, Christ the King – God in human flesh – has arrived. Just as John was sent before the Lord to proclaim his coming, so are we charged: Sent out to the world to go and announce the Gospel of the Lord, “so that all might believe.” WITNESS: How might you go out and proclaim the coming of the Lord? Don’t forget: sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ isn’t limited just to speaking to others. It includes living as Christ did – feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and the poor, defending the helpless – because we are Christ’s body in the world. |
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In our family’s department-store Nativity set, Joseph blends into the background: Mary and the infant Jesus steal the scene, she in her blue robes and looking over the sweet, tiny and vulnerable Son of God. Even the Magi stand out more than humble Joseph. Yet today’s Gospel focuses on Jesus’ earthly father, whom many of us Catholics grew to know a little better during the Year of St. Joseph in 2021. Imagine Joseph’s shock at learning Mary was pregnant! Rather than quietly divorcing her, he accepts the angel’s words at face value: “For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Joseph takes Mary into his home and embraces her and the child Jesus she bears. As we celebrate this fourth Sunday of Advent, we can all do well to follow Joseph and Mary’s example by saying “yes” to God, even though it may turn our lives upside down. We can dust off our Nativity scenes and ask the Lord to help us prepare our hearts and homes for Jesus. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I remember our first trip to the pediatrician with our newborn. Our job as parents, he said in so many words, was to raise him so that he’d be ready to leave us at 18. As our youngest approaches that milestone, I’m having a hard time letting go. In his apostolic letter Patris Corde, Pope Francis holds up St. Joseph as an example of what it means to be a father (and I think this applies to mothers, too): “Every child is the bearer of a unique mystery that can only be brought to light with the help of a father who respects that child’s freedom. A father who realizes that he is most a father and educator at the point when he becomes ‘useless,’ when he sees that his child has become independent and can walk the paths of life unaccompanied. When he becomes like Joseph, who always knew that his child was not his own but had merely been entrusted to his care.” Joseph and Mary loved Jesus in this way, accepting that Jesus did not “belong” to them but to all of us. Whether or not we are parents, we can learn from their example, entrusting our lives and those of our loved ones to God. As St. Paul reminds us, we “belong to Jesus Christ.” ACTION: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” As you light the Advent candles or say evening prayers this week, reflect on the ways Jesus has made his presence known to you today and give thanks. |
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today many of us light a rose Advent candle as we celebrate Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means “rejoice,” and today’s readings hint at the joy of Christ’s coming. Who among us can’t relate to the concrete examples from the prophet Isaiah that give us many reasons for hope and joy as we anticipate Christ’s birth. Those of us who have experienced fear or doubt find reassurance: “Be strong, fear not!” During the holidays when many will grieve those who have died this past year, we hear that “sorrow and mourning will flee.” In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist points us to the source of our joy in the person of Jesus Christ. As we continue to prepare for his coming, we can take comfort knowing that God is with us now and for eternity. As we hear in today's Psalm, "The Lord God keeps faith forever.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I am not a patient person. Waiting in the slow grocery line raises my heart rate, and I have to use cruise control in 35 mph zones (it works!). Despite my impatience, I’ve grown to love planting a vegetable garden in the spring and never cease to be amazed at the rich harvest of tomatoes in July or August. As St. James reminds us, we can learn from the farmer who patiently waits for the rains. “You too must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” Whether we have patient personalities or not, we can rest assured that the Lord is with us for the long game. Just as the rains help our tomatoes to come in – a miracle that still surprises me each summer – our faithfulness, prayer, and good works can nurture our hearts and our souls. They also remind us of the true joy of the season: Our Savior, Jesus Christ, has taken on our humanity for our salvation. “Lord, come and save us.” ACTION: Need something to brighten your living area during the deep of winter? You can find amaryllis “bulbs in a box” online. They bloom inside and can be moved outside when spring comes, serving as a visible reminder that patience pays off. This can also be a nice gift for a friend or perhaps an elderly relative who does not have access to a garden. |
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Second Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Harmony. It can seem so elusive in these times when our newsfeeds bombard us with reminders of what’s wrong with our world: War, political conflicts, hunger, injustice, violence. We may also experience discord in our homes or within our hearts. Perhaps that is why the beautiful imagery in Isaiah’s prophecy, where Isaiah envisions a world transformed by the coming of the Messiah, strikes a chord as we prepare for Christ’s coming: We picture the wolf lying beside the lamb, and the calf with the lion. All will be right with the world. As we reflect on the areas in our lives that lack harmony, we are reminded to focus on Jesus and the Father, the source of all good. Through prayer and reflection on our Advent readings, we can “prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I have a “smart” alarm clock. To shut it off, I just have to say, “Alexa, turn off my alarm.” Easy, right? Well, too easy, it turns out, because lately I’ve slept right through the one-sided conversation. But it’s hard to miss John’s wake-up call: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” Perhaps, though, we’ve become complacent; we’ve heard it so often that we skip right past it. That can happen during Advent, this season of preparation and, yes, repentance. I love our family traditions – candy every day, in the morning!; our well-worn Nativity set; lighting the Advent candles; Christmas concerts and gatherings. None of those are bad, of course, but in the blur of the season we must be challenged by John the Baptist’s words to prepare not only our homes but our hearts for Christ’s coming. During this season, we can examine our lives to separate the wheat from the chaff, focusing on those things that bring us closer to the Lord and one another. As St. Paul encourages the Romans, “Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” PRAY: St. Paul’s words above give us pretty clear instruction for how to live out our faith by welcoming others as Christ has welcomed us. Reflect on these words during daily Advent reflection this week: When have we welcomed others in our lives – and truly loved them? How can we do that for someone in the coming days? |
Sunday, November 27, 2022
First Sunday of Advent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Don’t get me wrong. I love vacations and weekends away. But the night and day before? It’s always a whirlwind of laundry, packing, and shopping for groceries and essential car snacks. I knew we were going away. I could have gotten my act together earlier. Next trip, I tell myself. Then the cycle repeats itself. Advent can be that way. This year’s going to be the year! No rushing around, no crazy last-minute shopping, no stress: I’m going to study the daily readings, read that Advent devotional, settle into the season of waiting. Today’s readings speak not only to procrastinators like me but also to the planners: Wherever we are on that continuum, Advent gives us an opportunity to ready our souls for Jesus’ coming. It’s less about what we do when than about preparing our hearts. Through prayer, study and the liturgies of this season, we can ask God to help us clean house within and prepare for Jesus’ coming. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Today is not only the first Sunday of Advent, but the first day of the liturgical year. Today’s readings encourage us to prepare for Christ’s coming. I love St. Paul’s imagery: “Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us … put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Just as we make resolutions for the new calendar year, Advent affords us an opportunity to start anew. However, the gift of our faith reminds us that we are not alone in this! We can seek the help of the Holy Spirit through prayer and turn to the accountability partners who sit in the pews next to us at Sunday Mass. We, in turn, can be a light to others through our words, attitudes, and actions. As we light our houses and light our Christmas trees this year, we can remember to put on the armor of light ourselves as we begin this holy season. ACTION: Even with the best of intentions, the holiday season can become busy. As you go about errands or prepare your home, make an effort to listen to Advent hymns or reflections. |
Sunday, November 20, 2022
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Did you watch Queen Elizabeth’s funeral procession? The Imperial State Crown that sat atop her coffin is “made of gold and set with 2,868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, 269 pearls, and 4 rubies,” according to the Historic Royal Palaces website. It had been made for her father, King George VI, for his 1937 coronation. It is hard to reconcile this bejeweled crown with the crown of thorns worn by Jesus at his crucifixion. Yet we recognize the crucified Christ as the king of kings, the firstborn of creation, above “thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.” As we conclude the liturgical year, we are reminded that the cross, not the crown, is the primary symbol of Christ’s power. By embracing the cross – through service, sacrifice and recognizing Jesus as the king of our lives – we can help bring about his kingdom. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It can be easy to distance ourselves from the two condemned criminals crucified alongside Jesus, much the way we might write off the prisoners in our midst today. Yet Luke’s telling reveals their humanity and our shared human nature. One reacts as any of us might, telling Jesus to “save himself.” The other speaks words of faith, recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, our true king of the universe. As we prepare to enter Advent, let us ask God for the grace to recognize Jesus as our king. Soon we will be swept up in the Christmas countdown. By placing Christ, the newborn king, at the center of our lives, we can in turn help ourselves and those close to us slow down and experience Advent in such a way so as to fully prepare for his coming. PRAY: This week, make the words of the second criminal your prayer: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." |
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes events leading up to the end times: wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, persecution, and even death. It’s no wonder some Christians believe the Second Coming could be any day now. After all, our world has seen more than its share of these signs. However, as Jesus tells the disciples, we don’t know when the end times will come. We do know, however, that Jesus remains at our side through the thick and thin of these “in between times.” Just as Jesus tells the disciples he will give them “wisdom in speaking” to refute their enemies, he will give us the strength we need to persevere in faith. As St. Paul reminds us, we can do that by imitating the early Christians, working quietly to build up the kingdom of God each day. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: When facing a difficult decision or situation, it can be easy to fall into the trap of “catastrophizing” – that is, thinking of our biggest fear coming true, or of the worst that can happen. Today’s readings include a laundry list: a blazing fire, toil and drudgery, wars and insurrections, earthquakes, famines, persecution, and death. Yet Jesus tells the disciples, “not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” Rather than focus on our fears – not only about the end times but in our day-to-day lives – Jesus challenges us to trust in God’s love for us. It doesn’t mean we should resign ourselves to the difficulties we or others face. However, by placing faith over fear we can seek to help others here on earth, confident that Jesus will lead us home when our time comes. ACT: Many people today suffer due to natural disasters, authoritarian leadership, and human violence. Pray for these victims, of course, but also – in your creativity – seek out ways to use your time, talent, and/or treasure to alleviate their situation if possible. |
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My colleague grew up playing a lot of basketball, and she has pointed out the obvious: Despite the fact that the hoop is much larger than the ball, and there is a very large backboard behind it, it can be very easy to miss a shot. Depending on where you are on the floor, you have to set your sights on, and aim the ball toward, a very specific place in space or on the glass. The king in the first reading and the Sadducees in the Gospel are shooting airballs. Each one of them is, literally, not seeing the right goal. In answering the Sadducees’ questions, Jesus challenges their assumptions – not about marriage, but about life after death: “Those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead … can no longer die … they are the children of God … and he is not God of the dead, but of the living.” Something even greater, beyond human understanding, awaits. The seven brothers who experienced horrible deaths rather than violate God’s law knew that. We, too, hold onto hope that we will be among the living whom Jesus describes. In the meantime, we can place our trust in Jesus and focus on living according to the example he set for us. We may not know exactly what life after death will look and feel like, but we can trust the psalmist's words: “Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I like to run races of various distances, and one of my favorite things is seeing the fun posters people hold up (“This is a lot of work for a free banana”) and hearing shouts of encouragement. Even more powerful, of course, is the encouragement of friends and family members as we face challenges or difficulties. So it’s heartening to hear from St. Paul that we can count on Jesus and the Father as a source of “everlasting encouragement and good hope.” Again we are reminded that we cannot – and should not have to – do it alone. Instead, we can join Paul in asking God to “encourage [our] hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” In turn, we can encourage others in their faith and daily lives, seeking to reflect God’s love to those we encounter. ACTION: One positive thing about social media is the way it allows us to lift one another up through a simple “Like” or comment. In the same way that we “connect” with others on social media, our kind, encouraging words and Christian example in our comments can connect others to Jesus and his Church. |
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: When will wisdom kick in? Even so many years later, I still struggle with some of the same questions that kept me up at night when I was 21. Fortunately, God is patient with late bloomers. The Book of Wisdom reassures us that, first, God loves us, no matter where we are on the continuum of “having it all together.” Second, the Lord won’t judge us on our worst days, but wants us to grow in wisdom and holiness. The Wisdom writer knows it’s not an overnight process; it is often marked by one step forward, two steps back: “You rebuke offenders little by little, warn them and remind them of the sins they are committing, that they may abandon their wickedness and believe in you, O Lord!” Like Zacchaeus in today’s Gospel, if we seek out Jesus and ask for his help, he will show us the way. Thanks be to a God who comes “to seek and to save what was lost.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: At Mass recently, the priest encouraged parishioners to turn to the person next to them and ask them for whom they would like us to pray. I’ve been at Masses where we introduce ourselves, but this “Hi, how are you, please pray for X” was new to me. As Mass continued, I prayed for Matt, the son of the woman in front of me. She prayed for my friend Jim, whose sore knee had sidelined him during his walk along the Camino de Santiago. How encouraging it must have been for the early Christians to know that St. Paul held them in prayer, “that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith.” Just as Jesus seeks us out, we, in turn, can accompany others who may be lost or hurting or who just happen to be in the next pew. Through our prayers, we can build up one another, our parish, and the wider Church. PRAY: When a friend shares a struggle or challenge, don’t be shy about offering your prayers. Make a list of people to pray for and set it by your bedside so you don’t forget. |
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I love baseball. Have you ever seen a batter strike out three times straight, only to hit a game-winning home run or base hit on his fourth at-bat? It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, the victory is all the sweeter! I do not believe God actually influences the outcome of baseball games (well, maybe a little; I’m a Cubs fan after all). But I do believe ours is a God who stands by us even in the worst of slumps. Like St. Paul, the key is to keep the faith even when life throws us curveballs, as it inevitably will. If we approach the Lord with the perseverance of Paul and the humility of the tax collector, he will give us the strength we need to finish the race. We can make an effort to approach each day with gratitude, knowing the Lord is always at our side. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Have you heard of Blessed Solanus Casey? He became a Capuchin Franciscan priest, but because of his academic difficulties his ministry was limited. Ordained a “simplex priest,” he could say Mass but not preach or hear confessions. And so he was assigned to become a porter, or “doorkeeper.” Rather than complain, Father Solanus embraced this ministry. “He was always ready and willing to listen to anyone any time of the day or night,” according to the biography read at his beatification in 2017. Because of his humility and holiness, people from all walks of life were drawn to him, often waiting hours to greet him at the door of St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit. Hearing today’s reading about the prideful Pharisee and the humble tax collector brought his story to mind. Through this parable, Jesus challenges us to approach God and others with humility, understanding that all we are and all we do come from God. We don’t have to be the “first,” the “best,” or the “brightest” – but simply need to ask God to help us grow in love and faith. ACT: Read about Blessed Solanus and recite the “Canonization Prayer,” which asks God: “May your will be done in my life today.” |
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We’re all familiar with the refrain to pray without ceasing. It starts with Moses, who keeps his hands raised with the staff of God while war waged against Israel. It carries over to the Apostles, and St. Paul gives Timothy the exhortation to “be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient.” Jesus affirms in the parable of the persistent widow how important it is “to pray always without becoming weary.” As Christians, we understand the importance of prayer, but to pray always and constantly? Especially in today’s world filled with distractions, this seems like an impossible task. Even Moses grew weary! But persistence is the name of the game in prayer. When prayer becomes difficult and no longer flows, we, like Moses receiving support to keep his hands steady until the battle was won, can receive support from the Holy Spirit. We simply must push forward and ask for help because Christ assures us God will “secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Prayer does not only consist of mental or vocal pleas to God; rather, it includes praise and thanksgiving and petition, all of which can be offered through simply living. We can consecrate our daily actions and offer them up to God as a living prayer: dropping the kids off at school with a special blessing in Christ’s name to conquer the day; biting our tongue and inviting the Holy Spirit into a situation when dealing with a difficult person; or sitting at the dinner table filled with thanksgiving for our food and family. Prayer then isn’t something we simply do, it is something we live. PRAY: Choose an action that will serve as a trigger to encourage you to pray. Do you hear sirens as you’re heading to work? Say a “Hail Mary” for those who may be in harm’s way. Are you scrolling through social media and find a friend sharing their struggle? Offer a quick prayer for their need. Train yourself to pray – something as simple as, “Lord Jesus have mercy on (N.)” or “Lord look graciously upon their need” – and you’ll find yourself praying without even thinking about it. |
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Back in 2018, a Christmastime video about gratitude went viral. A young Dad wakes up covered in wrapping paper to discover his similarly adorned wife and kids. He runs through the house, “unwrapping” the electricity, running water, his shoes ... and a car! Today’s Gospel reminded me of this, and of all the times the Lord has provided: whether it is something ordinary like food in the fridge or something extraordinary like the birth of our sons. But how often do I acknowledge that all these gifts come from God? I am guessing all 10 of the lepers in today’s Gospel felt much gratitude and joy after they were healed. But only one, a foreigner no less, returned to Jesus to give thanks to God. Likewise, today’s readings remind us to return to God with gratitude for all the blessings in our lives – both extraordinary and ordinary. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Hearing the account in Kings today, I picture Naaman plunging into the Jordan – not just once but seven times! What if he’d stopped after one, or two, or four? We hear in the Gospel of 10 other lepers, all of whom raised their voices shouting “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!” In both cases, those seeking healing showed faith in God, persevering against all odds. This perseverance also is evident in the second reading, where Saint Paul bears great suffering for the sake of the Gospel and the salvation of others. These readings challenge us to persevere in our faith – through prayer and our witness to others we encounter. God will not always answer our prayers the way we want or expect – at least not the first time. We need to jump back in like Naaman, trusting that God will give us what we need. PRAY: We quickly turn to God when things go wrong. Next time something good happens, turn to God with the same urgency and say a prayer of thanks. |
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The prophet Habakkuk lived seven centuries before Christ, yet his words could well be ours today: “I cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not intervene.” Do we sometimes feel as though strife in our communities, and even within our own families, is more than we can handle? Like the prophet, we may ask, “How long, O Lord? I cry for help but you do not listen.” Indeed, we may feel our prayers are not being answered. Perhaps it is simply that they are not “answered” in the manner and timeframe in which we wish they would be. Although “God’s time” and his plan for our lives may seem mysterious or discouraging, it is by continuing to bring our concerns to God in prayer that we can actually help our faith grow and mature. We see countless examples of people who remain faithful in spite of hardship, misfortune and loss. Let us take time today, as the disciples did, to pray and ask Jesus to “increase our faith.” In simply turning to the Lord, we exhibit faith that, like a tiny mustard seed, has great power and can be a source of strength to ourselves and those around us. It is in faith in Christ that we find hope. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I find today’s Gospel reading so reassuring. Even just a tiny speck of faith can move mountains. Or, in this case, uproot a mulberry tree and plant it in the sea! Working for a Catholic magazine, I’m privileged to write about people with a deep and abiding faith, one they freely share with others through their example and by sharing their stories. I bet we can all point to a friend or family member who exhibits the kind of faith so strong that it rubs off on others they encounter. Jesus reminds us that even a little faith can have a huge impact – not only on our lives but on others. We can share it by offering to pray for those facing a challenge, talking to God when we feel overwhelmed, and opening our hearts to the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and in the faces of the people we encounter each day. PRAYER: Even the prophet Habakkuk and the disciples experienced "off" days where faith eluded them. But the psalmist reminds us to keep showing up in prayer: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Especially in moments of despair, bring your concerns to God in prayer. |
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Don’t let the purple garments and fine linen throw you. We who are fortunate enough to not have to think about our daily needs being met don’t have to be dressed in fancy clothing. But it would not hurt to reflect for a moment on the unsettling parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Why? As Amos reminds us in the first reading, complacency isn’t an option. Perhaps one of the simplest elements of this teaching of Jesus is the fact that the name Lazarus comes from the Hebrew name Eleazar, which means “God is my helper,” or “God will help.” Lazarus had no one on earth to help him and so he trusted in God completely. Although this may not be easy for us to do, it is what God asks of us. This coming week, seek to know the Lord better through studying his word and seeking him in prayer more often. Allow him to walk beside you. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Who is “Lazarus” today? He could be the homeless person who smells of cigarettes and hasn’t bathed in a while, or the mentally ill woman who shouts at us as we walk by. Today’s readings challenge us to move out of complacency and judgment and, instead, see the poor as human beings deserving of dignity and care. Unlike the rich man in today’s parable, we still have time to reorder our priorities and find ways to close the “chasm” between rich and poor. As Pope Francis said during the Mass for the World Day of the Poor in 2021, indifference is not an option. The Church “asks us not to turn aside, not to be afraid to take a close look at the suffering of those most vulnerable.” Then, act. Today’s psalm tells us all we need to know: “Blessed he who keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry.” ACT: If you encounter someone in need on the street, consider giving away socks, a gift card to an area restaurant, or simply offer a nod and a smile. Then perhaps seek volunteer opportunities near you. |
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Our body language says a lot. Crossed arms can signal anger or defensiveness, while arms outstretched imply openness. It’s unlikely Timothy researched nonverbal cues, but his encouragement to pray while “lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument” is good advice. I think this posture can carry into other areas of our life, including our relationship with money and/or possessions. If we cling to these, we risk closing ourselves off to life’s true riches: our faith and our relationships, for example. As we learn in today’s Gospel, we cannot serve both God and mammon. In our culture, it’s easy to get caught up in accumulating more possessions or holding tight to what we have. Jesus challenges us to place our trust in God rather than the ups and downs of the stock market or our bank account. Let us, instead, approach Jesus in prayer, arms wide open. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I rarely miss a planned morning workout. I carefully lay out my clothes, go to bed early, and set my alarm. It helps to meet up with a friend for that added layer of accountability. These are all “small things,” but they indicate my investment in the activity and help me build trust in myself and within my friendships. I wonder if we can’t do the same when it comes to staying spiritually fit. For me, being “trustworthy in very small matters” is a bit like my workout routine. We don’t need grand gestures to keep our relationship with Jesus strong: setting aside time in the morning to focus on prayer; going to Mass even when we don’t feel like it; talking with a friend about ways to grow spiritually. In his letter, Timothy reminds his followers that prayer and devotion are “good and pleasing to God our savior.” Should we become discouraged, we can find comfort in knowing that God wills everyone to be saved. Through prayer and seemingly small changes in our routine, we can challenge ourselves and encourage each other to make our relationship with Jesus our first priority. ACT: Think about your daily routine. What small change can you make to enhance your relationship with God? It may be as simple as saying a good-morning prayer or beginning a list of people and things for which you are grateful. |
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I think I lose more things than the average person. Car keys. That magic security card that gets me into my office. My son’s birth certificate (the night before the driver’s test). And my wedding ring, more often than I care to admit. I can’t rest until I find them. Oh, the elation when the missing item turns up! So this is one parable I think I “get.” Of course, these items pale in comparison to our value as human beings – sons and daughters of God. Even – or perhaps especially – us sinners. As Jesus tells us, “There will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” What good news for all of us! Rather than wallow in our failures or close ourselves off to God, we are challenged to follow Paul's example and turn to God for our strength – we can turn to him knowing we are loved, valued, and cherished. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I confess I sometimes feel unworthy to become very active in my parish. I’ve made more mistakes than I can count; so, no, I’ll pass on volunteering to be a lector or a catechist. That’s a job for the “good Catholics.” As we see time and again in Scripture, ours is a Church of sinners. As was the case with Paul, “once a blasphemer and a persecutor and arrogant,” the Lord has mercy upon us, and his grace is abundant. Just as he considered Paul trustworthy to lead the Church, he trusts us; we need only trust ourselves. Gaining our strength from God, we can share our gifts through ministry and service. What’s more, we can actively reach out to those on the fringes of our parish or those who have left the Church feeling as though they don’t belong. Jesus reminds us that all are welcome at his table. ENGAGE: At Sunday Mass, make a point of welcoming newcomers and strangers with a smile or greeting. Consider getting involved in a parish ministry. |
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Often, before writing these reflections, I take a minute to pray. I decided to add a minute of mindfulness using my new Apple Watch, which conveniently provides a meditation prompt. Today’s happened to be: “Bring to mind a close relationship that can be challenging, and think about what it can teach you.” Like those paper messages in fortune cookies, even this auto-generated prompt carried a grain of truth. Our thoughts may turn to our spouse, a prickly co-worker, or a moody teen. However, given today’s readings, it struck me that this description can also fit our relationship with Jesus. Yes, we know that Jesus loves us, shepherds us, forgives us … but he also challenges us! He reminds us today that being a disciple requires that we go all in, prepared to place our relationship with Jesus above all else. Easier said than done. But we can start, one minute at a time, with our prayers, priorities, and actions. We can also follow the example of saints such as Paul, imprisoned for preaching the Gospel, and the saints among us who teach us by example. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I bet we all know people we would consider saints, or at least well on their way: A compassionate friend, a priest or lay minister at our parish, a generous neighbor, that person who has not let suffering and loss shake their faith. Then there are the saints we Catholics celebrate each day: Francis, who threw off the cloak of privilege to live for Christ; Mother Teresa, who served others day in and day out even as she faced a spiritual drought; Paul, the one-time persecutor who built up the early Church and whose letters continue to inspire Christians. Each of them took Jesus’ words at face value and laid down their lives for him. Learning how to be a disciple of Christ from studying the lives of the saints can be an ongoing pursuit throughout our lives. But perhaps we can also learn from a “living saint,” if the opportunity presents itself, and ask, in so many words, “what’s your secret?” It may be praying first thing in the morning, or something practical that we had not considered, such as managing their time in such a way that allows them to volunteer regularly or to be a continuous presence in the life of someone who needs them. If other priorities have gotten in the way of our relationship with Jesus, perhaps we can challenge ourselves to develop new habits. Even an incremental change – such as spending less time or money on nonessentials or reading an inspirational book – can help us reignite our faith and free up our time to focus on someone or something other than ourselves. STUDY: Take time to read about the lives of a few saints. What habits did they create to lead holy lives? What vices did they give up for Christ's sake to truly become his disciple? |
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Pope St. John XXIII, one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, had a wonderful sense of humor. In stories recalled by Fr. Greg Friedman, OFM, Good Pope John would say, “God knew from all eternity I was going to be pope. Couldn’t God have made me more handsome?” He also had a deep devotion to St. Joseph. In his writings, he talks about the humble and overlooked role that Joseph played in the life of Christ. He promoted an increased devotion to the humble, loyal saint who stayed quietly in the background and provided a home for Christ and his mother. St. Joseph is a model for the humility that our readings speak of today. Being humble doesn’t mean being embarrassed or ashamed of the talents and abilities we have. It means acknowledging that these are gifts from God. God does not give us these gifts so we can place ourselves above others, as Jesus observed people doing at the home of the Pharisee. They are to be used to glorify God. By being humble, we “will be loved more than a giver of gifts … and find favor with God.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I always remember what I was told in a volunteer training when preparing to serve hospice patients and their families: sit at eye level or lower when meeting with the patient or their family members. Being “at the same level” not only “lifted up” the patient but also brought the volunteer “down” to their level. This not only made listening easier and showed respect for the dignity of the patient; it also helped the volunteer see things from the patient’s perspective. Jesus tells us in the Gospel today that being his disciples is not about elevating ourselves, but about lowering ourselves. He calls us to invite, welcome, and accept those who are least able to repay us. When we forget about ourselves and our place in the world and instead lift up others, he tells us we “will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” ACT: One of the greatest acts of humility is to acknowledge when we are wrong, apologize, and ask forgiveness. Is there someone you can reconcile with by admitting you were wrong? Allowing God to forgive you in the sacrament of reconciliation will help you grow in humility. |
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We all have things that come easily to us and things that seem hard. I can bake a delicious pie, but I cannot flip a fried egg. I can resurrect your dead iPhone, but I can’t keep a houseplant alive. The list goes on for each of us. Fortunately, neither our natural talents nor foibles will get us into or keep us out of heaven. “Strive to enter through the narrow gate,” Jesus tells us. When I first read that passage, I said to myself, “What’s the narrow gate?” But I think the key word here might be strive, a verb meaning “to devote serious effort or energy.” Getting to heaven, then, requires more than knowing who Jesus is or even going to Mass each week. It takes energy, effort, and persistence. It means establishing a relationship with Jesus – through prayer and following his commandment to love one another – such that he will “know where [we] are from” when we knock on the door. In doing so, we can hope to be among the people who recline at the table of the Lord in the kingdom of God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: When Jesus was asked how many people will be saved and spoke of the narrow gate, he went on to say, “Many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” Where do we find the strength we will need to pass through this gate that will lead to eternal life? By following Christ with all our being and not taking the easier, mainstream path when it conflicts with our Christian values. By recognizing that our salvation is a gift from our Savior, who willingly took on our human form and died for us. By understanding that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross requires a response from us. God invites; we must respond. Jesus is our strength, and he is the only way to get through that narrow gate. Let us strive to do so, and in turn help the others whom God has put in our lives, accompanying them on this journey. PRAY: Make a list of the people in your life who have helped you grow closer to Jesus. Say a prayer of thanksgiving for each of them. |
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My mom loved her Nintendo 64. We especially enjoyed “Paperboy,” a video game where a paperboy riding a bicycle attempts to deliver newspapers along Easy Street, Middle Road, or Hard Way. He has to avoid obstacles that pop up along the way – barking dogs, mailboxes, skateboarders, trash cans, you name it! Sometimes life can seem that way. We can’t predict which obstacles will pop up, but the author of the Letter to the Hebrews encourages us to persevere, “keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.” Whether we’re riding along “Easy Street” or “Hard Way,” we can look to Jesus to help us overcome the hardships that may come our way because we are his followers. As Jesus tells the disciples, following him will not always be easy and may even result in conflicts within our families. When that happens, we can look to the example of Jesus and the great “cloud of witnesses” to whom the Letter to the Hebrews refers, knowing that peace and reconciliation await us at the finish line. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I used to have great fun watching my boys at our neighborhood swim meets. Even as my then-7-year-old zig-zagged into the lane lines during the backstroke, I would yell “Go! Go! Go! You’ve got this.” (And, please, someone catch his head at the finish!) He couldn’t hear a word I said. I wonder if it’s a bit like this when it comes to the “cloud of witnesses” – the saints, known and unknown, who encourage us in our faith. We can’t see them or hear them, but we know they are there. In turn, we can become cheerleaders for others running the race alongside us: offering encouragement, prayers, and reminding one another of the joy that awaits us. Spoken or silent, our prayers can help us and others persevere in our faith and place our trust in Jesus when times are tough. STUDY: The catechism chapter 3, The Characteristics of Faith (153-165), references this passage from Hebrews on being surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Read especially #165. |
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I remember the first time I moved: A suitcase or two fit in the back of my dad’s lime-green Delta 88 as my parents dropped me off at college. Four years later, it took that plus a large black chest. The next move required a U-Haul; then came marriage, a family, and a moving van. I may not store my treasure in barns like the man in last week’s readings, but at times it feels that way. It’s natural to accumulate more “stuff” as we grow older. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that we won’t take any of it with us when we make the move to our final destination. Rather than focus on our possessions, he encourages us to be vigilant, remain faithful, and live in service to others. In doing so, we will store up “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Few things throw me into a panic like unexpected company. I have taken to at least cleaning the kitchen counter and bathrooms before going on a trip so the house will look presentable should something befall me and others have to come in with food or aid! We truly do not know the day or the hour, and the Gospel today encourages us to apply a little of that spring cleaning to our souls. Each day presents a new opportunity to prepare for the day we meet Jesus. If we’ve been out of touch, we can get reacquainted through prayer. If we feel weighed down by things we’ve done or said, we can bring them to the Lord through the sacrament of reconciliation. We can witness to our belief in God’s promise of eternal life by putting people above possessions and supporting one another as we seek to live as Jesus taught us. ACTION: Today’s psalm response is: “Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.” Count your blessings and write a few of them down, giving thanks to God for each of them. |
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Is it me, or does every popular waiting-room magazine feature an article on “how to declutter” in six easy steps? I always read those first, then add them to the unsightly pile of magazines on the end table. The constant, if futile, quest to declutter comes from a deeper place than a desire for a clean house. It feels so liberating to let go of those things that we no longer need. Today’s readings challenge us to look not just outward, but inward, at what distracts us from what really matters. Paul exhorts us to “seek what is above,” letting go of earthly concerns or habits that get in the way of our relationship with God. By putting on a “new self” through prayer, the sacrament of reconciliation and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, we will become “rich in what matters to God.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Personal-finance writers often divide people into two camps: Savers or spenders. I’m definitely a saver! I dutifully contribute to my 401K, stash unexpected windfalls into my savings account, and carefully budget. On the rare occasions when I go out to dinner, I struggle with choosing what to order: It’s a high-stakes decision! Fiscal responsibility is a good thing, but today’s parable challenges me to be just as diligent about investing in my relationship with God, my family, and the people I encounter. We are blessed with so many opportunities to “seek what is above”: It may mean spending the first 30 minutes of the day in prayer, reading books or articles that help us grow spiritually, or joining a parish Bible study. Or even taking a friend to dinner and picking up the tab! In doing so, we are investing in this life – and the next. ACTION: Take a look around your house and donate items in good condition to a charity in your community. And then ask the organization if they need any help with a summer yard cleanup or simple tasks around the facility – these are easy ways to involve the whole family in serving others. |
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I miss my friend, Carol, a second mother to many of us navigating young adulthood in one of my adopted hometowns. Carol offered wisdom and perspective – and binders full of recipes for any occasion. So, even after moving away, I knew that I could “Dial A Cook” at a moment’s notice and Carol would drop everything and patiently dictate a recipe. Today’s Gospel fills me with gratitude for Carol, who through her love and generosity hints at God’s love and generosity toward us. Carol is with God now, so I still talk to her from time to time. Today’s Gospel reminds us that, likewise, we can bring anything to our loving God in prayer, and the Father will listen and respond. We may think we can power through our days, and our lives, on our own, but Jesus reminds us to persist in prayer: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Remember the time before smartphones? When you needed a cup of flour or an egg, that meant knocking on a neighbor’s door. Now we most often text ahead, making the request a bit less awkward. Well, despite the proliferation of Catholic and spiritual apps, praying still requires “putting ourselves out there” before God. While God knows all and sees all, it us up to us to bring our deepest needs and desires to him. Our smartphones can help us here: We can set a reminder to pray each morning and each evening. We can model our persistence in prayer to our children and others by praying with and for them, especially at times when they are struggling with something or facing a difficult choice or situation. If an earthly Mother or Father knows how to give good gifts to their children, after all, “how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" PRAY: Recite the Lord’s Prayer, understanding that God knows our needs and will give us each our daily bread. |
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Are you a Martha or a Mary? For me, it depends on the day, but on first glance I’d say I relate more to Martha. When I plug in the vacuum and start handing out cleaning supplies, one of my sons invariably asks: “Is company coming over?” Even once they arrive, I’m often so busy with host duties that I don’t really relax enough to truly connect with our guests! All of that said, I’m not sure Jesus is criticizing Martha or just talking about housework; rather, he addresses her as a friend. “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.” Mary, who sits at the feet of Jesus, shows us what matters most: our relationship with Jesus. It doesn’t mean we won’t get caught up in the busyness of entertaining or life in general. When that happens, however, Jesus’ words can gently call us back to what matters: the way we live our life for Christ each day and prioritizing our relationship with him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It’s wedding season! I was recently talking to a friend whose daughter got married a few weeks ago. She and her daughter had spent months planning the wedding, of course, but the actual day went by “too fast,” she said, her voice tinged with regret. Sometimes it seems life can be like that. We can get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to take a breath and savor each moment with friends and family. In today’s readings, Mary shows us how to truly be present to Jesus by listening to his voice in prayer and reading his words in Scripture. Martha teaches us how to open our homes and our hearts through hospitality. We can learn from both of their examples, drawing strength from prayer and extending the peace of Jesus to others through hospitality and our everyday interactions. SERVE: How can we show hospitality to those outside of our homes? Offer to make food for a funeral luncheon in your parish or prepare and serve food for those less fortunate at a shelter or soup kitchen. |
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My faorite line in “The Wizard of Oz,” in the climactic scene when Dorothy realizes “there’s no place like home,” comes from Glinda: “You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas,” she tells Dorothy. In the first reading today, Moses tells the Israelites something similar about wisdom and power. He tells them the secret to peace and prosperity isn’t “mysterious” or “remote.” He says “it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts.” In the Gospel, when the scholar asks Jesus about the secret to eternal life, he answers his own question by reciting the two great commandments: love God with all your heart, being, strength, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. “You have answered correctly,” Jesus tells him. At our baptism, the Holy Spirit placed the wisdom and power to have the fullness of life in our hearts. The key is to “carry it out,” as Moses advises the Israelites. Jesus echoes this message: We must “do this” – love God and our neighbor – to enjoy the life God wants for us today and eternal life with him in the future. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: One of the most heartbreaking things about being a parent is seeing children set limits for who’s in and who’s out. My daughter was in Kindergarten when she came home in tears, excluded from playing with her friends because she didn’t color a picture exactly as directed by another classmate. Our loving Father also sees our pain when we are excluded from being loved, and so when the scholar asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus refuses to set boundaries for who to include and who to exclude. In using the parable about the Samaritan, Jesus tells us that we are to treat everyone as neighbor, even our enemies. The Samaritans were enemies of the Jews, and those listening to Jesus would have been shocked that a Samaritan was the compassionate hero. This parable challenges us to consider the boundaries we set for who we consider neighbors – those worthy of our compassion and help, and perhaps those we consider “other,” or whom we feel we can ignore or reject. And to recognize how the boundaries we set prevent us from sharing the Good News of God’s mercy to those he seeks to heal. PRAY: Ask the Holy Spirit for the wisdom to discern who you may be excluding as a neighbor. Pray these words from Dorothy Day: “Dear God, please enlarge our hearts to love each other, to love our neighbor, to love our enemy as well as our friend.” |
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: So what comes to mind when you imagine your dream road trip? A well-planned route with scenic stops, nice hotels, good restaurants and quirky sights along the way? Jesus may be my copilot, but given his words in today’s Gospel I’m not sure I’d want him to be my travel agent! As he sends the 72 ahead of him, he gives them no illusions about the mission that lies ahead: “Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals.” Settle for the first house that welcomes you, regardless of the amenities. Eat and drink whatever they offer. Give those you encounter a greeting of peace and remind them the kingdom of God is at hand. As always, Jesus gives these travelers all they will need to share the Good News with others. They return rejoicing! The early disciples refute my “travel agent” doubts, as they show us by example to place our trust in God and take nothing for the journey except our faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In doing so, we can rest assured that our “names are written in heaven.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I’m a planner. When we went to Disney World, my sons split off from me after I unveiled an app that would show us exactly which ride or attraction to hit based on crowd numbers, time of day and other variables. I loved that app! So had I been one of the 72 we read about today appointed by Jesus to spread the Gospel in pairs, hopefully my companion would not have abandoned me because of my insistence on planning. Ultimately, our journey of faith – as we share it with others and walk toward the kingdom ourselves – is not something we can choreograph. The more we plan and the more baggage we carry, the less likely we are to hear God’s voice cutting through the noise. By stripping away the nonessentials, we can place our trust in the Lord, who will show us the right path. When we place our lives in the service of the Lord, the harvest will be abundant. PRAY: Many U.S. dioceses will be welcoming newly ordained priests this month. Pray for them as they begin their ministry, and pray for more vocations. |
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Members of our family joke that saying goodbye after a family gathering needs to begin about an hour before we plan to leave. Goodbyes mean hugs for every family member, and there are many of us! We are aware of how precious our loved ones are to us, and so Jesus’ response to the person who asks if he can first say farewell to his family may seem perplexing to us. But in this reading, Luke presents Jesus as “resolutely” headed to Jerusalem because “the days for Jesus’ being taken up were fulfilled.” Jesus is ready to complete the mission he came for and anyone who wants to follow him can’t be distracted by indecision. His matter-of-fact answers are directed at newcomers who seem to hesitate when he invites them to follow him. He wants his disciples to know that being a disciple will have an impact on personal comfort, and that everything one does – for family, loved ones, or whomever – must flow from this discipleship first. It is not about ignoring other responsibilities, but carrying them out in light of who we are and whom we follow. Jesus calls us to make our relationship with him our highest priority. Doing so will bring life to all the relationships we value as we grow to live and love like him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: How do we commit to answering God’s call without hesitation? Like the first Apostles, the prosperous farmer Elisha in today’s first reading willingly responded to the call from Elijah. But he didn’t just leave everything and go: He first burned his plow as fuel in order to cook the oxen and leave it for his people to eat. In following the Lord, his first act was to ensure that those for whom he was responsible were not left without. Answering God’s call is not often easy. But like Elisha and the Apostles, we are called to listen and respond to the ways God calls us and to trust in his Spirit to guide us. As Paul tells the Galatians, we are to “live by the Spirit.” By trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit and turning to him for strength and guidance, we can be Christ’s presence wherever he leads us – and doing whatever it entails. INVITE: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern who needs the gift of your presence in their life right now. Schedule time with this person, just listening, affirming their gifts, and assuring them of your belief in them and God’s love for them. |
SUNDAY, June 19, 2022
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today begins the National Eucharistic Revival, a grassroots effort launched by the U.S. bishops to reignite “devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” What better day to begin than on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, when we as Catholics reflect on the source and summit of our faith. “For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself …” (catechism, 1324) Our readings today remind us that the Eucharist is more than a powerful symbol; as Catholics, we believe we receive Christ himself – body, blood, soul, and divinity – in the form of the consecrated bread and wine. As Pope Francis said in a homily on this solemnity in 2019: “If we receive it into our hearts, this bread will release in us the power of love. We will feel blessed and loved, and we will want to bless and love in turn.” That is what the early disciples did, whether feeding the 5,000 or nurturing the early Church. The Eucharistic Revival gives each of us an opportunity to give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist and share it with others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: On today’s solemnity, also known as the feast of Corpus Christi, some parishes have a eucharistic procession. This is when a consecrated host – that is, the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity – is placed within a monstrance, which is then lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession beginning at one holy place and ending at another. Some parishes or religious communities may extend hours for eucharistic adoration. Both of these are excellent opportunities to spend time with Jesus and reflect on Christ’s gift of himself in the Eucharist. What should be our response to this gift? As Pope Francis has said, it is a call “to go out and bring Jesus to others.” Just as Jesus challenged the disciples when they didn’t think they had enough bread and fish to serve the 5,000, we may feel we “don’t have enough” to give. Nourished by the Eucharist, however, and by our devotion to the real presence of God in that Eucharist, we have all we need to go out and witness to the love of Jesus. Go forth and announce the Gospel of the Lord. ACTION: Spend time in eucharistic adoration this week, even for a few minutes. Share what the experience was like with others or invite a friend to join you. |
SUNDAY, June 12, 2022
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: St. Paul gives us four words to live by: “Hope does not disappoint.” Today, as we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we are reminded of the source of our hope: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, described by Pope Francis as “a communion of love.” As St. Paul writes, “the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” This doesn’t mean our lives won’t be without difficulties, but St. Paul is assuring us that we do not face them alone. As Jesus tells the disciples in today’s Gospel, “when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” As we move into our week and whatever the near future holds, we can rest assured the Holy Spirit will guide us and strengthen us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It’s graduation season! When my oldest son received his college diploma last weekend, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead for him. As is the case for many students, his path to a degree was not straight (nor was it paved with straight A’s). Yet here he was, receiving his degree and planning to start a job in a field he loves just two days later. The worries I felt during his high school and early college days dissipated, replaced with a sense of gratitude – and hope. This experience and others like it remind me to bring my worries and concerns to prayer, knowing that Jesus walks beside me and those I love. We can witness to our faith by offering to pray for others facing uncertainties and challenges, and by sharing how we have experienced “peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” PRAY: Pray the Sign of the Cross, reflecting on the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. How have we experienced that love and how can we share it? |
SUNDAY, June 5, 2022
Pentecost Sunday Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Peace be with you.” On hearing those four simple words, the fear that had paralyzed the disciples gives way to rejoicing. We, too, can feel paralyzed at times – by fear, yes – but also indecision, conflict, negativity, and perhaps even headlines that remind us how fractured our world has become. Yet here is Jesus, wishing us peace and giving us the gift of Pentecost: our Advocate, the Holy Spirit. As Jesus breathes on the disciples, he confers upon them a Spirit of peace that will allow them to push past their fears and build up the Church. “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” We, too, can turn to the Holy Spirit in times of trouble to help us move forward in faith, sharing peace and reconciliation with those we encounter. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Sometimes after a tiring or stressful day, I head up to my room, kick my feet up, and mindlessly scan social media or whatever other distractions might pop up on my smartphone. A friend read somewhere that doing so amounts to effectively putting your time in the shredder! Today’s readings challenge me and all of us to dig deeper. Why not, instead, find a quiet place to pray, asking the Holy Spirit for a refresh as we move into the next part of our day, which is indeed the first minute of the rest of our lives. There’s nothing wrong with downtime! But in the Holy Spirit, we can find a source of inspiration, energy, and creativity. As St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Just as Jesus sent out the disciples, he sends us out to share our gifts to build up the Church. PRAY: We thank you, God, for the ways your Holy Spirit helps us see your love through the people and world around us. We thank you for the gifts of the Spirit within us and for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, open our hearts as we listen to your word. We ask this in Christ’s name. |
SUNDAY, May 29, 2022
The Ascension of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: “Praise Jesus.” Those two words pack a powerful punch. We often say they them with relief on hearing news of a better-than-expected prognosis, celebrating a milestone, seeing a beautiful sunset, or other moments when we feel God’s presence. Jesus’ ascension to the Father was clearly one of those moments. After Jesus was taken up into heaven, the Apostles “returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God.” We might wonder how they could do that, after watching Jesus depart. I think the answer is found in Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. The Apostles had what Paul desired for the people of Ephesus, and for all people: “a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of [Christ]”; enlightened hearts that know “the hope that belongs to his call” for all who believe. The Lord has brought us salvation: “Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our king, sing praise.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The Apostles took Jesus’ words to heart, and we must too. In a homily in 2013, Pope Francis said: “The Ascension does not point to Jesus’ absence, but tells us that he is alive in our midst in a new way. He is no longer in a specific place in the world as he was before the Ascension. He is now in the lordship of God, present in every space and time, close to each one of us.” As the two men clothed in white reminded the apostles, Jesus will return. And we know that he is not distant, but that he is fully present to us in a new way. His presence is felt through the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the sacraments. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: Remember confirmation? A refresher on the gifts of the Spirit can serve as inspiration when we have a big decision to make or need guidance in our everyday lives: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. |
SUNDAY, May 22, 2022
Sixth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Jn 14:23-29 In the reading from John’s Gospel today, Jesus eases into the message he has for his disciples – a message he knows they don’t want to hear: He has to leave them. But Jesus tells his disciples that if they love him and keep his commandments, he and the Father will “make their dwelling” within them. He then assures them that they will not be alone: The Advocate will come to not only remind them of all he taught them, but also teach them everything they need to know in the future. Finally, he offers them peace, the peace that comes only through the Spirit and draws them closer to God. Though Jesus knows they are broken-hearted that he is leaving, he tells them to rejoice if they love him, for he is returning to his Father. Jesus’ words to the first disciples ring true for every disciple throughout the ages. He does not leave anyone who loves him alone. He sends his Spirit to dwell in us, to teach and remind us of his love and how to love one another. The Spirit guides us, encourages us, and sustains us – always. We are never alone. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The first Christians, guided by the Holy Spirit, shared this message with the Gentile communities to whom they were ministering: “It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities.” This is a profound moment in the Church as it shows first, the power of the Holy Spirit working in and with the Apostles; and second, the importance of faith (not ritual circumcision, or other human laws) for salvation. The Gospel is intended for all, without exception, and the Holy Spirit is our help and our Advocate in our own lives of faith, and in our sharing of that faith with others. Let us seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit in all we do, that we might be a blessing, not a burden, for everyone seeking the glory of God’s light. STUDY: The Acts of the Apostles is an amazing account of how Jesus’ followers grew from a small group of frightened people into the courageous and zealous missionaries who founded his Church. Read the catechism from 687-747 to learn more about the Holy Spirit and pray for the grace to let him work in and through you for the salvation of all who seek him. |
SUNDAY, May 15, 2022
Fifth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: I’m an expressive one when it comes to sharing my opinions: I absolutely LOVE these new shoes! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this lemon meringue pie! All good. My friends and family are mildly pleased that I am content with my wardrobe and my diet. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the great commandment, combining the two commandments – to love God and to love neighbor – into one: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” But what does it really mean to love? Saint Paul says it is to be patient, kind, and to rejoice with the truth; it is not being jealous, pompous, rude, or quick-tempered. (1 Cor 13: 4-6) Saint Thomas Aquinas says that “to love is to will the good of another.” The love we show is the very essence of what it means to be Christian. “This (italics added) is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In today’s reading from Acts, Paul, and Barnabas return from their travels to various Christian communities. They have shared the Good News, making disciples in each place and building up the Church. Yet when they return, they do not gloat or boast of their accomplishments. Rather, they “reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.” Sometimes in our strivings – to be better friends or parents, better Christians, better at sharing our faith – we can become discouraged when we fall short. Paul, arguably the best evangelist ever, reminds us that God works through us, not the other way around. We are to persevere, placing our trust in God. Through him we are able to love as he does, and help others come to know that same love. ACTIONS: Spring is upon us! Plant something and watch it grow. Just as the sun and water nurture a garden, God nurtures and helps us grow through the Holy Spirit and the people around us. How can we in turn share that love with others? |
SUNDAY, May 8, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The divisiveness we see in our nation and our world is not new – it is rooted in our original sin. In the Old Testament, the Assyrians invaded the northern kingdom of Israel, forcing many of its citizens into exile and captivity. In the modern world, Russia invades Ukraine and millions of refugees flee. It seems as if this 2200-year-old adage is true: “Nothing is new under the sun!” (Eccl 1:9) Except for Jesus. Of him God says [spoiler for next week!], “Behold I make all things new.” (Rev 21:5) As we hear in today’s first reading, conflict between Jews and Gentiles forced Paul and Barnabas to leave Antioch. In contrast, John in Revelation envisions a world where “every nation, race, people, and tongue” stand before the Lord. For us as for them, Jesus is the path to the unity we desire. That’s not to gloss over real differences and even worse, the horror of war. However, it can be a reminder that no matter what else we do, we need to turn to the Lord first in prayer, asking him to guide us in our response; asking the Holy Spirit to help us see people of all nations, and indeed our very own neighbors, as our brothers and sisters. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Judging by the volume wars during our family television sessions, it seems that people have varying levels of ability to hear certain accents and types of voices. I wonder if this capacity to hear properly, or with the necessary level of attention, can sometimes apply to our ability to hear, really hear, the words of Jesus. Perhaps we’re too busy, or other preoccupations crowd out his voice. Today’s Gospel reminds us to tune back in. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me,” Jesus says. In the first reading, Luke describes the Gentiles who lived in Antioch and were “delighted” in hearing the Good News of salvation and who “glorified the word of the Lord,” spreading it “through the whole region.” Today and every day, we can emulate the early Christians by opening our ears (or eyes!) to the word of God through the Scriptures, and in turn sharing that light of salvation to all who need it. PRAY: Pray Pope Francis’ prayer for peace, found on the USCCB website: Lord God of peace, hear our prayer! |
SUNDAY, May 1, 2022
Third Sunday of Easter Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: The accounts of Jesus’ appearances to the disciples after his resurrection often puzzle me, and today’s reading is no exception. There stands Jesus, within sight, yet the Apostles “did not realize that it was Jesus.” Hello?! I know we’re in the midst of a daylight saving time debate, but I’m fairly sure “dawn” meant the sun was up. Yet as soon as Jesus speaks and they follow his instructions, they realize he is their Lord. Simon Peter wastes no time; he dives into the sea and makes for the shore. Peter and the disciples show us that while it is important to recognize Jesus, it’s what we do next that matters. As we learn in Acts, they boldly say his name despite the Sanhedrin’s warning, and most will go on to be martyred for the Church. Thanks to them, we recognize Jesus – in the Eucharist, in Scripture, and in Tradition, and on the crucifixes in our homes and churches. Peter challenges us to “dive in,” moving from faith to action. The specifics will differ for each of us, but we can study the lives of the Apostles and the saints to find inspiration. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Is it a Catholic thing or the fact that I’m a closet introvert? I sometimes struggle with talking about Jesus. Which is why today’s reading from Acts challenges me. The Sanhedrin had warned the Apostles not to even speak Jesus’ name. Yet they don’t cower in fear or simply go back to the relatively quiet lives they led before they met Jesus. They rejoice to be found worthy “to suffer dishonor for the sake of [Jesus’] name.” Their commitment challenges us to be bold – not only with our words but with our actions as well. In the same way that teaching another person math or spelling helps us learn, witnessing to our faith by sharing it with others helps us deepen our faith and answer God’s call to be his disciple, striving to build his kingdom on earth. STUDY: This week, look up the feast days and read about the saint of the day. What can we learn from their example? |
SUNDAY, April 24, 2022
Second Sunday of Easter - Sunday of Divine Mercy Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In today’s Gospel, Thomas gets singled out as the one who doubts that Jesus had risen from the dead. But the other Gospels reveal that the other disciples doubted too. I understand why they had trouble believing that Jesus was alive. To think that God loves us enough that he chose to become human to die for our sins is incomprehensible. To accept that he loves us this deeply is almost unbearable. It seems doubtful anyone can love us that much. It seems doubtful that we deserve to be loved that much. It is much easier to doubt than to believe. But Thomas was the first to publicly proclaim the man Jesus as also God: My Lord and my God! he says. The risen Jesus had come into the room, although the doors were locked, and called them back into belief. Through Christ, God shows the disciples – and us – the extent of his love and mercy. We are worth it, even when we doubt, even when we fail. His death and resurrection are testament to that. He will walk through whatever walls exist to tell us. No doubt about it. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The reading from the Acts of the Apostles today describes the reaction to the apostles’ joyful and confident proclamation that Jesus was Lord and God after receiving the Holy Spirit. The crowds drew near just to have Peter’s shadow fall upon those who were sick. God’s mercy has no bounds. How can we be like the first disciples? In what ways do our lives reflect God’s mercy on us? Where can our own “shadows fall” so that God’s goodness and grace can bring healing and comfort to others? Let us begin our days by giving “thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting,” and trust that the Holy Spirit will both remind us of our blessings and continued need for mercy, and guide us to encounters with others who need the same. PRAY: During this Easter season, read a passage from the Acts of the Apostles each day and immerse yourself in the history of the early Church. End your time of reflection by praying the Apostles’ Creed, the statement of beliefs of Christians in the first centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection. |
SUNDAY, April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: GROW AS A DISCIPLE | PRAY, STUDY, ENGAGE, SERVE GROW: Happy Easter! When I think about Easter when I was a child, I admit that many of my memories are centered more around its symbolic trappings: Fannie Mae Easter eggs and peppermint ice cream, my grandma’s table set just so, and unseasonably cold Easter egg hunts. While I may not have yet fully understood the theology of the Resurrection, being at Mass with my family and taking part in the celebratory activities engendered in me the disposition of which the psalmist speaks: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Today’s readings invite us to see both the secular and the sacred with new eyes. The fact that Jesus took on our humanity, died and rose again give us a glimpse of the joy that awaits. The simple pleasures we experience at Easter and throughout the year hint at what the Lord has in mind for all of us. In the meantime, we can turn to Jesus for encouragement, with the knowledge that God is present in the ordinary and extraordinary people and events in our daily lives. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: After Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb, Simon Peter and “the other disciple” (John) don’t walk – but run to the tomb. I’m struck by the detailed account that follows. Peter “saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place.” The words that follow seem contradictory: “Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” Their understanding would grow in the hours and days that followed. These early witnesses would then share the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection, often at the cost of their own lives, building up the Church that endures today. Like the disciples, we, too, are commissioned to witness to our faith in the risen Jesus, sharing this life-changing reality with others through our words and actions. PRAY: As this Easter season begins, we celebrate Christ’s triumph over death, yet mourn that death still comes so violently for so many around the world. Make an extra effort – an extraordinary effort – this week to pray for peace in the world. |
FRIDAY, April 15, 2022
When Jesus was crucified, Pilate had a sign made, written in three different languages stating that Jesus was the King of the Jews, and he would not remove it, even after the chief priests went to him and asked him to remove it. He said, “What I have written, I have written.” Even Pilate recognized Jesus was no ordinary man. He didn’t want anything to do with his death, and he wanted everyone to know that the Jewish people were the ones who were guilty of killing him. Thankfully, the gospel account of Jesus’s death on the cross today is not as detailed as the readings we had on Palm Sunday. It is still very difficult to read them, but it is also very difficult just to think about Mary’s suffering as she stood beneath the cross, watching her son die. The pain must have felt like a knife cutting into her heart, just like Simeon had predicted the day Mary and Joseph presented baby Jesus in the temple. How could she have stood the pain, standing by helplessly, while her son suffered such a horrible death, watching his life slowly slipping away and there was nothing she could do? There was nothing Jesus could do to ease her pain while she watched him die, but give her to John. He gave his mother to John, to love her, and take care of her for him, after he was gone. They needed each other. They would need each other to get through the days ahead of them. Mary needed John, but John also needed Mary. We need Mary too, in our own moments of weakness. When we suffer over our own families. When life gets to be too much. Too difficult. Too hard to handle by ourselves. We are not always as strong as her. We are weaker than Mary. When our own faith falters and we are not so sure about our own lives anymore, we should try to remember what Jesus said in the last moments of his life on earth, to “Behold, your mother”. Mary is our mother now. She guides us back to her son. Everything we need to know about life, is found in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. |
THURSDAY, April 14, 2022
The scriptures for mass today are filled with a lot of theology, but the heart of the matter is found in the gospel of John, when it says that Jesus “loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end.” Saint John wrote these words many years later, because he never forgot how much Jesus loved them, and Saint John’s love for Jesus never dimmed throughout the years either. Jesus’ disciples formed a warm cocoon of friendship around the supper table that night. It must have been a beautiful evening, something Jesus wanted them to continue to do long after he was gone. They were to not just share communion with one another (“do this in memory of me”), but also to get personally involved in each other’s lives, love each other, and take care of one another after he was gone. His disciples sat and watched him do something quite unexpected after supper though. Jesus began washing their feet. From the sound of it, no one else questioned what he was doing and why he was doing this, except for Peter, of course. Peter asked him “Master are you going to wash my feet?” When Jesus answered that he didn’t understand what he was doing right now, but that he would later (in typical Peter fashion) Saint Peter told Jesus “you will never wash my feet”. Oh really? The Lord answered Peter by saying, “unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.” And of course that did the trick. Peter was all for it then! He said “master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.” There is something to be learned here from Peter’s behavior. To wash another person’s feet is a very intimate act. Many people are not comfortable with this degree of intimacy with another person, or do not feel “good enough” to have others show them this much love. Saint Peter may have been out of his comfort zone to accept such a powerful expression of Christ’s love for him, and his initial response was to refuse Christ’s love. How often have we done the same to someone who offered to do something helpful or kind for us? Can you think of a time when someone offered you something small, that you refused even though you might have enjoyed it? A small gift, an offer to buy you lunch, water your plants when you are on vacation, or feed your pets, pick up something for you at the store when you are sick, or let you come stay with them when you are traveling?... |
SUNDAY, April 10, 2022
Palm Sunday of The Lord's Passion Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Palm Sunday can seem like a study in contrasts. We hear the jubilant account of Jesus riding triumphantly into Jerusalem. Then we listen to the Passion narrative, reminded that Jesus’ kingship bears little resemblance to royalty as we perceive it. He will suffer and he will die. As Paul describes it, “He humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him.” Jesus tries to explain this to the disciples, who don’t fully grasp the events about to take place, instead quarreling over who would be the greatest. Yet even in this chaos of misunderstanding, Jesus continues to teach them, promising that those who stand by him in his trials will join him in the kingdom of heaven. There are certainly times when we fail to fully perceive and understand all that the Lord is teaching us, or why we are undergoing certain trials and difficulties. As we enter into Holy Week, we can ask Jesus to help us understand the meaning of the cross in our own lives, using this time to reflect on the meaning of his sacrifice for each of us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As we listen to the Passion narrative, we hear Peter betray Jesus, the soldiers jeer at him, and a passer-by being told to carry Christ’s cross. Only Luke’s account describes the two criminals, one of whom demanded that Jesus “save yourself and us.” The second criminal rebukes him, asking Jesus to “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” After Jesus dies, the centurion glorifies God, a good man takes him down from the cross, the women prepare his body for burial. As we enter Holy Week, we will have time to reflect on Jesus’ last days, but also on the individuals in the crowd the day he died. How did they react? How would we have reacted? What can we learn from the women who stayed beside Jesus, the criminal who looked beyond his own pain and sin to see Jesus as Messiah, and even Peter in his initial betrayal? During the week ahead, we can also make an effort to attend each liturgy of the Triduum, using this time to deepen our faith as we prepare for Easter. PRAYER: Take time to read the Passion narrative at home. Invite Jesus into your heart. If you’ve fallen a little behind on your Lenten commitments, Holy Week is a great time to hit refresh. |
SUNDAY, April 3, 2022
Fifth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: During Lent, we hear familiar stories: the event of Jesus’ transfiguration, the prodigal son, and today the woman caught in adultery. Each reveals an aspect of God’s perfect love for us and a glimpse of how we can reflect that love toward others. In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees once again are testing Jesus, saying the law demands that the woman caught in adultery be stoned. Jesus responds, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” What a perfect response to the Pharisees, and to each one of us when we focus on the faults of another. Jesus’ words teach and challenge us to look more closely at the ways we judge others – by appearance, a social media post, political party, for example – and ask ourselves whether we are truly doing so out of love. Closer to home, we may be quick to point out our spouse or children’s perceived faults, without acknowledging our own. Jesus invites us to look at others – and ourselves – with the eyes of mercy. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Every time we go out to dinner, my son makes fun of me for agonizing over the menu: “You always regret what you pick!” Indeed, regret can be a powerful emotion. Fortunately, the dinner dilemma requires only that I mooch off of my son’s entrée. However, deeper regrets can bog us down and prevent us from moving forward in faith. Today’s readings challenge us not to wallow in past mistakes, preconceptions, or bad habits. As we hear in Isaiah, “The things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new!” We hear this idea again from St. Paul, who writes of “forgetting what lies behind” and straining forward toward “the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus.” In the Gospel, Jesus doesn’t dwell on the past sins of the adulterous woman other than to say, “Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” Fortunately, our Church offers an antidote to regret and sin in the sacrament of reconciliation. Whether it’s been a month or a decade, what better time than Lent to return to this sacrament and experience God’s mercy and forgiveness? ACT: Take advantage of the additional opportunities many churches offer for the sacrament of reconciliation during Lent. Rusty? Check out this excellent guide for adults and children: |
SUNDAY, March 27, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Today we celebrate Laetare (which means “rejoice”) Sunday. As we mark the midpoint of Lent, we allow ourselves to look ahead with joyful anticipation of Jesus’ resurrection, even as we continue our practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Amidst these penitential practices of Lent, this day offers a reminder that we have reason for hope. The parable of the prodigal son shows us what hope looks like. When the father caught sight of his wayward son, he did not see the young man who made bad choices, wasted his inheritance, and disobeyed him. He looked at him with eyes of unconditional love, rejoicing that “he was lost and has been found.” That’s how Jesus viewed the sinners and tax collectors, and how the Father views us, his wayward sons and daughters, when we return to him in contrition and love. So as we continue our Lenten practices, let’s take time to give thanks for the goodness and mercy of God today, knowing that the Lord awaits us with open arms when we acknowledge our sinfulness and rely upon him for all that is good. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Is it me, or are some of the parables hard to figure out? The parable of the prodigal son is one we’ve heard over and over again, and resonates across ages and generations. Some of us may relate to the prodigal son and others to the dutiful brother. The parents and grandparents among us may have been in the father’s shoes at some point. What better time than Lent to reflect on what the story means to us at this point in our lives: Are we awaiting the return of a disaffected loved one? Are we in need of repenting for our own actions? The answer will be different for each of us, but we can rejoice in the fact that we are loved unconditionally by God wherever we are on our Lenten and life journeys. Our challenge is to open our hearts to that love; as we do so, we can’t help but be transformed and in turn share that love with others through friendship, service, and generosity. As St. Paul writes, “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: The old things have passed away.” ACT: On Laetare Sunday, priests may wear rose-colored vestments as a symbol of joy. Carry this sense of joy into your day by placing roses at the table, bringing flowers to a friend, or calling someone with whom you’ve fallen out of touch. |
SUNDAY, March 20, 2022
Third Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Several years ago, my family gave me a blueberry bush for Mother’s Day. It has yet to produce a single berry. However, I can’t bring myself to remove it, and today’s Gospel encourages me to be patient (a Google search reveals that it can take several years for a blueberry bush to produce a harvest!). The parable of the fig tree shows us how patient God is with us. Like the fig tree, we may not bear fruit or feel as if we’re growing spiritually, even as we enter the second half of Lent. Yet Jesus teaches us that if we nurture our faith through prayer and repentance of our sins, we can always grow and blossom. Like the gardener, we need to be patient with ourselves as God is patient with us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It strikes me that in the parable of the fig tree, the gardener offered to cultivate the ground around it. Just as a tree needs light and water and a little individual TLC, it needs good soil. I think for us Catholics, that can be where our parish community and the broader Church come in. Through small actions such as greeting newcomers at Sunday Mass or volunteering in a parish ministry, we can become the fertile soil that nourishes not only our own faith, but that of the entire community. The 2021-23 Synod on Synodality invites us to share our faith and also to listen without judgment to the experiences of others. In doing so, we as a Church can grow stronger. As Pope Francis said in his opening prayer, “May this Synod be a true season of the Spirit! For we need the Spirit, the ever new breath of God, who sets us free from every form of self-absorption, revives what is moribund, loosens shackles and spreads joy.” STUDY: Learn about the Synod on Synodality: Check your parish bulletin to see how you can get involved. |
SUNDAY, March 13, 2022
Second Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: In today’s Gospel from Luke, Jesus is transfigured before the disciples: They see a glorious vision of him wearing dazzling white, with a “face changed in appearance,” and conversing with Moses and Elijah about the “exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.” This is in marked contrast to what Luke had recounted just prior to these verses: Jesus’ prediction of his suffering and death, and the assertion that his disciples must take up their crosses daily in order to follow him. So it is no surprise that Peter, likely somewhat stunned after being a part of both moments, “did not know what he was saying.” Then a cloud passes over and, while they are frightened, they hear God’s voice affirm what they have just seen: “This my chosen Son; listen to him.” We all experience these extremes – days where all seems lost; others where we feel as though we’ve had glimpses of heaven. Today’s Gospel encourages us to look to Jesus, who has experienced the frailty of humanity and the glory of divinity. Through his suffering, death, and resurrection, we are redeemed, and ultimately – as the disciples glimpsed today – “he will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Life can bring unexpected joys and disappointments. One day we celebrate a birth; another we grieve the loss of a loved one. We fall in love; we experience broken relationships. Many of us may find ourselves in flux much of the time: Will this pandemic ever end? Will the cancer recur? What’s next now that the kids are grown? Today’s readings give me great hope in the knowledge that God is with us through all the twists and turns and ups and downs of our lives. Just as God fulfilled his promises to Abraham, God has given us a Savior in Jesus Christ and promises that we will someday share in his glory. To that end, we can strive to ensure that no darkness in our world prevents us from becoming a source of light to others. Jesus and the saints walk before us. We pray, then, for the grace to listen to God’s chosen Son, and to “stand firm in the Lord.” PRAY: Lent is a good time to try a new form of prayer. Do you often pray silently? Try the rosary or spoken prayer. Do you normally pray out loud.? Try centering prayer or another form of quiet or silent prayer, such as Lectio Divina. |
SUNDAY, March 6, 2022
First Sunday of Lent Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: If you are anything like me, you may still be deciding what to give up or do for Lent even though we’re already five days in. I know … “Stop procrastinating!” Today’s readings can help us enter more deeply into this season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. They are a reminder that Lent isn’t primarily about us, as if it were a self-improvement project, but about taking the opportunity to go deeper into our relationship with God. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are ways of reducing distractions in our life and focusing on God’s mercy, his sacrifice for us, and his generosity and love. I am one who likes to control things and make plans, so the readings challenge me to look beyond myself, beginning with prayer, and ask the Lord to help me grow in faith. Paul writes, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Jesus exemplifies this dependence on God, allowing himself to be led to the desert by the Spirit. Each time the devil tempts him, he responds and in turn shows us how to respond: by turning to God and God’s words, the source of our strength. As we choose how to observe the next 35 days, we are reminded to ask God to help us find those things that help draw us closer to him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: What comes to mind when you picture a desert? I imagine sand, heat, thirst. It’s more challenging to examine the landscape of my personal desert – barren places of prayer or too much focus on the details of everyday life. Lent, however, presents a rich opportunity to pause and reprioritize our lives based on Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel: “You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.” Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving can help us do that, reminding us of our dependence on God and helping us shift our focus from ourselves to God and others. How we observe and experience Lent will differ for each of us. Whatever our personal desert looks like, we can rest assured that God will help us find our way back to him. ACCOMPANIMENT: Find an accountability partner for Lent who can help you stay the course these next 40 days. Perhaps you can pray together each day, or simply send a text sharing how God is working in and through you in this penitential season. |
March 2, 2022
A S H W E D N E S D A Y The Holy Father Pope Francis has declared March 2, Ash Wednesday as a Day of Prayer for fasting and peace as he urged the faithful to pray for peace in Ukraine.
FOR LENT 2022 “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all” (Gal 6:9-10) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Lent is a favourable time for personal and community renewal, as it leads us to the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For our Lenten journey in 2022, we will do well to reflect on Saint Paul’s exhortation to the Galatians: “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity (kairós), let us do good to all” (Gal 6:9-10). 1. Sowing and reaping In these words, the Apostle evokes the image of sowing and reaping, so dear to Jesus (cf. Mt 13). Saint Paul speaks to us of a kairós: an opportune time for sowing goodness in view of a future harvest. What is this “opportune time” for us? Lent is certainly such an opportune time, but so is our entire existence, of which Lent is in some way an image. [1] All too often in our lives, greed, pride and the desire to possess, accumulate and consume have the upper hand, as we see from the story of the foolish man in the Gospel parable, who thought his life was safe and secure because of the abundant grain and goods he had stored in his barns (cf. Lk 12:16-21). Lent invites us to conversion, to a change in mindset, so that life’s truth and beauty may be found not so much in possessing as in giving, not so much in accumulating as in sowing and sharing goodness. The first to sow is God himself, who with great generosity “continues to sow abundant seeds of goodness in our human family” (Fratelli Tutti, 54). During Lent we are called to respond to God’s gift by accepting his word, which is “living and active” (Heb 4:12). Regular listening to the word of God makes us open and docile to his working (cf. Jas 1:21) and bears fruit in our lives. This brings us great joy, yet even more, it summons us to become God’s co-workers (cf. 1 Cor 3:9). By making good use of the present time (cf. Eph 5:16), we too can sow seeds of goodness. This call to sow goodness should not be seen as a burden but a grace, whereby the Creator wishes us to be actively united with his own bountiful goodness. More >>> |
SUNDAY, February 27, 2022
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Parenthood can be humbling. When our children are young, we celebrate even the tiniest accomplishments: “You put on your socks!” or “Wow, good job putting your dish in the dishwasher!” And rightly so. Then come the teen years, and some of us can err on the side of criticism. “Why did you put off that project until the last minute?” “Turn off the electronics by 10 p.m. or else …” “What, another energy drink?” (We say, looking up from our own phone with a cup of tea in hand …) The same can be said of our spiritual lives. We want our children to pray and participate in the sacraments, but we may rush through Grace before meals, skip opportunities for confession, or treat holy Mass as an afterthought. Today’s Gospel reminds us why our admonitions won’t work if we don’t walk our talk: The blind can’t lead the blind. None of us is perfect, and neither are our children or the other people in our lives. But as our second reading reminds us, Jesus has won for us victory over sin. When we ask Jesus to help us remove the “wooden beam” for our own eyes, we can see his will for us more clearly and lift up those around us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We don’t have to be perfect to encourage one another in our faith. Like the “good tree” Jesus describes in the parable and the tree that bears “good fruit” in Sirach, however, we need to nourish our faith before we can share it with others. It can start with something as simple as adding prayer to our morning routine. We can bring our flaws, our doubts, our bad habits to Jesus and ask him to free us from whatever might be holding us back. As we accompany others, whether it is those with whom we live, work, or worship, we can turn to Jesus to help us be a force for good. We will stumble. But as St. Paul reminds us, “Be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” PRAY: Have you prayed The Examen? This Ignatian practice, often at the end of the day, encourages reflection – on God’s presence in our day and the areas where we may have fallen short. We can ask the Lord for forgiveness and the grace to do better tomorrow. |
SUNDAY, February 20, 2022
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Have you heard about the Civilize It! initiative? The U.S. bishops launched a campaign to encourage civil dialogue during the contentious 2020 election. Unfortunately, the divisiveness in our nation and even within the Church has shown no signs of subsiding, leading the bishops to reboot the campaign last fall. The bishops encourage every Catholic to pledge to be a force for charity, clarity, and creativity in our divided world. Today’s Gospel shows us how to do that, starting with the Golden Rule. What strikes me – and challenges me – are the specific examples that remain relevant 2,000 years later: Love your enemies and do good for them; stop judging; stop condemning; give. Building on last Sunday’s account of the beatitudes, Luke provides us a prescription for how to live a moral and happy life, one that reflects those who “bear the image of the heavenly one.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: I am thankful to have people in my life who bring out the best in others, and certainly bring out the best in me. I would guess we can each point to others who have guided and encouraged us: A teacher, a dear friend, a favorite aunt, a neighbor or coach. Today’s readings encourage us to be that person for others, even when it’s hard. Nobody said being a witness to Christ would be a cake walk! Fortunately, we can turn to prayer and the Scriptures for encouragement. For me, it may begin with small steps, such as listening to those with whom I disagree, not getting drawn into social media debates, and being more generous with my time. As we reflect on today’s readings, perhaps we can each choose one change we would like to make or challenge as we move into the week and ask God to help us put it into practice. ACT: Praise God each day this coming week. And then challenge yourself to offer a compliment to one person every day as well. Praising God and others puts us in right relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters. |
SUNDAY, February 13, 2022
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Luke’s account of the Beatitudes pulls no punches. Blessed are you … who are poor, hungry, weeping, when people hate you. These admonitions bear little resemblance to the pursuit of happiness as most of us know it: Striving for wealth (or at least stability), enjoying a good meal, sharing a laugh with friends, and being well-liked. These are things of this world, and Jesus tells us that pursuing them alone will not make us truly happy. I don’t think that means we need to wear sackcloth and ashes, or refuse to enjoy the great gifts with which God has endowed his Creation. However, Jesus’ words remind us that we won’t find lasting happiness even in the finest meal or the most lavish vacation, but rather in placing our lives in God’s hands. For the desire for happiness “is of divine origin: God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw us to the One who alone can fulfill it.” (CCC 1718) GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It’s a little ironic that I am writing a reflection entitled “GROW and GO.” Few plants have survived my black thumb. That’s why I love the image of the tree in the reading from Jeremiah. One who trusts in the Lord “is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream; it fears not the heat when it comes; its leaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit.” These words from Jeremiah are a prophecy of hope, and hope allows us to accompany one another through the hills and valleys (and occasional dead plants) of our lives. We can become a source of hope to others by praying for and with one another and encouraging them on their own journeys of faith. In doing so, we help one another tap into the ultimate source of hope – the God who loves us. STUDY: Read the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount and reflect on how Jesus’ teachings draw us ever more to himself and highlight our baptismal vocation: holiness. What one thing can you bring to prayer and the sacrament of reconciliation this week to purify your heart? |
SUNDAY, February 6, 2022
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: We put off all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons. I’ll take that trip with my family once my schedule clears up. Someday I’ll read that book collecting dust on my shelf. I’ll volunteer at church once I get my own act together. Today’s readings remind us that God will take us as we are: We need only say “yes.” In each of the readings, the protagonists – Isaiah, Paul, and Peter – initially resist God’s call, fearing their sinfulness disqualifies them. We may feel that way, too. However, in each case, God forgives their sins and gives them the grace to say, like Isaiah, “Here I am. Send me!” Their assent can be a challenge to those of us who hold back from becoming more involved in our parish or sharing our faith with others, fearing we aren’t good enough or aren’t an expert in theology. Jesus reminds us that it is ultimately not about us, but him. We don’t have to be perfect, just willing to push past our fears and trust him to make disciples of us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: In today’s readings, we hear descriptions of Isaiah’s lips touched by a burning ember, Paul being transformed from persecutor to preacher, and the fishermen dropping their nets to follow Jesus. In each case, that turning point led to a life of witness. We may not have such a dramatic story to share, but most of us can look back and see turning points: That influential teacher, the aunt who saw the best in us, a priest, sister, or retreat leader who spoke to our hearts. Today’s readings can encourage us to be that person for others – the one who shows them the love of Christ and what a difference it can make. Buoyed by God’s grace, we can share the Good News with others and accompany one another as we seek to follow Jesus in our day-to-day lives. ACT: Carve out time to do something spiritual you’ve been putting off – whether it’s a retreat, morning prayer, or perhaps volunteering in a parish ministry or other organization. |
SUNDAY, January 30, 2022
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Wait, what? One moment the people of Nazareth embrace Jesus, but as soon as he challenges them the crowd turns on a dime, and moves toward throwing him off a cliff. The Son of God, also the son of a carpenter, goes from hometown hero to persona non grata just like that, prefiguring his death on the cross and giving credence to his admonition that “no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” From the earliest moments of his public ministry as recorded in Luke, Jesus’ love for us is prominent. He never faltered. He never wavered. He moved forward to continue his mission of fulfilling God’s will for him, and be a sacrifice once and for all for our sins. Perhaps we have had a similar experience of being the “hero” for someone, only to somehow end up the goat. It is not easy to remain steadfast in our daily mission to love as Jesus loved. Today’s readings assure us that God will give us the grace to do so. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It can be challenging to square Paul’s eulogy of love with the reality of day-to-day living with a spouse, family members, and friends. Love is patient … except when I’m late getting out to the car for church again. Love is kind … except between crabby siblings who want to watch different shows on Netflix. It is not quick-tempered … unless you thoughtlessly back into my car in the driveway. It occurs to me that perhaps Paul’s words aren’t entirely about us, but about the perfect love of God. It’s pretty amazing to think that God loves us in all the ways Paul describes. As we open our hearts to God’s love and deepen our relationship with Jesus through prayer, we may find that love spilling over into our daily interactions. For when we are kind, we love; when we are patient, we love; when we are not quick-tempered, we love. PRAY: Although our love for one another is imperfect, we must strive to love as Jesus loved each day, and there is no better place to start than prayer. Ask a friend or family member this week if they have any concerns you can include in your prayers. Or request a Mass for someone who is going through a tough time or who has recently died. |
SUNDAY, January 23, 2022
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Do you ever find yourself feeling like you are at the cusp of something remarkable? Like you are witnessing an incredible, historic, athletic, or aeronautical feat? I wonder if that’s what it was like for the followers of Jesus when he began his public ministry: “News of him spread throughout the whole region. He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus reads the words of the prophet Isaiah that are effectively a “job description” of his mission: glad tidings to the poor, liberty of captives, sight to the blind, freedom for the oppressed. What Isaiah prophesied, Jesus claims to fulfill. He thus inaugurates his public ministry with a claim that is straightforward, bold, true, and of great consequence. Today, by virtue of our baptism, we are part of the body of Christ and share in that mission. Whatever our backgrounds, abilities, or talents, we each have something to contribute to building up one another and the Church. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, we, too, can be bold in our own proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We’ve heard the phrase “Don’t sell yourself short.” Social media aside, many of us tend to focus on our shortcomings: We may wish we could run faster, be better at our jobs, have a cleaner home, in general, “get it together!” Truth is, we’re all works in progress. That’s what I love about Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. He reminds us that each one of us – whatever our strengths or weaknesses – is part of the body of Christ. God loves us with our imperfections, not in spite of them. As such, each of us has indispensable value and much to contribute to the mission of the Church. As we move into the week ahead, today’s readings invite us to place ourselves at the service of the Church and one another. Beyond that, we can invite others to join us by recognizing that God values the talents – and foibles – that each of us brings to his service. PRAY: Yesterday on the liturgical calendar was the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. As members of the body of Christ, let us join our voices with the universal Church and pray a Pro-Life Rosary each night this week. The USCCB Prayers and Devotions page is a good resource. |
SUNDAY, January 16, 2022
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: It was several years ago now, but the scene is still vivid in my mind. My son stood confidently in front of the altar as the music rose in a crescendo and his bride stepped into sight. The love and joy he felt trickled down his cheek as she walked down the aisle. He broke into a smile as she joined him, and proudly took her hand to promise to become one with her forever. Isaiah writes: “As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.” Isaiah was talking about the nation of Israel, but God loves and rejoices in each of his children and wants us to know the joy of being loved by him. He generously shares his gifts with us, “different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit,” St. Paul explains to the Corinthians. All spiritual gifts come from God, and all are important and necessary: “To each individual, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” God’s gifts are distributed uniquely to each person to use in our own unique way to “announce his salvation, day after day,” and invite others to discover the joy of his great love. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: You are a masterpiece! This message was conveyed at the camp our diocese held each year to help teens recognize that they are God’s beloved sons and daughters, called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to be missionary disciples. Discerning what our gifts are and how to use them can be challenging. The Gospel about the wedding at Cana offers an interesting guide. Mary tells the waiters, “Do whatever he tells you.” By reserving time for listening and not speaking during prayer, we can hear what Jesus is “telling” us. Jesus then says to the waiters, “Fill the jars with water.” We can “fill our jars” with the knowledge of how to live as disciples by reflecting on Scripture. Finally, Jesus tells the waiters, “Draw some out.” We can “draw” on his love for strength and courage when we need it, but more importantly, we are called to “draw some out” to share with others. In sharing the “good wine,” the Good News of Jesus Christ, others will begin to believe in him, too. PRAYER: As the new year gets under way, devote time to discerning the unique spiritual gifts, or charisms, you have been given. Make time for silent prayer and reflecting on Scripture each day. |
SUNDAY, January 9, 2022
The Baptism of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: For cradle Catholics, baptism may be the most important step on the Christian journey that none of us actually remembers. Which is too bad! After all, the Catechism of the Catholic Church instructs us that baptism is “the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit.” (#1213) Yes, baptism cleanses us of original sin, but it’s much more than that! We need only look to Jesus to see that. Though without sin, Jesus’ baptism is a turning point in his life all the same. The Holy Spirit descends upon him and a voice from heaven cries out, “You are my beloved Son.” So begins the public ministry, in which Jesus would carry out his Father’s saving mission. Through our baptism, at any age, we, too, become God’s beloved sons and daughters. Through word and sacrament, Jesus invites us to share in his mission by turning our lives over to our Father as we embrace our Christian journey. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Baptism is often referred to as “the doorway to the Church” because through this sacrament, our sins are forgiven and we are united to Christ and his Church. It is the door which gives access to all the other sacraments. (Cf., CCC 1213) At the conclusion, the celebrant asks God to continue to pour out his blessing upon those being baptized, and send his peace to all who are gathered. As baptized Christians, we are now adopted children of God; we are disciples who are empowered, through the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit, to share the Good News and help build the kingdom of God on earth. Sound intimidating? It shouldn’t. Each day that we “put on Christ” and do his work, God is re-creating us and making us into something far better than we could ever be on our own. Embrace this faith you have been given and go out and share your gifts and talents with others, confident in the Spirit that guides you. SERVE: Think of something you have been told you are very good at by friends or coworkers – something for which you have been “anointed,” in a sense. In what way can you do something specific to lead others with care in this area, or perhaps do a very particular good yourself? |
SUNDAY, January 2, 2022
The Epiphany of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My husband is a bird watcher by day and a stargazer by night. I confess it drives me a little bonkers on our evening dog walks. I tend to want to keep moving; between him and our dog (who seems to want to sniff every mailbox), it’s the pedestrian equivalent of stop-and-go traffic. Hearing about the journey of the Magi, however, reminds me to pause and look, too. Just as they saw the star rising and followed it to Jesus, we, too, can seek God in our surroundings, our relationships, and the beauty of creation – the next step is to follow where God leads us. As Pope Benedict XVI wrote, the Magi represent “the journeying of humanity toward Christ.” (Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives) We may falter from the path from time to time, but Isaiah’s prophesy reminds us of our destination: “You shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: The Epiphany is early this year, falling right on the heels of New Year’s Day. If we haven’t made our New Year’s resolutions yet, now is a good time to do so. In addition to typical resolutions such as reducing clutter or getting fit, we can set some spiritual goals as well. The definition of epiphany (lower case) is “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.” As we reflect on today’s readings, let us ask the Holy Spirit to provide us an epiphany – into how we can grow closer to Jesus during this year ahead. Just as their encounter with the infant Jesus caused the Magi to be transformed from outsiders to faithful believers, and to take a different route home, our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist is meant to transform all of us, and set us on a new path to light and life. RESOLVE: New Year’s resolutions are great! Why not add a couple of spiritual resolutions to the list – perhaps to pray the rosary more often, spend time in eucharistic adoration, or go on that retreat you have been meaning to attend. Ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration and see where it leads. |
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my dad leading my three sisters and me in song as we made the hour-long drive to visit my grandparents every other weekend. Granted, On Top of Spaghetti and Hey, Good Looking don’t qualify as “singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,” as Paul advised the Colossians, but I do think they reveal that my dad took to heart Paul’s advice about family and faith. Paul writes that in putting on holiness, kindness, gentleness, and forgiving one another, we “put on love, that is, the bond of perfection.” Whatever we do, in word or deed, we ought to do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Fathers, mothers, and children are to love one another, seeking and choosing the good for one another, and helping each other along life’s journey – whether for an hour in the car, a three-day hike, or a lifetime in every situation. On this feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we honor their perfect holiness and love, and pray that God may continue to perfect us in holiness and love within our own families, that we may bear good fruit for the Kingdom. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO:Three Days? Mary and Joseph couldn’t find Jesus for three days! Any parent who has had a child missing for a few seconds understands the anxiety Mary and Joseph experienced in three long days of searching for Jesus. In the end, though, all is well – they find him, and the peace of Christ casts out their fears. It is a remarkable scene: Jesus’ parents are astonished to see him teaching in the temple, and Jesus is curious as to why they were looking for him – did they not know where he would be? This event marks a sort of milestone in their lives together, as Jesus has hinted at his future public ministry, and his parents have experienced that first bit of soul-piercing that Mary will later fully undergo. For each of them, love is what directed their actions. Joseph and Mary put aside everything to search for their son; Jesus put aside everything to serve his Father; and they joined together in humble obedience to God’s will for them. The Holy Family models a way of living for us to imitate, and to witness to others in that imitation. SERVE/STUDY: Perhaps you have some down time in this coming week between Christmas and New Year’s. As a family, choose an activity that allows you to think outside yourselves and serve others. Donate to the food pantry or visit an elderly relative who is homebound. Or make a plan to read the Scripture for each day of the upcoming week; have each person choose a favorite verse to memorize each day. You may be surprised how often these verses enter your mind throughout the week. |
Pope at Audience:
Christmas an invitation to adore Son of God At the Wednesday General Audience ahead of Christmas, Pope Francis reflects on the birth of Jesus, and says the event is a reminder that we are loved first by God without any merit of our own. With the Christmas season fast approaching, Pope Francis on Wednesday took the opportunity of the weekly General Audience to reflect on the birth of Jesus – an event that “history cannot dispense with.” Recalling the familiar figures of Mary and Joseph in the stable at Bethlehem, the humble shepherds, and the rich and powerful Magi from the East, the Pope explained, “The message of the Gospel is clear: the birth of Jesus is a universal event that concerns all of humanity.” The Nativity scene in the Paul VI HallHumble searchingThe Pope noted the humility of the shepherds, but also the religious seeking of the pagan wise men, who undertook a long and difficult journey to find and adore the new-born king of the Jews, in whom they recognised the Son of God made man. He emphasised that it is only through humility that we can come to God and recognise the true meaning of life, the reason “why life is truly worth living.” “Dear brothers and sisters, I would like to invite every man and woman to the stable of Bethlehem to adore the Son of God made man.” Everyone is called to seek God, the Pope insisted, and with and through God’s grace, everyone is able to find Him. The Holy Father invited every man and woman throughout the whole world to come “to the stable of Bethlehem to adore the Son of God made man.” Pope appeals for joint political action for refugees and migrants Church accompanying religious seekersIn the first place, he said, “I would like to put the poor” – the hungry, the thirsty, the exiles, the naked, the ill, the prisoners, with whom Jesus wanted to be mystically identified." Then, like the Second Vatican Council, the Pope expressed his desire to “accompany” religious seekers, even those who fight against religion. With the Council, he assured them that “the recognition of God is in no way hostile to man’s dignity, since this dignity is rooted and perfected in God.” Foundation of joyFinally, the Pope returned to the message of the Angel at Bethlehem: “Peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased.” He noted, with the Apostle John, that love consists “in this is love, not that we have loved God, but that He loved us” and that “we love because He first loved us.” This, the Pope said, is the reason for our joy, knowing that we are loved without any merit, that we are always loved first by God, with a love so concrete that He took on flesh and came to live in our midst.” Jesus is the name and the face of this divine love, and Jesus, the Pope said, “is the foundation of our joy.” VATICAN NEWS |
GROW: “You, Bethlehem-Ephrathah too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel;” We do not have to go see the most recent superhero movie, or binge-watch a streaming TV series that celebrates the underdog to feel the elation that comes with overcoming evil. We need only to look at our own lives, and God’s plan of salvation for us, to understand what it truly means to be triumphant. From tiny little Bethlehem – a town of no consequence – would arise the Savior of the world. He would be the One who came to do God’s will, and thus consecrated us to God through the offering of his own body as sacrifice, once for all. This is the One Mary carried in her womb and whom Elizabeth’s unborn child – we know to be John the Baptist – recognized. He is the child-most-vulnerable who would become King of the Universe, “stand[ing] firm and shepherd[ing] his flock by the strength of the Lord.” This is the God we serve: the One who became like us so that we may one day be like him. We shall soon celebrate the anniversary of his birth, while also waiting in joyful hope for his coming again. In this time of preparation, then, we pray for the grace to know the Lord more fully and to appreciate with gratitude the Savior he truly is. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, now is the time many of us will begin to gather – as families, friends, and faith communities. What an ideal opportunity to renew our relationships with one another and with Jesus, asking the Holy Spirit to help us recognize the presence of God in our lives and in others. Micah’s prophesy from today’s first reading endures: “His greatness shall reach to the ends of the earth; he shall be peace.” Let’s do our part to share the peace and joy of Christ with those we encounter, witnessing to his saving grace in our lives, and offering others an opportunity to be a part of the greatest story, ever – of God’s saving action. INVITE/PRAY: Invite visiting family members to your parish or faith community for a concert, worship or other Advent activity. If that’s not possible, pray the O Antiphons together at home. |
GROW: Although spontaneous outbursts of joy are not part of our liturgy, today’s readings alert us that we have much reason to rejoice. Even in times of anxiety, we can rely on the words of St. Paul, who writes that we can rest assured that “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard [our] hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” As we prepare for his coming during this Advent season, we don’t need to leap out of our pews and make a show of our praise (but go for it, if that’s your style!). However, in our hearts and in our prayer, we can follow the psalmist’s lead and “cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.” We can praise God in many ways, through fervent prayer, simple acts of kindness and, as John the Baptist did so well, sharing the Good News. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: “What should we do?” The crowds asked John the Baptist a deceptively simple question many of us wrestle with today. How do we prepare for Christ’s coming? How should we spend the next hour, the day, the next year, the next five? John the Baptist answers without reservation: Share what you have. Don’t be greedy. Do not falsely accuse others. In other words, get it together! The Lord is coming. Advent is a wonderful time to do just that, and St. Paul reminds us that we don’t have to know all the answers. “The Lord is near,” he writes, “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” Last week, the readings encouraged us to discern what is truly valuable in our lives as Christians. Today’s readings encourage us to ask the Lord: “What should we do?” Just as John the Baptist showed the people how to prepare for Christ’s coming, the Lord shows us how to live out and share our faith through the Scriptures and in the silence of prayer. ACTIONS: Remember the last time you felt unadulterated joy? For me it was when my son smacked a game-winning goal at a hockey game. As we move through Advent, we can reawaken a sense of childlike joy as we prepare to celebrate Christ among us. As you light the Advent candle, take time to share with one another something that gave you joy within the past week. |
GROW: Today we have blogs and life coaches, Facebook groups and self-help books, all of which can help us become better human beings. These resources come to mind as I read St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – I think St. Paul would be the ultimate life coach! All of his letters to the early Church offer wisdom, encouragement, and instruction, and the words we heard today are particularly significant as we prepare for Jesus’ coming this Advent: “the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Unlike some of our modern-day resources, Paul’s words go beyond simply helpful advice; they are rooted in faith and prayer, and in the truth of the Paschal Mystery. These words assure us that we are not alone on our journey, that what God has promised in the person of his Son will come to fruition: Christ will come again! And so, as John the Baptist did, we who are disciples are meant to witness to his coming, announcing the Good News and preparing for his – second – coming. Repent. Believe. “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” How do we do this? Engage with Scripture – read it and really hear what the Word of God is saying to you. Pray for insight, that the grace of God might transform you to go forth and announce the Gospel. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Even pre-Google, I spent more time than perhaps I should have hunting down the perfect gifts, especially for my young boys. I’d scour the ads, then get up early on black Friday and hit the stores in search of deals and hard-to-find items. Perhaps that’s why these words from St. Paul stopped me in my tracks: “And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value [italics added], so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” During Advent, these words can both assure and challenge us – to grow in love, knowledge, and a sense of what really matters during our time on earth. For me the challenge will be to spend less time shopping this season and more time focusing on deepening my relationship with God, who is preparing to turn the darkness into light. This doesn’t mean we can’t take delight in finding that perfect gift; but we ought also to increase our recognition that all gifts come from God, including our ability to have access to and means to purchase material gifts. We can find joy in God’s presence (and presents?) among us. ACTIONS: Re-read today’s Gospel, and then consider how Saint Paul followed in John the Baptist’s footsteps in his Letter to the Philippians. Think of ways you, like John and Paul, can encourage one another, and be a voice crying out in the desert. Participate in the sacrament of reconciliation and pray that God may cleanse your heart to welcome him at Christmas, and when he comes again. |
GROW: As the days grow shorter and darker, I am especially ready for Advent wreaths and nativity sets; sparkling lights and singing angels. More than ever, I eagerly anticipate the joyful celebration of Christ’s birth. But today’s readings for the first Sunday of Advent point us to the end of time, when Jesus returns in glory. Wait a minute, what? I don’t want to think about the dismay and fright that Jesus foretells in the Gospel, I want to think about shepherds and holy nights. We really can’t do one without the other, however, and the underlying message of the readings is one of hope and reassurance: Our God keeps his promises. He is faithful to the covenants he makes. He loves us so much; he offers us new beginnings. Our God became one of us, died to save us, and will give us the strength to be ready to greet him when he comes again. “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand,” Jesus says. Pray that our preparation for Christ’s birth will make us all the more ready for his return GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: We are a society and culture that focuses a lot on the outward signs of preparation, and there is a lot of pressure to make it all perfect. Pinterest boards, social media groups, magazine photos, clothing catalogs: all show perfectly dressed people with perfectly adorable dogs standing in front of exquisitely perfect Christmas trees, on perfectly unblemished snow. But perfection in the exterior is not the Christian goal. Our interior preparation – how we make ourselves ready for Christ now, and at the end of time – is the focus of Advent. It is an opportunity for repentance, and a joyful new beginning in our relationship with God. It is a time to recommit ourselves to the covenant he made with us, and the psalm and the second reading offer assistance in doing so. Make time each day to dive in and explore what Scripture reveals about “conducting yourselves to please God.” PRAY: Pray the psalm from the first Sunday of Advent each morning. Ask God to open your heart to ways you can be more just. He will teach you, guide you and strengthen your heart so that you can stand upright to face whatever challenges come your way. Your ways, O LORD, make known to me; teach me your paths, Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and for you I wait all the day. |
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: Many Americans have a fascination with royalty. We love to follow the royal family in real life and via the bingeworthy Crown series on Netflix. As royal-watchers know, the crown isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! History and experience, too, show that earthly kingdoms include their share of divisiveness, betrayal and, at times, a total disregard for other people. Jesus gives us a different kind of kingdom and kingship to aspire to – one based on truth not fiction, and born of suffering and not succession. Jesus did not seek earthly glory but endured a crown of thorns and death on a cross to establish the kingdom of heaven – a kingdom that perfects us and unites us with the Holy Trinity. So it is fitting that as we end the liturgical year, we honor Jesus as King of the Universe – heaven, earth, and all creation. Jesus established his kingdom by sacrificing himself out of love for us. By our baptism we have a share in this holy identity, and therefore, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we have the authority and power to proclaim Christ’s Kingship to all the world by our words and deeds. In this way we are able to serve the one true king, and participate in building God’s kingdom on earth. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: Some people aren’t shy about saying where they stand: I’m especially fascinated by bumper stickers. We don’t like to talk about politics or religion, but somehow it’s OK to proclaim our most deeply held beliefs as we tool down the highway. As we celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe, it’s a good time to ask ourselves: Is Jesus king of our universe? If so, how do we proclaim it? Bumper stickers can be fun, but sharing our belief in Jesus as our Savior requires human interaction. Introverts like me may find it difficult, but we can witness to our faith in a number of ways: Yes, through conversation, but also through the priorities we choose and the examples we set. As members of the kingdom of God – present on earth but not yet fully realized – our baptismal vocation is to participate in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission. We can ask Jesus to help us find the words and actions that best help us do so. PREPARE: Advent starts next Sunday! Just as we prepare for major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, we can start roughing out an Advent “menu.” How will we observe as a family this year? What are our goals for the season? What can I accomplish in the week ahead to free up Advent for prayerful preparation? |
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2021 Ordinary Time
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
GROW: My husband reads the obituaries regularly, as did my elderly Aunt Loretta. Me, I avoid them. I don’t like to think about death, and the same can be said for some references to the end times, particularly those like we hear in the Book of Daniel: “Some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace.” Give me a comforting psalm any day! However, in today’s Gospel, Jesus assures us that we who believe need not fear the Second Coming, for at that time the Son of Man shall “gather his elect.” Yes, “heaven and earth will pass away,” but the words of Jesus never shall. It is true, we don’t know the time or the hour of his return and so we prepare for it by remaining focused on Jesus’ words and turning our lives over to him in and through the sacramental life of the Church. Strive to live well on earth, following the path to eternal life that our loving and merciful Savior has paved for us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT GO: It’s easy to become complacent in that striving. I notice that tendency in everyday life – taking my spouse for granted, not being mindful of how what I say and do serves as an example (either good or bad!) for another. It’s like moving through the day with blinders on. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is teaching his disciples about his return in glory, and how those who follow him will be able to sense its approach. “Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near.” In other words, “pay attention; be observant” – the opposite of complacency. To counter this within ourselves, we can ask God to open our eyes to the signs of his love all around us – our spouses and dear friends, our families, and all the gifts we have been given. Just as importantly, we can accompany one another as we seek to grow in holiness and prepare for the day we meet Jesus, living as an example in word and deed. As the Book of Daniel so eloquently tells us, “The wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever.” PRAY: Read the obituaries! Many of them contain inspiring examples of lives well lived. Take a moment in this month of November to pray for all who have died. Make a conscious effort to be a specific example to another of Christ’s love in the world that they, too, might be better prepared for Christ’s return. |
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2021 Ordinary Time
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
When it comes to money, I’m a worrier. Just ask my husband how I reacted when he had the audacity to pay for shipping! I shop carefully, armed with coupons. I’ve always been a saver, making sure to contribute to retirement, life insurance, and the “what-if-the-roof-comes-down” fund. Being fiscally responsible is a good thing, but the quest for financial security as the ultimate good is a fool’s errand. God is the true provider of all that we need, and what we have finds its fulfillment in service to him. The widows in today’s readings knew that too well. In the first reading, a mother and son are down to their last bites of food, facing starvation and death. Yet she gives her last morsels to the prophet Elijah. In the Gospel, the widow gives generously, not of her surplus, but of her entire livelihood. Both women exhibit utter and complete trust in God, and a generosity that knows no bounds. As we study today’s Scripture, they teach the worriers among us that God will and does provide, and that the more we give away, the greater our reward in this life and the next. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Do you ever get that knock on the door from a Cub Scout selling popcorn just when you’re about the put dinner on the table or run out to a ballgame? Or perhaps you already have a full calendar and suddenly a neighbor really needs your help with an errand or a household emergency – and there goes a whole afternoon! Today’s readings invite us to set aside whatever “sticks we are gathering” and welcome the “Elijah moments.” They encourage us to give a bit of ourselves away, whether it’s time, money, or attention. In doing so, we give witness to the paradox of the Christian life – that the more we give away the more we are rewarded. We also set a positive example for our children and others, who will see our generosity in action. SERVE: Even the budgeters among us can do this! Look ahead at your budget. In addition to regular expenditures and giving, look at something you can sacrifice – a meal out, a new sweater, a movie night – and decide as a family how you would like to use the extra money and/or time to help others. |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2021 Ordinary Time
Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
“Oh no,” was my first thought when I began reading today’s Gospel – “another scribe trying to trick Jesus.” But this scribe agrees with Jesus: Loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself are the greatest commandments. When the scribe explains that loving God and your neighbor are worth more than all offerings or sacrifices, Jesus recognizes that the scribe took these commandments “to heart,” as Moses had taught. He doesn’t just know the law, he understands it. Because he understands it, Jesus assures him that he is not far from the kingdom of God. So, how can we grow in our understanding of what it means to love God and love our neighbor? We grow in our love of God through the gift of faith and by the graces received in spending time with him. We do this by spending time in Scripture and “taking to heart” his words; by prayerfully reflecting on Jesus’ life and giving thanks for his sacrifice for us; by drawing closer to him through the sacraments; and by asking him to help us grow in our love for God, and for one another. An authentic love for God will show itself in love of neighbor, and the more we truly love one another, the greater our love for God will grow. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Loving our neighbors is essential if we seek to draw them to God’s love. For many of us, that’s much easier said than done. It’s not easy to love someone with whom we disagree or are in competition with. And these days, with so much division in society, it is all too simple to assume the worst rather than the best about others with whom we interact, or see on television. Can we commit to truly seeing others as God sees them – his beloved children, made in his own image? After all, it is through Jesus and in keeping his word that we become more like him, in thought and deed: “Whoever loves me will keep my word … and my father will love him and we will come to him.” Let us pray to see our neighbors as the Lord does; and pray that we ourselves might be the kind of neighbor in whom others may see God’s image! We have the opportunity to be an example of, and a witness to, a love that forgives and is not overcome by fear or division. PRAY As we prepare for the feast of All Souls, make an effort to see others as God sees them by reflecting on the lives of those who have loved you and what their lives have taught you about God’s love. Attend Mass and give thanks for those you hold in your heart. Then pray honestly and sincerely for those with whom you know you have a difference of conviction or opinion, asking God to graciously answer all their needs and to care for them as you yourself would like to be cared for . |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2021 Ordinary Time
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
How often do we pray with abandon? Perhaps when turbulence makes us wonder if our plane’s going down, when a friend or loved one faces a difficult diagnosis or life-threatening injury, when we face a setback, a major decision, or a heartbreak. On some days, though, have we been guilty of just going through the motions when we pray? Not so for Bartimaeus. “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me,” he repeatedly implores, ignoring the shushing of the crowd. When Jesus asks him what he wants, the blind man doesn’t beat around the bush. “I want to see.” Recognizing his faith, Jesus heals him. Bartimaeus could not see, yet he had recognized Jesus as the Messiah and persisted in prayer. His example reminds us to be persistent in prayer, holding nothing back from Jesus who desires to make us whole. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT While Bartimaeus faced physical blindness, this did not prevent him from recognizing Jesus as the Son of David, the Messiah. In our modern-day world so filled with distractions, we can become blind to the face of Jesus, or simply take his abundant love for us for granted. As the psalmist reminds us, “The Lord has done great things for us. We are filled with joy.” Looking back on our lives, we can probably see a few miracles – the birth of a child, the stunning beauty of a sunrise over the mountains or the arborvitae in our backyards, the friends who walk alongside us through each chapter of life. Today’s readings encourage us to open our eyes to the face of Jesus in our lives, and in turn to reflect his steadfast love to those we encounter. ACTIONS Read today’s psalm response: “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” Reflect on the people and experiences that have brought you closer to God – friends, family, a priest, for example. Write them a note or say a prayer of thanksgiving.' |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
What do we do best? Some of us might be math whizzes, others can send a golf ball exactly where we intend. How do we get there? Practice, natural talent, and a good coach or teacher. Following Jesus, though, is another matter entirely. As today’s readings remind us, we grow as Christians not by building ourselves up but by giving ourselves away. In Isaiah, we hear about the suffering servant who “did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” That suffering servant is Jesus, who admonishes the Apostles as they jostle for position as his right-hand man. Ultimately, the greatest among them will be “a slave of all,” Jesus reminds them. His words challenge us to put as much energy and prayer into finding ways to better serve others as we do other areas of our lives. We can look to Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and all the saints as role models. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT I bet most of us can think of a friend who seems like a natural “giver.” He shovels the neighbor’s walk without being asked. She sends flowers or a meal during a difficult time. Serving others can take so many forms, from a simple hug or phone call to volunteering at a soup kitchen. In today’s readings, Jesus invites us to bear witness to his sacrifice through humble service. It may not come naturally for all of us all the time, but that’s where God’s grace and the Holy Spirit come in. We can ask for the strength, creativity, flexibility – whatever we may lack – to recognize the needs around us and respond. Before we know it, our generosity will overflow and encourage others as they, too, seek to grow in Christian service. ACTION Watching the news or even scrolling your social-media feed can be overwhelming at times. Instead of tuning out, find a small way to help – through prayer, a donation to a Catholic organization, or a phone call or card to a friend going through a difficult time. |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
In the Old Testament, wealth was considered a sign of God’s favor. So imagine the rich young man’s surprise when he approached Jesus, only to find out that he would need to sell what he had and then give to the poor in order to follow Jesus. His face fell and he walked away. His demeanor highlights the fundamental error of equating what we have, and what we do, with salvation – of relying on earthly things, rather than God, for our deepest comfort and security. In contrast, the Book of Wisdom speaks of the richness and worth of divine wisdom over that of any precious gem or gold. We understand that divine wisdom to be manifested in the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, true wisdom means having faith in Jesus Christ rather than in our own efforts and whatever we might have earned in our lifetime. Otherwise, we are like a camel trying to squeeze through the eye of a needle. Jesus truly offers us the only way. I like to think that the young man came around eventually. After all, as Jesus says, “all things are possible for God.” As we reflect, we can ask Jesus what we need to “let go of” to turn our sights, our minds, and our lives over to God, knowing that following his will is the surest path to the Kingdom. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Just a few days ago, we celebrated the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The behavior of the rich young man in today’s Gospel – daring, enthusiastic, confident – brings the young Francis to mind. Born into wealth, he relished his carefree lifestyle and sought to become a knight. His dreams of glory, however, quickly became a nightmare as his comrades fell and he was imprisoned in a dank cell for a year. After his release, he fell seriously ill, and God spoke to him. He cast aside the trappings of wealth, choosing instead to seek God’s will in all things. His example invites us to pray about our priorities: What things or attitudes get in the way of our relationship with God and one another? What is the Lord asking of us and how can we respond? How can we give witness to our belief that all things are possible with God? ACTION Perhaps try a “consumption fast” for the next couple of weeks, purchasing only what you need – food and other necessities. Use time and energy spent shopping to deepen your relationship with God and others through practices such as Eucharistic adoration, confession, visiting an elderly relative, or writing/calling an old friend. |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Social media certainly has its downsides, but it’s a wonderful way to keep up with friends and family. Lately, I’ve noticed a number of wedding day snapshots – with couples finally able to celebrate their “big day” as pandemic restrictions have eased. Today’s readings bring these beautiful images to mind. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples about marriage: “God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” While the readings focus on the relationship between man and woman, we are reminded that God created all of us – no matter our state in life – to love one another as he loves us. The capacity to love is in our DNA. Jesus invites us to be companions on life’s journey, reflecting to others Christ’s love for the Church. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Each year in October, our diocese invites married couples to a “Wedding Anniversary Mass.” Friends and family are invited to join them as they celebrate milestone anniversaries – whether it be 5 years or 50. Just as we celebrate newlyweds, it’s nice to recognize these couples – and the love that has endured well after the honeymoon ended. Just as they witnessed their love for one another on their wedding day, they have continued to do so through the ensuing years by their example. Despite the inevitable hardships, they cling to one another; through disagreements and quarrels, they find a way back to each other – and I suspect they laugh together too. By sharing their stories we, too, can witness to others a love that endures through thick and thin. In doing so, we help build up our families, our communities, and our Church. ACTION You may have heard of The Moth, a popular storytelling platform. Each of us has a story to tell, and recording family “love stories” can be a fun way to witness to our children and grandchildren what good relationships look like. Take some time to interview your parents or others in your extended family about how they met, how they’ve overcome the challenges they have faced as a couple, and how they have kept God at the center. |
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Today’s graphic Gospel passage always sounds a bit jarring: “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” Upon first reading that passage, our response might be, “What?” But upon further reflection, it strikes me that Jesus is challenging us to attend to what causes us to sin: the vices we have acquired, the temptations we do not ignore, the sinful thoughts and behaviors we entertain or in which we engage. It is also important to identify where we might be culpable in leading others astray. In all of this, Jesus is asking us to be honest with ourselves and to take the necessary steps to “cut” out of our lives the things that lead us away from the Lord, rather than allowing us to move toward him. Lest we get discouraged, we need only remember that we are not alone: We belong to Christ whose word is truth, whose precepts “give joy to the heart,” and who tells us “whoever is not against us is for us.” Like Moses in the first reading, we can ask that the Spirit descend upon us and give us strength. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Amazing feats we see on TV or read in the news can’t help but capture our imagination. Our rich Catholic faith can be a little like that: just take a look at the lives of the saints. That’s why I find the other passage in today’s Gospel so encouraging. Jesus reminds us that even the smallest things we do matter –actions to help others grow in their faith: “Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.” As the Lord’s spirit moves us to be a prophet to others – that is, to perform deeds in his name (mighty or not-so-mighty) – we have the ability to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ in very real and concrete ways. As St. Teresa of Ávila said: “Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.” ACTIONS: Prepare for the sacrament of reconciliation by asking Jesus to help you identify what causes you to sin or drives a wedge between you and others or between you and God. Then participate in this beautiful sacrament and pray for the grace to make changes. |
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
I have a competitive nature. As an older runner, I strive to place high in my age group (maybe even pick off runners older than I one at a time as we near the finish of a race – of course, I can neither confirm nor deny that). Oh, to be first! There is nothing inherently wrong with healthy competition. However, constantly striving to be the “best” or the “first” in other areas of life – career, parenting, even holiness – can quickly lead to frustration and burnout. As the disciples jostled for “first place,” Jesus gently but directly corrected them: “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Like the Apostles, we tend to focus on our achievements as a measure of our worth, forgetting why we are here: to serve others. We can ask Jesus to help us gain the “wisdom from above” and the characteristics so beautifully described by Saint James: pure, peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Reading today’s Gospel from Mark, I am struck by the image of Jesus embracing a child: “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” Most of us picture our own children, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces, or nephews. Of course we would embrace them! However, Scripture scholars point out that for Jesus, the child symbolized the anawim, a Hebrew word for the poor, the lowly, the vulnerable, the oppressed. Picture, then, not just children but those we might be less eager to immediately embrace, not just children: ragged men on the corner, immigrants at the border, the neighbor’s son with schizophrenia, prisoners or ex-convicts. Jesus challenges us not to avert our eyes but to “embrace” them – whether that means offering a cup of coffee, becoming a pen pal, stopping to chat, or finding another way to accompany them. Scholars tell us that the anawim share a total dependence upon God, something we all have in common regardless of our life’s circumstances. ACTIONS Seek “wisdom from above” at the beginning of each day. In the evening, reflect on the ways God has held you in his loving embrace through the kindness of others, moments in nature, simple pleasures. Say thank you. |
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
I think it can be easy to romanticize faith: the post-retreat high, the inspirational homily, even the motivational wall art that pops up on Pinterest. But keeping the faith can be hard sometimes. And living it out? Even harder. Today’s readings both challenge and encourage us, as they so often do. The Letter of James pulls no punches: Faith without works is “dead.” And in today’s Gospel, right after Peter says, “You are the Christ,” Jesus tempers that Good News, telling him that even the Son of Man must suffer greatly. We who follow Jesus must also be willing to take up our cross. This is a daily challenge to choose life over death; to choose the transformative power of Jesus over sin that creeps into our lives; to make the choice to put others’ needs before our own. None of this is easy. But as the prophet Isaiah reminds us, we don’t have to do it alone; indeed, the Lord God is our help. We can choose well. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT I’m inspired when the young people in our parish assist with the Sunday liturgy and do service projects in the community. As a working parent (and back when I was a “stay-at-home” mom), I tell myself, maybe someday when things slow down, I’ll do more. But honestly, I think the teens in the youth group – between work, school, and sports – are busier than I am. As we listen to today’s readings, wherever we may be in life and faith, what stands out? Is it James’ entreaty to pair faith with works? Or Jesus’ words that “whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it”? Or the prophet Isaiah’s rock-solid faith? Today’s readings give us many ways to witness to our faith in Jesus – through prayer, service, generosity, perseverance, works, and words. We can ask the Holy Spirit to show us which of these gifts we can share with others this week. ACTIONS Brainstorm new ways to witness to your faith. It could be as simple as picking up extra food for the pantry in the back of church or changing up “Grace” at dinner to add prayers for others. |
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Our oldest son is deaf. I vividly remember watching him notice sounds for the first time in the days after his cochlear implant was activated: the “caw” of a crow, a doorbell, the low rumble of the furnace kicking in. Our job as parents was to provide a running commentary to help him understand the meaning of each sound that so many of us take for granted: “See the birds? That is a crow!” “Your dad is home.” “The heat is coming on.” I’m reminded of those early days when I read Mark’s account of Jesus restoring hearing to the deaf man. While most of us can hear, so often we take the sounds all around us for granted or relegate them to background noise – including the Scripture we hear at Mass each week. As Bishop Robert Barron writes, “This deaf man stands for all of us who do not hear the word of God, who have grown oblivious to it.” As we listen to today’s readings, we can ask Jesus to open our ears and our hearts to the word of God. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Mark spares no detail in describing Jesus’ encounter with the deaf man who had a speech impediment. Jesus places a finger in his ear and spits, touching his tongue, then utters the word “Ephphatha! (“Be opened”) Immediately, the man can hear and speak clearly. When listening to this reading, I often focus on the man’s hearing. But Jesus also cured the man’s speech impediment, which I think indicates we’re not supposed to just hear God’s word, we are to speak to it, and speak of it. Once we allow Jesus to open our ears and hearts to the Good News, sharing it will begin to come naturally. There may still be times when our Catholic tongues feel tied, but “Be strong, fear not!” Jesus will give us the words. ACTIONS: Next time you take a drive, listen to the day’s Scripture readings. Ask Jesus to open your ears and hearts to his words and show you how best to share them with others. And most teachers would agree: The more senses we engage, the more we take in. If you have trouble following the readings at Mass, open your missalette and read along silently. |
SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
As I began reading the Gospel for today, I initially thought, “Here we go - those hypocritical Pharisees are at it again! They are always questioning Jesus, always judging others, and always looking for ways to make themselves look ‘holier’ than everyone else.” Uh oh; then I realized that I was feeling pretty smug as I judged the Pharisees! Sadly, it can be easy for me to fall into a “Pharisee attitude,” thinking I “walk blamelessly and do justice” when really I am just deluding myself. While Jesus uses this encounter to point out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he also calls the crowd to a greater understanding of the source of evil in their lives, “From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts.” Maybe I need to hear these words, too, and examine my own thoughts and actions before judging others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT St. James provides an answer to combating the evil we discover in our hearts: “Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.” The Word, Jesus, came to us and has given us the way to free ourselves from the evil within. Our relationship with him is the key. We know we are to “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” We have the Holy Spirit to help us stay close to him and access his saving power that transforms our hearts to reflect his goodness and truth. It requires us to humbly assess and own the things we need to change; and to turn to him for guidance so that we may have nothing within us – no evil thoughts, greed, malice, envy or arrogance (etc.) – to defile us. Only then are we most free in Christ – truly free to “care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” PRAY The Daily Examen, created by St. Ignatius of Loyola, is an ideal way for growing closer to Jesus and seeking his guidance. Suggested for the day’s end, this prayerful reflection helps you recognize God’s presence in the day’s events, assess your thoughts and behavior, ask for his help in growing in goodness, and discern his plans for you. |
SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Have you ever felt nervous in standing up for something, or in taking a position on an issue? Even when the stakes are not particularly high, like a classroom debate over an author’s meaning in her text or requesting that customer service fix a take-out order gone awry, it can be nerve-wracking for many of us to have this kind of engagement. It is especially difficult when we sense conflict. Why is that? Why do we care so much what others think of us? What about when the stakes are literally life or death? In today’s first reading, Joshua is imploring the people to decide which god they will serve, and he boldly proclaims: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” In the Gospel, some of Jesus’ disciples reject his teachings and drift back to “their former way of life.” Jesus asks the Twelve whether they, too, “want to leave.” Simon Peter responds with the rhetorical question, “Master, to whom [else] shall we go?” Like Joshua, he is bold in his own pronouncement: “You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” Today’s readings encourage and exhort us to go “all in” when it comes to discipleship. The implication is clear: it matters not what others think of us, or what attraction they might hold for us to acquiesce to them. God alone is the source of life, and the truth. He offers us a way – it’s that simple. We simply must decide to serve him. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT At times this commitment, this life of discipleship, is more difficult than other times. Faith is a personal and communal relationship with our Triune God, and just like our human relationships it requires attentiveness, and “[living] in love as Christ loved us.” Just as a spouse or roommate can annoy us – being messy, hearing the same joke over and over, and don’t get me started on who gets to control the remote! – we may get upset with God because our expectations are not met. But God is God, not “who we think God ought to be.” Therefore, today’s readings are an encouragement to remain steadfast when things are difficult, with St. Paul comparing the love of Jesus for the Church (all of us!) with the mutual love between a husband and wife. No one said it would be easy. Just as a good marriage requires communication, give-and-take, and large doses of forgiveness, so does our relationship with the Lord require prayer, confession, repentance, and thanksgiving. ACTION Place Joshua’s words on your refrigerator this week: “Decide today whom you will serve … As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Brainstorm about how each member of your household can do that. |
SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 2021 Ordinary Time
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
There are very few things in this world that are perfectly united, though many attempts have been made, think peanut butter and chocolate, Batman and Robin. But there is one example, and that is the Blessed Virgin Mary is perfectly united with Jesus’ life and redemptive work. Though fully human, she is completely without sin – she is, as we pray in echoing God’s angel, “full of grace.” Thus she shares, as we do, in Christ’s heavenly destiny but with an immediacy that we do not have. Upon her death she was instantly assumed into heavenly glory, body and soul, as the first of all the faithful who will eventually join with Christ in eternity upon death and purification. In celebrating this great Solemnity, the Church celebrates what lies ahead for those of us who imitate Mary’s total trust in God. She had complete faith in God and his promises, and is a living example of the power and generosity of our God. We can follow her lead, engaging in a life of witness (proclaiming God’s greatness) and gratitude (have a rejoicing spirit) for the sake of the world. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Sometimes, when hearing or talking about Mary’s fiat, I first see it as a “yes” in modern, human terms. “Yes, I’ll serve on that committee.” “Yes, I’ll organize that party.” “Yes, I’ll stay late to finish that project.” It doesn’t take long for our little “yesses” to turn into an adamant “Nooooooooo,” also known as burnout. Thankfully, Mary’s yes was far more than just an acquiescence to a small request – it was the commitment of her entire self to the choice God had placed before her. And she was rewarded with a special seat in heaven near her Son. In today’s Gospel, Elizabeth immediately recognizes the true meaning of Mary’s fiat: “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” What can we learn from Mary’s example? We can learn trust. We don’t need to sign up for every volunteer opportunity (though volunteering is a great and worthwhile thing to do), but we can say “yes” to what God is asking of us according to the gifts and graces he has given us. Through daily prayer and seeking the intercession of Mary and Jesus, we can grow closer to the Lord and prepare ourselves for the day we meet Jesus and Mary face to face. PRAY: A lot of misunderstanding surrounds Catholic devotion to Mary. We do not worship Mary – that is reserved for God alone. Yet we do revere her and honor her unique and important role in God’s saving plan. Pray the Magnificat or the Rosary, paying close attention to their scriptural foundation and what was happening in the “stories” within those Scriptures. |
SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 2021 Ordinary Time
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
We have apps that monitor our sleep and calories, and remind us to get our steps in. Short on time? We order takeout or subscribe to a meal service. Yet, despite these modern conveniences, I would guess that most of us don’t sleep enough or consistently eat well. And we pay the price, whether in the short or long term. Enter Elijah, who had reached his limit physically and mentally. Yet after an angel provided him food and drink, Elijah found the strength to walk 40 days and 40 nights. Impressive! But that’s God for us! And in the provision of his Son, we have food and drink – bread from heaven – that not only sustains us for our journey on earth but offers the possibility of eternal life. This is our belief; this is what Jesus says to us. And that alone can give us strength, and hope, even when we’re having an “Elijah” moment. For at each and every holy Mass, Jesus invites us to the table, offering us food that not only sustains but also transforms us. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord, indeed! GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Just as a good night’s sleep and proper nutrition help us function our best, the Word of God and the Eucharist, and our communal life of faith, provide the spiritual nourishment we need as we strive to be imitators of God in our daily lives, as Saint Paul says. As we partake of Christ in the Eucharist, perhaps we can say a prayer of thanksgiving and ask Jesus to help us grow in the ways of love that Paul outlined: kindness, compassion, and forgiveness toward the people we encounter. It could mean letting go of a grudge, becoming more conscious of the needs of others, listening respectfully to someone with whom we disagree, or perhaps forgiving ourselves. The Holy Spirit will guide us. REFLECT: Think about the ways the Mass transforms you. It may be something subtle – the spirit of consolation and the feeling that things are right in your world – or you may have been particularly moved by the readings, homily, music, or silent prayer. Tell someone about it! |
SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 Ordinary Time
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
In our house, we know we’ve got a situation when we run out of bread. It’s the staff of life, yes, but also the stuff that makes toast, goes with soup or salad, and smells so good when we bake it ourselves. So perhaps some of us can relate to the Israelites in the first reading as they “grumbled against Moses and Aaron,” before the Lord promised to “rain down bread from heaven for [them].” On a deeper level, perhaps we also truly understand the importance of what Jesus tells his disciples in today’s Gospel: that the bread from heaven which the Father gives will not only satisfy their physical hunger, but give life to the world. Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Just as the disciples heartily responded “give us this bread always,” today’s readings encourage us to long not only for all good gifts from the Father, but specifically for that one, unique gift of the Son whose nourishment to us in the Eucharist transforms us and “gives life to the world.” GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Like many Catholics, I attended Mass online for much of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Initially, it seemed like enough, and I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to hear the Word of God, see the Lord in the Eucharist, and to receive him spiritually. However, as we began to return to church this past spring, I truly felt the enormity of what I had been missing: receiving the Eucharist, and doing so within a community. As we hear Christ’s words in the bread of life discourse over the next few Sundays, the magnitude of God’s gracious gift should become ever more apparent. When we receive the Eucharist at Mass, we partake in the body and blood of Jesus, sharing in the divine banquet that leads us to everlasting life, and drawing closer to Jesus and to one another in the process. Nourished by his presence within us, we can then go out and share the bread of life with others. What that looks like will differ for each of us, but ultimately it is all for the purpose of accomplishing the works of God: believing in the One he sent and giving witness to that belief in all we say and do. ACTION: Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians admonishes his listeners to “put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth.” As we begin each day this week, we can pray for the grace to “put on a new self” and let go of those things that get in the way of our own holiness. |
SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 Ordinary Time
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
I once saw Tony Melendez, a musician born without arms, play his guitar for the pope – with his feet – and I knew I had witnessed something exceptional, something extraordinary. We may be feeling the same way about some of the Olympic performances taking place right now. But however amazed Tony Melendez or an Olympic medal performance might make us feel, it is hard to imagine what it must have been like to experience Jesus taking a few barley loaves and fish, blessing them, and somehow feeding more than 5,000 people. How Great Thou Art, indeed! Participating in this miracle was life-changing for those who realized what Jesus had done. They were convinced, on the spot, that Jesus was a prophet, and were ready to carry him away as a king. But Jesus did not come to be an earthly king, he came to give his life for us, that we might have life with him in abundance. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT One boy gives up his lunch and Jesus feeds thousands – and there were twelve wicker baskets with fragments left over! Think of how God can multiply our gifts. Perhaps there are times we fail to share what we have, thinking it is too small to make a difference; thinking that what we bring to feed others can’t possibly be worth anything. Sure, what usually happens with us isn’t on a scale like today’s Gospel passage, and our offering may not be “Olympic” in nature. But in sharing our gifts as Jesus calls us to – to love our neighbor and to do “small things with great love” as St. Teresa of Calcutta is purported to have said – there is no such thing as a gift or talent too small. Ask the Holy Spirit for fortitude as you strive to share your gifts. ACTION: Perhaps it’s time to contact someone who has been on your mind lately. A seemingly small gesture of concern may be just the support they need right now. With the help of the Holy Spirit, perhaps you may be a source of affirmation for them, providing a catalyst that helps them discern their path more clearly. |
SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2021 Ordinary Time
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Portrayals of Jesus as a shepherd who cares for sheep often depict him carrying a sheep on his shoulders or holding a lamb in his arms. Those images are a source of great comfort, as is today’s psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” But they don’t quite capture just what hard work being a shepherd involves: tending to the flock in all kinds of weather, when the pastures are anything but verdant; waking in the wee hours to care for ewes and newborn lambs; watching some thrive and others die; not to mention being the poster child for the oft-quoted “smell of sheep.” The crowd in today’s Gospel lacked such a shepherd to tend and care for them, and thus “[Jesus’] heart was moved with pity for them.” There are times when circumstances and events can trick us into thinking that an earthly power or perfectly-principled worldview will save us. That is when we need the Lord as our shepherd the most. Only he can save us; only he has saved us. So, in those times when we may feel lost, we can bring it all to Jesus in prayer. He is the Shepherd who knows what we need. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT I don’t know about you, but I rarely miss a meal. When I do, I get cranky. And I don’t like crowds of any kind outside of Wrigley Field. So imagine how exhausted Jesus and the disciples must have felt when, because crowds followed them day and night, they had “no opportunity even to eat.” Even when they tried to get away and rest awhile, a vast crowd appeared. Rather than turn away, however, Jesus began to teach them – for they were hurting and in need of his care. Today’s Gospel encourages us to be shepherds to one another, keeping others close. Pope Francis said it well during Holy Week 2013: “Following Jesus means learning to come out of ourselves … to be the first to take a step toward our brothers and our sisters, especially those who are the most distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, comfort and help.” As we ourselves have been led by the Shepherd, we reach out to others who are in need of care. ACCOMPANY: Find ways, large or small, to “tend the flock” of your family, parish, workplace or community: Write a note to a person who is grieving, invite a quiet co-worker to lunch, provide a listening ear to children or aging parents, introduce yourself to a newcomer at your parish. |
SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2021 Ordinary Time
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
I don’t know about you, but even for the quickest of errands I don’t like to leave my house without my smartphone. Nor would I go on a road trip without my trusty mini-Diet Coke and a snack or two. So I’m struck by what Jesus tells the Apostles when he sends them on their mission to share the Good News: “He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” While it may be hard for us to imagine striking out with only the sandals on our feet, to me this reading is more about what the Apostles did have than what they went without: They had a companion (Jesus sent them two by two) and the spiritual blessings Saint Paul refers to, including a relationship with Jesus and absolute trust in him. Today’s readings remind us to set aside distractions and spend time deepening our relationship with Jesus through prayer, reading the Scriptures, and participating in the sacramental life of the Church. In doing so, we, too, can join in the mission of the early disciples by giving our lives to Jesus and sharing his message with others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT I find the phrase “the new evangelization” somewhat ironic. After all, evangelization is not new, it goes back to the earliest days of the Church, which wouldn’t exist had it not been for the disciples. The “new” part reminds us that we today also share in this mission. The U.S. Catholic bishops describe it succinctly: “The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel.” This call is both simple, and challenging, but we don’t have to be perfect. After all, just as God called Amos, a humble shepherd, and Jesus called the Twelve, a motley group of fishermen, he calls us. Like them, our first “task” isn’t a task at all – it is placing God and our relationship with Jesus at the center of our lives. Only then can we effectively share the Gospel with others, inviting our brothers and sisters to a life in Christ – to become part of God’s adopted family. WITNESS: At the end of Sunday Mass, we often hear the words: “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” As we are sent forth, let us ask God to show us how we can share the Gospel with others during the week ahead. Then pay attention to where the Spirit leads us in answering our prayer. |
SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 Ordinary Time
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
I’m struck by phrases in today’s first and second readings: The prophet Ezekiel is told that those to whom he will be sent are “hard of face and obstinate of heart”; and Saint Paul aptly describes a “thorn in the flesh” as having been given to him. He even refers to this thorn as “an angel of Satan.” These are descriptive images! So, I wondered, What do these images look like in practice? The Gospel gives us a clear example: those who grew up with Jesus refuse to see him as a prophet. At one time in my life, I might have said to myself: “Wow, I can’t believe people of his own time would reject Jesus!” However, as I grow older, I’m conscious not only of more physical aches and pains, but the “thorn in the flesh” of patterns I’m not particularly proud of – cynicism, pessimism, even hard-heartedness and a closed mind. The “they” in today’s readings hits closer to home and strikes me more as “we” than it used to. And yet, as Saint Paul reminds us, we can bring our imperfections to God and pray for grace to give us strength in our weakness, hearts open to God’s love, and ears ready to hear the Gospel and be transformed by Jesus. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT When Jesus returned to his hometown, he was not exactly greeted like a “hometown hero.” His contemporaries could see him only as a carpenter, and not the Messiah: “So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.” We know that Jesus went on to perform the mightiest of deeds – dying and rising from the dead. And yet, even today, he would be “amazed at our lack of faith.” Today’s Gospel and the other readings encourage us to do a check-up of our spiritual health and pray for the grace to continue to grow in faith. We can also pray for others who may be questioning or have lost their faith, inviting them to consider coming to church with us or simply offering to pray with and for them. REFELCT: For a more intentional look at whatever thorns might be in your side, and what weaknesses those contribute to, consider doing a retreat. Attend an in-person retreat at a local retreat house, or look into online options for a guided retreat at home. |
SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021 Ordinary Time
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
“Do not be afraid; just have faith.” It’s likely we’ve heard and seen Jesus’ reassuring words or even shared them with others. When I read the story of Jairus and his daughter, I thought of a man with whom I spoke recently. As his lungs failed him during a bout with coronavirus, doctors advised him to say good-bye to his wife and daughters before they placed him on a ventilator. “I was expecting to wake up in heaven,” he said, recalling the moment not as one of fear or panic, but of deep peace. In today’s Gospel passage, Jairus had that kind of “fearless faith” as well, placing his daughter’s life wholly in Jesus’ hands even as others in the crowd ridiculed him. When we pray or ask for God’s healing, we can’t know the outcome. But we can pray for the gifts of faith and courage, placing our lives in God’s loving hands. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT When I was a child, my aunt would always encourage us to make the sign of the cross when we passed an ambulance or accident scene. In her concern for the strangers at the side of the road, my aunt was giving us a lesson in compassion, which stands in marked contrast to the crowds who ridiculed Jairus as he desperately sought help for his daughter. The Church has a rich tradition of intercessory prayer, encouraging us to pray for the needs of others. Today’s readings remind me that we can share our faith by praying for others who are sick, dying, grieving, or struggling in some way. Likewise, we can ask others to pray for us, trusting that God will hear our prayers. PRAY: Do you ever offer to pray for someone and then completely forget? Try writing each person’s name on a Post-it and placing it on your bedside table. Other ideas: Pray the Rosary while driving or exercising, devoting a decade to each person; include prayers for others when you say Grace before meals; as soon as you offer to pray for someone, drop everything and do it! |
SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021 Ordinary Time
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
A number of editorials, blog posts, and other commentaries of late have declared “languishing” as the “mood,” or dominant emotion, of 2021. This is not depression, but rather a series of emotions that wear away at our sense of purpose and belonging. Those who languish experience apathy and a lack of motivation, all while participating in the daily activities of life. Yes, I said to myself, that’s it exactly! After the craziness of these last 15 months … I think these writers are on to something! Therefore, I am particularly moved by God’s providence and grace in providing an antidote to the emptiness of languishing in today’s Scriptures. In the second reading, Paul writes with such urgency that “the love of Christ impels us” to live not for ourselves, but for the sake of Christ who died for all. The word “impel” differs from “compel,” because it implies a strong moral force from within. And in the Gospel, we see that for Christians, that inner force springs from faith, a faith that can endure both the violent squalls of life and the sense of being adrift that we can’t always put our finger on. Like Paul, our faith impels us to refocus our lives on our love of Christ and others. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT It occurs to me that we Catholics have myriad opportunities to avail ourselves of those graces, and to strengthen our faith. Languishing can be replaced with flourishing, and a recapturing of the knowledge of who we belong to: the Lord. Praying for others during Mass, reading and discussing a spiritual book with a friend, volunteering at a soup kitchen or shelter, offering to help drive refugees or senior citizens to medical appointments, or participating in a young (or older) adult parish activity – these are all actions that empty us of apathy and fill us with gratitude. The pandemic has been tragic, and terrifying, and life-altering. But God remains steadfast. We will face our share of storms, but we can rest assured that Jesus is our anchor as we move forward in faith. PRAY: Feeling blah? Re-read Paul’s letter (2 Cor 5:14-17) and ask God to help you remember that you are God’s beloved – with dignity, value, and purpose. Trust that “whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.” |
SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2021 Ordinary Time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
Many years ago, I met someone whose attentive hospitality cast a seed in me that took root and enabled me to grow as a disciple of Jesus. At the meetings I attended with her, Sister Bridget would immediately greet everyone with a smile, outstretched hand, and, “Hello, I’m Sister Bridget; what’s your name?” You couldn’t help but feel at ease with her warm greeting, but it didn’t end there. Throughout the encounter, she remained just as positive and as completely present as she had in the beginning. Just like the parable of the man scattering seed in today’s Gospel, Sister Bridget didn’t know how the seed of God’s word would grow as she sowed it in her unique, joyful way. To her, maybe her graciousness was the smallest gesture. But the Lord allowed it to sprout and grow, yielding fruit and a bountiful harvest. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Today’s Gospel verse within the Alleluia proclaims, “The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower. All who come to him will live forever.” By our baptism, we are called to continue the work of Christ, sowing the word of God in our world. This may seem an intimidating expectation for all of us who doubt that we have the expertise to “sow” God’s word. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the crowds that the kingdom of God is like the smallest of seeds, that once sown, becomes the largest of plants. If we believe in Christ and “aspire to please him,” God can use our smallest gestures to sow his word in the world. We may not see how our small acts of kindness accomplish this. But if we scatter these “seeds” out of love for God, we can trust they will take root, grow abundantly, and call others to “come to him [and] live forever.” INVITE: What “seeds” of welcome can you scatter among those you encounter? Make your “random acts of kindness” regular, intentional acts that express God’s love. As St. Thérèse of Lisieux said: “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love." |
SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2021 Ordinary Time
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
It takes only a few moments of holding one’s breath to realize how desperately we need oxygen to survive. If only we were always as cognizant and mindful of the importance of the Eucharist for the same reason! I, for one, confess to approaching the altar with fervent belief in the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, but also at times doing so while distracted or not fully appreciative of the gift being given to me. But today’s solemnity is a powerful reminder not to take the Eucharist for granted. It is the Church’s formal and official homage to Jesus Christ who, “with his own blood” obtained for us eternal redemption. St. Thomas Aquinas offers this description of how wonderful, precious, and important the Eucharist is with the following words: “The only-begotten Son of God, wishing to enable us to share in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that by becoming man he might make us gods.” (Opusc. 57, 1-4) Like the disciples on the night of the Last Supper, we, too, receive the body and blood of Jesus under the appearance of bread and wine. He dwells within us, intercedes for us, and through grace he transforms us. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT Spending time with our Lord at Eucharistic adoration is a profound opportunity to open our hearts to him. Just as we know that we cannot love others well if we don’t love ourselves, likewise we cannot share the love of Christ with others well if we don’t take time to allow Christ to enter our hearts and our lives. By taking the time to talk to Jesus and listen, we can, in turn, witness to his love to others. We can use this time to pray for a specific person, seek help with a personal dilemma, or ask the Lord to show us where we need repentance and conversion in our own lives so as to be more like him. The more we are conformed to Christ, the better we can bring Christ to the world. STUDY: Draw closer to the Lord through meditation on the meaning of the Eucharist by reading these “basic questions and answers” about the Real Presence: |
SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
The first thing that came to mind when hearing the readings for this feast was the song, How Can I Keep from Singing? Moses’ words attest to the wonders of God and his continual care and “championing” for us. This all-powerful God chose us to be his own; he created us in love and desires for us to be with him forever. He loves us enough to have become one of us – to live and breathe and suffer as one of us! While on earth as Jesus Christ, he showed us, in healing and forgiving, the depth of his merciful and unconditional love. Through the Son we are made adopted children of God, co-heirs with Christ to the promises of the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is sent to remain with us – always – demonstrating the steadfastness and faithfulness of God to his people and drawing others to the Father’s love. And we, members of the Body of Christ, are commissioned to go “and make disciples of all nations,” that all may be given the pathway to the Kingdom. With all this Good News, how can we keep from singing? GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT “When they all saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.” These words jumped out at me from today’s Gospel. After all the Apostles had witnessed, even after their encounters with Jesus following his resurrection, they doubted. That is, until Jesus reassured them that “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Then, look out! Once empowered by the Spirit, the disciples no longer doubt. In readings from the Acts of the Apostles throughout the Easter season, we have heard how the Apostles are transformed into bold and relentless preachers and leaders, healers and miracle workers, by their belief in the power of the Holy Spirit. And they can’t suppress the joy they know in believing the Good News. We were made for this joy, and for sharing it as the earliest disciples did. Given all that God has done for us, how can we not? STUDY: Read Scripture verses or hymns that rejoice in God’s love and bring you joy. (Phil 4:4-9 is a good start). Pray the Act of Faith to reaffirm your belief in the Trinity. Be a joyful Christian! |
SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2021
Pentecost Sunday Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE
“Come, Holy Spirit!” On Pentecost Sunday, which we celebrate 50 days after Easter, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. The readings use the language of the senses to describe the powerful presence of the Spirit: A breath, a mighty wind, tongues of fire, a cacophony of languages somehow understood by all. Jesus sends the Spirit upon each of us as well. And while we may not experience the Holy Spirit with our physical senses, I bet each one of us has sensed the Spirit’s presence at different times in life: a homily that deeply resonated, a sense of awe at God’s creation, a “moral compass” that guided us toward what is right, or when we found the words to console a friend in crisis or vice versa. Just as the Spirit transformed the disciples and emboldened them to build up the Church by carrying on Jesus’ mission, we, too, can ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and strengthen us to be a force for love and unity in our families, parishes, and communities. GO EVANGELIZE | PRAYER, INVITATION, WITNESS, ACCOMPANIMENT In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends his disciples out to continue his ministry, assuring them of the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide them. We, too, have been given the gifts of the Holy Spirit and commissioned to use them to build up the Church. Well before we learned about concepts such as “emotional intelligence” or skills tests, Saint Paul assured the Corinthians that there are many different gifts and ministries, but the same Spirit. Our gifts may even change as we move from one chapter of life to another. For example, high school and college students may help lead retreats or participate in service projects, young adults may build a parish website or lead a Bible study, those who are homebound may offer to pray for others in their parish. For followers of Christ, the only option not on the table is becoming complacent. As we move from the Easter season to “Ordinary Time,” let’s invite the Holy Spirit to show us how to be “extra-ordinary” in our discipleship in the coming days and weeks. Then follow through. PRAY: Do you sometimes get the Monday blahs? Try starting the day with the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance (and some pep in our step!) as we begin the week: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. |
SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Written by THE FAITHFUL DISCIPLE